Transcript Document

Week Of: October 20-24, 2014
Mrs. Scott’s
November 11 – Conferences (4:00-7:00)
November 13 – PIE Meeting 9:30 @ Broadway
November 19 Cookie Dough Pick Up 4-6
Week in Review
This week we met Mr. X-Ray and Yetta
Yoyo. We went on an exciting treasure hunt
because X marks the spot. We had many
centers that used treasure to help with sight
words and numbers. We wrote in our
journals about what we would do if we were
pirates. The class has been working so
hard on writing independently. It was great!
During groups, we investigated pictures
with magnifying glasses, practiced writing
the numbers 0-10 in sand, and played many
pirate word and math games including
using eye patches to spell words and
tossing rings onto a pirate hook to model
Theme for the Week: ZZZZ Turkey Makes Me
Letters of the Week: Zz
Science/Social Studies: US symbols – Veteran’s Days/
history – story of the first Thanksgiving
Math: Numbers 0-10. Ways to make 10 (Addition)
Popcorn Words: “then” and “and”
Upcoming Food: None
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
More News….
Items Needed
We could use a few items in our
classroom. If you would like to
donate that is wonderful!
Small treasures for our treasure box
Dixie cups
Monthly Assessment
You are receiving the monthly
assessment for October. Please use
these to guide your practice. It is
important to keep pace with letters,
sounds, and words that are
introduced. These skills are so
important when reading and writing.
Things to Practice
-Sorting/ Graphing- create a graph with candy
from trick or treat night and see what you have
the most and least of.
-Look for Rainbow words in commercial print and
while reading with your child.
-Make rainbow words using magnetic letters.
-Practice writing the numbers 0-10 in pumpkin,
shaving cream, cool whip, or applesauce.
-Sound out to write a grocery list for the week.
-Discuss the election
-CONTINUE to practice velcro, zipping,
snapping, putting on hats, gloves, pulling the
sleeves out… Try making it a game and see who
can do it the fastest and time yourself and them.
-Read – a cup of hot chocolate and a book are a
great pair!
Have a GREATweekend!