Transcript File

1.Sit down at a group of tables (do not
move tables)
2. Clear your desk (one person keep
paper and pencil)
3. Choose a team name
Round 1
1. As a firework combusts, light energy, thermal energy, and
sound energy are released. Explain how this illustrates the law
of conservation of energy.
2. When constructing a dam, why would you want to raise the
water as high as possible?
3. Roller coaster A goes down a 50 meter hill. Roller coaster B
goes down a 75 meter hill. Which would be going faster at the
4. When a person swings on a swing, what kind(s) of energy
do they have?
5. If a ball is pushed down a hill,_______________ energy
turns into _______________energy.
Round 2
6. Which form of energy deals with atoms dividing or
fusing together to form new atoms?
7. Give an example of something that transforms
chemical energy into electrical energy.
8. Give an example of something that transforms
electrical energy to light energy.
9. What is “energy of motion”?
10. Why does a light bulb feel hot when you touch it?
Round 3
11. What are the three types of thermal energy transfer?
12. In a pot of soup, most of the soup is heated through
which type of thermal energy transfer?
13. When the sun shines on the earth’s surface, which type
of thermal energy transfer is this?
14. If you dip a metal spoon in a cup of hot chocolate
energy moves from the hot chocolate to the spoon because
particles of hot chocolate vibrate particles of the
15. Why are bridges designed with expansion joints
between sections?
Round 4
16. A thermometer is placed in a cold glass of ice water.
Describe what happens to the particles of colored liquid in
the thermometer when the liquid’s volume decreases
causing the line of colored liquid in the thermometer to go
17. What is the difference between heath and temperature?
18. How does energy transfer when there is no air? For
example, through the vacuum of space?
19. What is the law of conservation of energy?
20. If a car is parked on top of a hill, would adding or
subtracting people increase its potential energy?
Round 5
21. Which phase of matter contains molecules that have
the most energy?
22. If you jump on a trampoline, when is your potential
energy at the maximum?
23. As an apple falls from a tree, the apple’s
_____________________energy increases while its
___________________energy decreases.
24. What kinds of energy does a bicycle coasting down a
hill have?
25. What is temperature?
Round 6
26. When thermal energy flows from one material to
another, the thermal energy is called _______________.
27. What type of heat transfer occurs when less dense
warm particles rise and more dense cool particles take
their place?
28. Why does an iron cool after it is turned off?
29. Draw a line representing the temperature of the
water if you placed an ice cube tray full of water in the
30. Which color absorbs the most heat?
Round 7
31. In condensation, thermal energy decreases or increases?
(circle one)
32. Compared with the Atlantic Ocean, a cup of hot coffee
has more than, less than, or the same amount of energy?
(circle one)
33. Which would have more kinetic energy: a Honda Accord
travelling 30 m/s or a Honda Accord travelling 50 m/s?
(circle one)
34. A car converts ________ energy to mostly _________ and
35. When a rolling soccer ball stops moving, what happened
to its kinetic energy?