Create a Crossword

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Create a Crossword
You should have 24 personal vocabulary words
from your reading of Chew on This. You will
use at least 20 of them to make a crossword
puzzle on graph paper.
This crossword puzzle is for a grade.
1. Choose 20 of your words to use in your
crossword puzzle. It will easier to make your
crossword if you go ahead and list the words
so you can see where they might intersect.
2. Make your crossword puzzle using the same
size boxes for each letter. Some of your words
should be horizontal (across) and some
should be vertical (down). Every word has to
cross with another word at some point in the
puzzle. You should also number each word.
3. As you go, make sure you are writing down the
definition for each of your words with the
corresponding number and direction.
4. When you think you are finished, make sure you
have the following:
- correct # of boxes for each words
- number for each word
- definition listed for each words
- all words cross another words at a letter they
have in common.
5. When you finish, fill out your crossword with
the correct word OR let a friend give it a try!