Transcript 1-2 page

Unit 4 Seminar
Chapter 6 and 7
HS 200: Diseases of the Human Body
Dr. Allan Ayella
Unit 4 Agenda
Over-view of Unit 3
 Unit 4 Expectations
 Seminar discussion
 Conclusion
Over-view of Unit 3
Any issues with unit 3 that need
instructor’s attention?
Unit 3 Expectations
Capstone Project
Research Paper
Write a 1-2 page paper (including separate title and
reference pages). The paper must be at least 500
words. Identify the factors that could have caused
or lead (Pathogenesis) to the particular disease or
condition, the signs and symptoms, and other
affected body systems that are associated with
the disease or condition.
Integumentary System-Background
Name examples of accessory organs that are found
on the skin?
Common skin symptoms
cutaneous lesions or eruptions
 pruritis (itching)
 pain
 edema (swelling)
 erythema (redness)
 inflammation
Common skin lesions
 plaque
 cyst
 pustule
 scale
 burrow
 nodule
 vesicle
 crust
 fissure
 comedo
Discuss any of the above skin
lesions as briefly as you can- pg 234
and 235
Identify the elevated skin lesions
Correct answer
Identify the elevated skin lesions
 Nodule
 Bulla/Vesicle
 Pustule
Another (s) name for comedone is
Correct answer
Another (s) name for comedone is
White head (if the follicle is closed)
Black head (if the follicle is open)
Common skin disorders
 Seborrheic dermatitis
 Contact dermatitis
 Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
 Psoriasis
Common skin disorders
What is the main difference between
seborrheic dermatitis and contact dermatitis?
Correct answer
What is the main difference between
seborrheic dermatitis and contact
dermatitis ?
◦ seborrheic dermatitis – idiopathic condition
resulting in overproduction of sebum
◦ contact dermatitis – localized redness and swelling
caused by an irritant or allergen
Other skin disorders
Acne vulgaris: an inflammatory disease of
the sebaceous glands and hair follicles
 Herpes zoster (shingles): an acute
inflammatory dermatomal eruption of
painful vesicles
Impetigo: contagious, superficial skin
 Cellulitis: acute, diffuse, bacterial infection
of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Tinea capitis
 Tinea corporis (ringworm)
 Tinea unguium
 Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot)
 Tinea cruris (jock itch)
Patient teaching moment
A patient was sent home from school
with possibility of head lice. You have
been instructed to provide the parents
and patient with printed information
regarding the condition. How will you
handle this patient-teaching moment?
Skin carcinomas
Non-melanoma skin cancers
◦ Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
◦ Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Malignant melanomas
◦ The ABCs of malignant melanoma:
A = asymmetry
B = border
C = color
D = diameter
Identify the following
Identify the following
Identify the following
Identify the following
Musculoskeletal system
Skeletal system
Joints (pot?)
Musculoskeletal disorders
 Spinal disorders
 Osteoarthritis
 Lyme disease
 Bursitis
 Osteomyelitis
 Gout
 Paget’s disease
 Marfan’s syndrome
 Musculoskeletal
Hallux Valgus
Hallux Rigidus
Hammer toe
Traumatic and sports
Osteoarthritis- Pg 286
An established patient with a history of osteoarthritis
is undergoing on-going therapy, which includes drug
therapy and gentle exercise regimen. The patient is
discouraged because of increased pain and loss of
mobility.The physician instructs you to provide printed
information regarding the therapeutic diets and
exercise for the patient. Additionally, you are to review
intended effects of the prescribed drug therapy. How
do you handle this patient-teaching opportunity?
Traumatic and Sports Injuries
What is the main difference between strains
and sprains?