Transcript LAB 7

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫‪Medical Mycology‬‬
‫‪Lab 7‬‬
Fungal infections - mycoses
Types of Mycoses
Fungal infection in or on any part of animales or
humen body. (adisease caused by fungi)
1- Superficial
affects only Outer skin layer /hair/nails**
does not extend to tissues
no immune response, caused mostly by yeasts
Dalia Al Sarar
• Tinea versicolor (= Pityriasis versicolor)
Caused by Malassezia furfur – Normal flora of skin and scalp The
main symptom is patches of discolored skin with sharp borders
(edges). The patches are often dark reddish-tan in color. in the
back, underarms, upper arms, chest, and neck
Dalia Al Sarar
2- cutaneous = Dermatophytosis
extend deeper into epidermas ,the organism that cause these
disease called dermatophytes.
Groupe of tree type of fungus causes skin disease
These genera are
And ther are 40 species in these three genera.
3- sub cutaneous
under skin; infection grows primarily within the dermis,
sometimes later extending to nearby
muscle and bone
internal organs, lungs, bloodstream, internal mucous
membranes (e.g., mouth, genitourinary tract, large
intestine)Mostly originating in the lung caused by virulent
dimorphic fungi
Dalia Al Sarar
Examples of Mycoses
Tinea is the name of a group of diseases caused by
a fungus
Clinical classification based on location:
•Tinea pedis
Athlete's foot causes itching and flaking , burning
and cracked skin between toes
Dalia Al Sarar
• Tinea cruris
– Starts in groin area causes an itchy, burning rash
(“Jock itch”)
– Causes by Trychophytun rubrum
Dalia Al Sarar
•Tinea corporis
Ringworm is a red skin rash that forms a ring around
normal-looking skin on the arms, legs, face, or other
body areas.
Dalia Al Sarar
Dalia Al Sarar
Tinea barbae
Tinea barbæ (also known as "Barber's •
itch,""Ringworm of the beard,". Tinea barbae
is due to a dermatophytic infection around the
bearded area of men.
Dalia Al Sarar
Dalia Al Sarar
•it can diagnose Athlete's foot simply by looking at skin. If tests are needed, they may include:
Microscopic test 40-70% of infection identifies by this techiniqe.
•Skin culture test
•Skin lesion biopsy
•Skin lesion KOH exam
it can often diagnose tinea corporis by how the skin looks.In some cases, the following tests may be done:
•Looking at a skin scraping of the rash under the microscope using a KOH (potassium hydroxide) test
•Skin lesion biopsy
A skin scraping that is examined under a microscope should show the yeast. A drop of potassium hydroxide
is applied to a small scraping of involved skin which is then examined under the microscope
it can usually diagnose jock itch based on how skin looks. Tests are usually not necessary. If tests are
needed to confirm the diagnosis, either a culture or a skin lesion biopsy (for example, a scraping of the
skin) may be done. A KOH (potassium hydroxide) test
Dalia Al Sarar
Treatment requires both systemic oral treatment
with most of the same drugs used in humans—
terbinafine, fluconazole, or itraconazole—as well
as topical "dip" therapy.
Most tinea corporis, cruris, and pedis infections can
be treated with topical agents. Consideration
should be given to systemic treatment when
lesions covering a large body
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Dalia Al Sarar