Transcript File

Why Study Religion?
 Religion
IS current events!
– If you read anything about Israel versus
the Palestinians, this story is essentially
about religion!
– If you read anything about Muslims
in the media, this story is
about religion!
At the end of this lesson, you will…
Know who founded
 Understand the
geographic origins
of Judaism
 Know some
essential Jewish
stories, customs
and holidays.
World Religions: An Introduction
What is Religion?
 Few
factors have influenced the
history of the world more than
religion. From the spread of
language to the clothes people wear,
religion has played a major role.
 Throughout
history, religion has
played a key role in shaping events.
What is religion?
 Through
the centuries, people have
done much good in the name of
religion, but religious differences
have also been the source of division
and conflict.
Religion is multifaceted
 There
are many religious “sects” and
denominations (too many to count!)
 There
are also millions of people who
do not follow any faith
– Some follow moral codes or philosophies
– Some do not believe in any divine
powers (atheism)
“The basic five”
 There
are 5 major religions that we
will be studying
– Judaism
– Christianity
– Islam
– Buddhism
– Hinduism
World Religions: Judaism
History of Religion
 Back
in the “old days” – 4000 years
ago and beyond – most people
believed there were a lot of different
gods or goddesses that controlled
 This
concept is called polytheism
(belief in many gods)
The Hebrew People
 The
Hebrews were an early people in
Southwest Asia. Later they were
known as the Israelites.
 Today
they are the Jews, the
founders of the first monotheistic
religion: Judaism.
History of Judaism
The start of Judaism is
actually found in the first
five books of the Hebrew
Bible (which is the Old
Testament writings in
Christian scripture).
These books are called
the Torah.
The Torah holds the
early history, laws, and
beliefs of the Hebrews.
The founder of Judaism
Around 2000 BCE,
Yahweh (God) spoke to
Abraham and told him
to spread the word that
there was only ONE
Abraham was a
shepherd in this
location: 30 N, 46 E.
Find it on the map!
The Covenant
 Abraham
and his family stopped
worshipping idols and began following
ONE God- monotheism!
 Because
their beliefs were so different
Abram’s family was persecuted.
 God
made a covenant, a binding
agreement, with Abraham and promised
Canaan to him and his descendants. This
is “The Promised Land,” a place to
practice their faith openly.
In the“Promised Land”
• Canaan is located in
present day Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, and
• While in Canaan,
there was a terrible
famine and the
starving Israelites
went to Egypt.
Egyptian Slavery
Around 1440-1220 BCE a
different Pharaoh came to power
and enslaved the Israelites. They
were forced to work on his
building projects. They were
persecuted and mistreated to the
point where many died.
The Pharaoh decided to kill all the
Israelite newborn boys to keep
the people from coming into
Holy Moses!
Moses was born an Israelite but was given up
as a baby by his mother to protect him from
The Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and took
him as her own to raise in the palace.
He was well-liked, but ran away after killing an
Egyptian who hit Israelite slave.
In the desert he saw a “burning
bush”- a bush on fire but wasn’t
burnt. From it came the voice of
Moses went to the Pharaoh, but he wouldn‘t let his
people go. Moses warned him God would punish him,
but he Pharaoh didn‘t care, and so God sent Ten
Plagues upon the Pharaoh and his armies.
Finally, the Pharaoh gave up and allowed the Jews to
The Jews were so excited to leave that they didn’t
even wait for their bread to rise…which is why
unleavened “flat bread” is so important to the Jewish
The Ten Commandments
 Moses
and the people wandered
through the Sinai Desert.
 There,
Moses climbed Mount Sinai
and God spoke to him, giving him
two stone tablets containing the Ten
 These
ten rules became the basis of
the Israelites religious and social
The Jewish Struggle
Fought for 200 years to regain Canaan.
 597 BCE: the “Babylonian Exile”Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem
 167-161 BCE: The Maccabees revolt against
the Hellenistic Greek Empire.
 60 – 120 CE: Jewish-Roman Wars
 1095-1291: Christian Crusades
 1880-1920: Russian and /Ukraine pogroms
 1938-1945: The Holocaust - 6 million Jews are
exterminated and thousands are refugees
 1948 – Present: The Jewish state of Israel
created, and conflict ensues.
Jewish Faith Today
 There
are 14 million followers.
 It is the 12th largest religion in the world.
 The majority of followers live in Israel,
Europe, and USA.
 There are three forms: Orthodox,
Reform, and Conservative.
 Jewish celebrations are often
centered around Jewish
historical events.
Hanukah is NOT the Jewish
version of Christmas!!
Instead, Hanukah is the festival of lights.
Jewish temples have “eternal lights” which are
lamps that are always lit.
The Jewish temple was rededicated after a
period of persecution and the revolt by the
Maccabees in 167-161 BCE. The eternal light
was rekindled but there was only enough oil for
a few days.
The oil lasted for eight days, until more oil
could be found.
Bar (or Bat) Mitvah
Bar Mitzvah takes place
when a boy turns
Bat mitzvah is the same,
but for girls.
The first act of adulthood
is reading from the Torah
scroll during services
The Jewish Sabbath
All Jewish holy days begin at
sundown and end at sundown.
The Shabbat (Sabbath) begins
at sundown each Friday and
lasts until dark on Saturday.
There is a special Sabbath
meal which includes special
foods, songs and readings and
Test Time
How much do you remember?
Answer the following questions to find
out just how much you really KNOW!
(click the navigation buttons)
Question One:
Who is the founder of Judaism?
Answer One:
Abraham (Abram)
Question Two:
The name of the area that was
promised to the Jewish people by
God; now known as Israel…
Answer Two
The “Promised Land”
(also known now
as the country of
Question Three:
Known as the Festival of Lights, this
holiday celebrates that the oil in the
temple lasted for eight days, instead
of just one day…
Answer Three
Question Four
Who led the Jews from slavery in
(hint: he was personally given the Ten
Commandments by God)
Answer Four
Question Five:
God changed water into blood.
God made frogs appear everywhere.
God put lice everywhere.
God sent flies everywhere.
All livestock were mysteriously killed.
The Egyptian people developed gross sores.
Hailstones and fire destroyed crops.
God sent locusts to eat the crops
Darkness everywhere EXCEPT where the Jews were.
The oldest son in every Egyptian family died
What were these called?
Answer Five:
The Ten Plagues of Egypt
Bonus Question:
What is Polytheism?
Bonus Answer:
Belief in many gods,
not just one.