energy photo shoot

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Transcript energy photo shoot

Mr. Eckberg
November 03, 2009
What is Energy?
• Energy is the ability to cause a change in matter.
 Solar energy is energy
that comes from the
sun. Many buildings
have solar panels to
conserve energy.
Heat energy is a form of energy that comes from
random motions of atoms and molecules of any
substance. This dryer has heat energy because
it uses heat to dry the clothes that are inside it.
Potential Energy
 Potential energy is
the energy an object
has because of its
position or condition.
My dog has potential
energy because
when I let go of the
leash he will be
The energy stored in
fuel is chemical energy.
These batteries are
great examples of
chemical energy. These
bateries has energy
stored inside.
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy is
energy in motion. This
fan has kinetic energy
because it is moving
Electrical Energy
 Electrical energy is energy is energy that
needs electricity to run. My stove has
electrical energy because it uses electricity
to cook food.
Kinetic Energy
This is another great
example of kinetic
energy. I have kinetic
energy because I am
running and that is
energy in motion.
Light Energy
Light energy is energy that produces light. This light
bulb has light energy because it produces light.
Heat Energy
This is another
example of heat
energy. My toaster has
heat energy because it
produces a lot of heat
when it is toasting
different things.
Gravitational Energy
• Gravitational energy is the amount of potential
energy an object has because of how far away it
is from the ground. The highest ball has the
most gravitational energy because when it falls it
will come down with more force.
The End