Skewed Associative Caches with Victim Caches

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File Input and Output
File Input
Input can be read from a variety of
Files are a primary source of input
To read from a file, we must
connect our program to a file
using a Stream, and we can buffer
the data in this Stream with a
File Input
Input can be read from a variety of
Files are a primary source of input
To read from a file, we must
connect our program to a file
using a Stream, and we can buffer
the data in this Stream with a
Java File Input
Several standard classes are helpful
 – stores information about a file on a
computer drive – used to translate data
bytes received from File objects into a stream of
characters – used to buffer (store)
input received from a FileReader object (stores
input as strings).
Example of File Input
System.out.print( "Enter the filename: " ); // Prompt user for a file name
String fileName = stdin.readLine();
// get a file name from the user
File file = new File( fileName );
// create a File object
if ( file.exists() ) {
// check that the file exists
BufferedReader inFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( file ) );
// Read in a line of the file
String line = inFile.readLine();
// if the line is not null, print it back to the screen
while ( line != null ){
System.out.println( line );
line = inFile.readLine();
// Close the buffered reader input stream attached to the file
File input Hints
Don’t forget to import*;
File IO can cause Exceptions! We
need to take care of these!
Do not assume readLine( ) will return
valid data
Close the BufferedReader object when
you’re done reading data from the file
File input Hints
Each line in a file might contain
multiple pieces of information
StringTokenizer is an easy way to
divide these pieces into smaller strings
Ex. – A file might store a saved game
and a players information (points,
lives, level, etc.)
 Player1:2500:3:21
Declared and defined:
StringTokenizer <name>;
<name> = new StringTokenizer(String s,String delimiter);
s is the string to break into tokens (smaller strings
Delimiter is the string that is used to divide s into
String info = “Player1:2500:3:21”
StringTokenizer st;
st = new StringTokenizer( info, “:”);
We can then access the individual tokens
with two StringTokenizer methods:
 hasMoreTokens() – true if tokens are left
 nextToken( ) – returns next token (a String)
while(st.hasMoreTokens( ) ){
String s = st.nextToken( );
// DO something with s
S will be these Strings: “Player1”,”2500”,”3”,”21”
This is much like Collections
It is useful in breaking up lines in a file
into smaller data items
It is NOT the best option in all cases
Remember to Convert to numbers from
Strings if necessary
File Output
Writing data to a file is similar to writing
data to the console
You will open a file for writing and then
print to that file any data that you would
like to store there
You must remember to close the file or
risk having some data not be written
and saved to the file
File Output
We will use each of these classes.
FileWriter - used to open a file and
connect an output stream to it.
PrintWriter - used to write strings of
characters (instead of bytes) to any
Writer object.
File Output
When you intend to write data to a file, you
should consider what the appropriate action
to take is if the file already exists.
Overwrite?, Cancel?, Choose a different file?
Ask the user is a good choice
The exists( ) method of the File class can
help you decide what to do
File Output
// Create a FileWriter attached to a file named "out.txt".
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter( "out.txt", false );
// Create a PrintWriter
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( fw, true );
// Buffer some data to write to the file (doesn't actually write until flush)
pw.print( "Some test data that will be written when flush is
// Flush all buffered data to the file.
// Write some data and automatically flush it to the file.
pw.println( data );
// Close the PrintWriter for added safety.
File Output
PrintWriter is easy because you are already
familiar with the print() and println()
We must be careful to choose AND
REMEMBER how we construct the object
Will it always flush the data buffer?
It is safer, but less efficient to always flush. It is
more efficient to wait until the buffer is full
before writing to disk
Always close the PrintWriter object
File Output
Input and output using the standard Java
library of classes is somewhat more
complex than using javabook2 classes.
Experiment and practice with the code
here and online and you will be able to
perform some of the most common input
and output operations in your Java