Transcript IntList

Practice with Composite and
Interpreter Patterns
Another Composite Example
Computing with Lists
• An IntList is either:
– Empty(), the empty list, or
– NonEmpty(first,rest), a non-empty list, where
is an int and rest is an IntList.
• Some examples include:
NonEmpty(12, NonEmpty(17, Empty()))
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
This class is located in a library
so it must be imported
abstract class IntList {
abstract int getFirst();
abstract IntList getRest();
class Empty extends IntList {
int getFirst() {
throw new
NoSuchElementException("getFirst applied to Empty()");
int getRest() {
throw new
NoSuchElementException("getRest applied to Empty()");
public String toString() { return "Empty()"; }
class NonEmpty extends IntList {
int first;
IntList rest;
int getFirst() { return first; );
IntList getRest() { return rest; }
public String toString() { return "NonEmpty(" + first + ", " + rest + ")"; }
Remarks on IntList
• The operations getFirst() and getRest() are included
in the abstract class IntList because they are useful
operations for clients of IntList.
• Invoking getFirst() or getRest() on the Empty list is a
run-time error, which we implement by throwing
an exception. The Java throw construct takes an
object of type Exception (which is a built-in class).
In the absence of a catch handler attached to a
method on the call stack, throwing an exception
aborts the computation and prints the String
message embedded in the exception.
Finger Exercise
Open the class in DrJava, compile
it, and try evaluating
new Empty().getFirst()
il1 = new NonEmpty(17, new Empty())
The Singleton Pattern
• Each execution of the expression
new Empty()
creates a new object. In principle, there is only
one empty list, just like there is only one number
0. Hence, we would like to represent the empty
list by a single library.
• The singleton pattern is the mechanism that we
use to create a unique instance of a class. This
pattern consists of two chunks of code:
– a static final field in the class that holds the single
instance of the class
– a private attribute on the class constructor, so no client
can create another instance of the class.
Singleton IntList
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
abstract class IntList {
abstract int getFirst();
abstract IntList getRest();
class Empty extends IntList {
static final Empty ONLY = new Empty();
private Empty() {}
Private constructor
int getFirst() {
throw new
NoSuchElementException("getFirst applied to Empty()");
int getRest() {
throw new
NoSuchElementException("getRest applied to Empty()");
public String toString() { return "Empty()"; }
member holding the unique instance
class NonEmpty extends IntList {
int first;
IntList rest;
int getFirst() { return first; );
IntList getRest() { return rest; }
public String toString() { return "NonEmpty(" + first + ", " + rest + ")"; }