Design Patterns -

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Design Patterns
Def: Ways of capturing solutions to common occurring problems – typically
specified in UML – assembled in libraries
Look at selected GoF – sampling of Creational, Structural & Behavioural –
structure, examples of usage, mutex/complementary
SQA - Promote consistency and with that reuse and maintainability, yadda…
Provides formulaic way of enhancing systems e.g. new domain data could
mean, new controller/views+new factory+entity+new test cases, new
strategy/algorithm to process, etc – standardizes approach to enhancements
knock on effect: more accurate estimate tf, more timely delivery of releases…
Abstract Factory/Factory Method
- Structural Overview
Purpose & Merits
Common aim: create things!
 Use AF when creating different flavours of related things e.g.
Correspondence (CMF), Different widgets (GoF example) – first class
Use FM when creating a particular type of thing – narrower view of the AF
– sits inside class model – typically, AF’s are 1-N FMs
 Merits: AF – Ideal for fwk/layering (decouples implementation, promotes abstraction/programming
to interfaces/contract), Promotes Separation of responsibilities, Promotes
reuse/consistency (as all good patterns should!), Common approach to implement
concrete AF as Singletons (single level inheritance modelling) or pure static utility – no
 Merits: FM – Flexibility to customize specific types/behaviours, ideal for
frameworks, Promotes reuses/consistency
Examples Usage
sd JNDI - InitialContext creation
Builder pattern example...
Some Client
aContext:= getInitialContext(myJndiHashtableOfProperties)
anInitialContextFactory:= createInitialContextFactory(myJndiHashtableOfProperties)
Singleton - Structural Overview
Maintain a single instance of some class, e.g. Factory – typically, singletons since they
don’t hold state-per-client
Traits: Private constructor, static getInstance() with DCL (Double Checked Lock) to
guarantee integrity of initialisation of singleton reference (see Double Checked Locking:
Clever but, broken
cd Singleton - static v iew
getRuntime() : Runtime
exit(int) : void
addShutdownHook(Thread) : void
removeShutdownHook(Thread) : boolean
halt(int) : void
runFinalizersOnExit(boolean) : void
exec(String) : Process
exec(String, String) : Process
exec(String, String, File) : Process
availableProcessors() : int
freeMemory() : long
totalMemory() : long
maxMemory() : long
gc() : void
runFinalization() : void
traceInstructions(boolean) : void
traceMethodCalls(boolean) : void
load(String) : void
loadLibrary(String) : void
getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream) : InputStream
getLocalizedOutputStream(OutputStream) : OutputStream
Examples of Usage
 Throughout
Java Core libs 1.2,3,4,5.x, much OSS e.g. Log4J’s
 Can introduce inheritance to provide flexibility in type of the object
to maintain a reference to (I have never done this)
 Best seen in factories; used in CMF to manage requests to a 3rd
party service and tracking responses/failure+retry
handling/replaying – singleton kept Map of requests with backing
store used for replay in event of outage (to guarantee at-mostonce processing), response handling/reconciliation through this
single instance
 Could implement a pool of references this way (with reference
counting) – managing a list of instances over the degenerative
Other Creational Patterns
 Builder
– creates something bit-by-bit – pluggable algorithms for
creating X, Y, Z in piecemeal fashion
 Prototype – Class capable of being cloned – primordial instance
used to create others via cloning e.g. Object.clone() – alternative
to AF when #of Cloneables is low, have little variation in state
Proxy – Structural Overview
 Surrogate
for another object e.g. remote proxy – hides
transport/(un)marshalling e.g. RMI Service, Corba Service, Web
Service – controls access to it
Examples of Usage
Often used for implementing security checking prior to performing some
privileged operation perhaps via the SecurityManager and Java 2 Permissions
Web services via JAXRPC can use proxies (stubs) (also DII or stub/proxy-less)
– does things like Type registration, Qname mapping of types, Serializer
registration, etc..
RMI/EJB/Web Services, all generate stubs which in some way proxy the
remote/target service endpoint (In RMI: Lease Management?)
CMF – base implementation of a proxy for an eService handling
marshalling/transport of RPC across messaging boundary (Provider API or PAPI
– silly name, never liked it!)
Other important uses: Testing – Unit testing: very useful java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
Volume testing: detailed profiling troublesome sections of code with a auditing
proxy, database profiling – pSpy – java.sql proxies for most of the java.sql
package(!) profiling/auditing code – don’t forget: pluggable – use Factory to ‘hot
swap’ proxy in and out of implementation (important in unit testing as well as in
Façade – Structure Overview
Provides a unified interface to a selection of subsystems or components
Examples Of Usage
goal is simplification – dealing with a single interface over
 Reduction in coupling which allows easier modification of both
clients/service endpoints
 Some examples in J2EE – use of a Session Bean (usually
stateless) to capture some work or business flow with 1-N
subsystems e.g. CRM, Payment Gateway, Middle-Office/Back
Office components (which front other tiers/systems)
 Key
Adapter – Structural Overview
Allow two incompatible implementations to integrate through an common interface – e.g.
Swing adapters like MouseAdapter – allow receipting of MouseEvents from the AWT Event System
C++ would prescribe multiple inheritance however, this is undesirable and impossible (for good
reasons!) in Java hence, we prefer composition/delegation model (AdapterAdaptee)
Some other good examples of Adapter (Java Connector Architecture) – useful in connecting legacy
systems… Web Services – wrapping existing components implemented in different
language/platform/use different protocols
Differs from Façade in that it doesn’t define a new interface rather it reuses an existing interface
Typically used to cater for incompatibilities or (more likely) applied as an after-thought to facilitate
coupling where not anticipated in initial design work
Examples of Usage
event system related
CMF required an adapter to allow eComs to use
Cybertrust 3rd party integration (via web service
Other Structural Patterns
Bridge “Decouple an abstraction from the implementations so that the two can vary”
(GoF) – abstracts ‘delegate’ to implementations – developing of complex fwks would
best suit this pattern(?)
Composite – Tree structured node abstraction – nodes can be added/removed from
composite but, not from leaf – both share same interface/abstraction but, leaf overrides
to ignore. Can treat entire object graph as single object. Useful in processing XML into
memory for editing (DOM model), SOAP msg has a nested structure suited to composite
– treats all objects the same way (via the abstraction/interface)
Decorator – Changing ‘skin’ not the ‘guts’ – adding additional responsibilities to a class
without subclassing/modifying class – delegation over inheritance (again) Isn’t this
Proxy? No – adds behaviour not access control.
Flyweight – in two words: Pool implementation – manage lots of fine-grain objects with
little intrinsic state, Thread pool, Connection pool,
Chain Of Responsibility –
Structural Overview
 Decouple
requester/requestee with a variable chain of likehandlers and pass request to each allowing 0,1..N handlers
process the request
Examples Of Usage
 Merits:
Reduces coupling between collaborating classes, Flexible
– easy to add new handlers (when complemented with factory) to the chain,
vary granularity of responsibilities across handlers for reuse
 J2EE - Servlet filters are handlers, Axis implements CoR for a
Web Service RPC
 CMF – applies an ‘aggregate’ handler which assembles a chain of
handlers to perform vetting on a correspondence. Each type of
ICorrespondenceHandler is created via a
CorrespondenceHandlerFactory. We didn’t implement AF around
this though to allow for pluggable Handler chains based on
Correspondence type
Template Method – Structural
 Define
skeleton algorithm (template) with invariant steps in base
class – defer specific implementation of one or more steps in the
algorithm to subclasses (via abstract methods)
Examples of Usage
Merits: Fundamental pattern for code reuse
AKA – Inversion of Control (IoC), GoF ref as ‘Hollywood Principle’
Ideal for implementations of fwk and container (Tomcat, JBoss, – e.g.
Entity Bean – container controls lifecycle of bean and informs of changes
CMF used TM for CoR handler implementation (cmd shell behaviour) e.g. TM’s for
handling base cmd line assembly, etc.
Past projects used for implementing a base Action to distil behaviour like,
single-signon (SSO), session management, VO mapping, failure
handling/reporting (Exception=>ActionError) since struts base Action.execute()
throws exceptions (I didn’t like the declarative nature of the exception handling
and wanted more control over error reporting)
Visitor - Structural Overview
Process class hierarchy without modifying hierarchy e.g. validation BO state – implement in visitor
and not in BO itself with other types of processing farmed out to different implementations of visitor
Examples Of Usage
 Use
when… want to add method for only some subclasses in
hierarchy – instead, create new visitor to perform logic from the
method via a ‘visitation’ on those subclasses that require the new
 Merits: Collects like behaviour instead of scattergunning it across
hierarchy, ‘Double dispatch’ – callback on the Visitor allows
runtime binding to any supported class in hierarchy
 CMF – used to assemble a command line for a shell cmd via
processing a type of corro object into a set of arguments to a shell
cmd to process e.g. iprint, iscan, isecure, future ‘i’ utilities
 Sure many OSS projects have used them(!)
Other Behavioural Patterns
Memento – capture object state and reanimate at some later point (inherent facility in
java: serialization)
Iterator – implemented in Java collections fwk
Observer – Listener/callback concept – rife in AWT/Swing and event-driven systems
Interpreter – never used this one(!) – define grammar which an ‘interpreter’ will process
– narrow usage
Mediator – never implemented consciously(!) – perhaps when doing Swing/UI work in
providing dynamic/context-sensitive feel to screens/dialogs e.g. highlight list selection =>
enable button as a consequence.
State – delegation/composition pattern to track state of something – like the visitor it can
promote de-encapsulation.
Strategy – Your basic plugin approach – define interface – couple clients to it, vary the
implementation – in java, reflection used to load implementations via property configured
AF used over TM when varying all of an algorithm
Command – encapsulated logic in a request class – single hook to perform function of
request which can vary in implementation – e.g. AWT/Swing Action – hook to button,
menu, popup, Struts Action another example
Closing pattern… QnA
Power is in combining – template, strategy, command, etc.. Many are complementary
(Factory-with-Template Method, etc..)
Take some advice from Martin Fowler (Is Design Dead?) when commenting on ‘Patterns
and XP’:
Invest time in learning about patterns
Concentrate on when to apply the pattern (not too early)
Concentrate on how to implement the pattern in its simplest form first, then add complexity
If you put a pattern in, and later realize that it isn't pulling its weight - don't be afraid to take it
out again.
Pattern References
Good references: GoF is seminal but, others for Java (Cooper textsx2), (MS site) - Template
Method elaborated…
 -
 - DCL Broken article
Tool support: Enterprise Architect, Rose, Borland/Together, Holocentric, MagicDraw, Poseidon
(ughh), yadda – pattern creation capability