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MIS 3053
Database Design & Applications
The University of Tulsa
Professor: Akhilesh Bajaj
RM/SQL Lecture 1
©Akhilesh Bajaj, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004. All
rights reserved.
Goals for Today
• Learn the basics of the relational model
• Learn the notions of superkeys, candidate keys and primary
• Get started with relational algebra
- Basics of relational algebra
- The select operation
-The project operation
-The assignment operation
What is a Data Model?
• It is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data,
data relationships, data semantics and consistency constraints.
• Essentially answers the following questions:
- What is data?
- How are the data related to each other?
- How can we query the data and change it?
- How do we ensure that the data represents a correct
view of the real world (data integrity)?
• Examples of data models include the relational model,
the ER model, the network model and the hierarchical
• The network and hierarchical models are found on older
mainframe systems (usually in large organizations).
Basics of the Relational Model
• Primary model used today for data-processing applications
• Database systems like Oracle, Sybase, Informix, etc. support
this model.
• Has strong theory associated with it.
• Proposed in 1970-71 and became mainstream in the early
1980-s onwards.
• Still the most robust model out there, many experts predict
it will be around for tens of years more.
Basics of the Relational Model
• A database represents information about the enterprise.
• Information is structured, so as to be easy to store, retrieve
and modify.
• In the relational model, the information is structured by
means of a relational schema.
• A relational schema consists of the table names (also called
relation names), the column names (or attribute names),
the primary keys of each table and a few more
objects we will study.
• In the ER module, we learnt how to capture user requirements
in the ER model, and to map this to a simple relational schema.
Basics of the Relational Model
Example of a relational schema:
PROFESSORS(fac_id, f_name, research_interest)
COURSES(c_num, c_name, num_credits)
TEACH(fac_id, c-num)
• Once we have a schema, the actual information is stored in
the form of rows (tuples). Each row represents a “piece”
or record of information that represents a part of the real world.
A table can never have
duplicate rows.
Example of rows:
Akhilesh Bajaj
Information Systems
Sudha Ram
Database Modeling
Rows or records or tuples
Basics of the Relational Model
• Each attribute in a table has a domain. The domain is the
set of values that the attribute can take. This is analogous to
domains in the ER model.
• An attribute can have only one value at a time in a row,
and the value is atomic (cannot be further broken up).
• It is possible for attributes to have a null value, provided
they are not part of the primary key of the table.
Null can mean one of two things, we don’t know which.
E.g., a dependent value being null could mean that there are
no dependents, OR that there are dependents but we don’t
have information on them.
Superkeys, Candidate Keys, Primary Keys
• A superkey is any set of attributes in a table, such that
no 2 rows can have the same values when we consider
all the attributes in the superkey together.
E.g., (s_id, name, address, GPA, age), (s_id, name),
(s_id, address), (s_id, GPA) are all sets of attributes
that are examples of superkeys for the table STUDENTS.
• A candidate key is a superkey of a table such that
no subset of these attributes is also a superkey.
E.g., (s_id) is a candidate key of STUDENTS.
• A table can have several superkeys and more than one of these
may be candidate keys. A primary key is selected from these
candidate keys. Usually, if the table represents real-world
objects, we designate an id as a primary key.
Superkeys, Candidate Keys, Primary Keys
All possible attribute
sets of a table T
All possible superkeys
of a table T
One set of
attributes that make
up the primary key of
table T
All possible candidate keys of a table T
Basics of Relational Algebra
• Relational algebra is the query language of the
relational model.
• Recall that in a data model, we need to be able to ask questions
of the data also. We did not cover this in the ER model.
• Query languages are procedural or non-procedural.
• In a procedural language, the user instructs the database
system to perform a series of steps. Relational Algebra is
• In a non-procedural language, the user describes the
information desired, without giving a specific procedure for
obtaining that information. SQL is non procedural.
Basics of Relational Algebra
• The fundamental operations in relational algebra are:
- Select
- Set Difference
- Cartesian Product
- Rename
[There are other operations as well.]
• In relational algebra, the input to an operation is one or two
relations (or tables) , and the output of an operation is
one relation.
• Select, project, rename are unary operators (input is one table)
• Union, set difference, cartesian product are binary operators
(input is two tables).
The Select Operation
• Operator: SELECT or
• Works on: One table
• Semantics: End result is the set of rows from the table that
satisfy a given condition.
• Condition: based on some attribute values and >,<, =,
<>, >=, <=, AND, OR, NOT.
name=“Akhilesh” AND research_interest = “MIS”
is a condition.
The above expression yields an output table whose rows satisfy
the condition. The columns remain the same.
The Project Operation
• Operator: PROJECT or
• Works on: One table
• Semantics: End result is the set of columns from the table that
are specified.
Column Specification: column-name1, column-name2, ….
The above expression yields an output table that contains only
the columns that are specified.
Has 3 columns
yields as output a table with only one column: f_name.
The Assignment Operation
• Operator: ASSIGN or
• Works on: Two tables
• Semantics: The relational algebra expression on the right
is assigned to the table on the left (usually a temporary table).
This allows us to write an expression as a sequence of
• Syntax: temp_table1
Relational Algebra Expression
E.g., temp1
assigns the expression on the right to temp1.