Transcript ppt

CS 177 Week 11 Recitation Slides
Class Design/Custom Classes
Project 4 due 9 pm. Sunday April 4
Class Design Techniques
Reusability: want to create a class that can be useful to programmers
over a period of time without making significant changes.
Documentation: class should be thoroughly documented to allow
users/programmers to know exactly how to use your class without
ever seeing your code
“Less is More”: class should be easy to follow and use. Too many
methods and variables can be confusing. Try to have as many static
and constant members as possible in order to make your class as
easy to use as possible
Future Proof: designing a class that can be useful in an unpredictable
future can be difficult. Design the class to be flexible to allow for easy
updates as technology advances
Privacy: Try to hide as much data as possible (i.e. private members)
to prevent corruption
Class Variables
Remember all classes have properties and methods.
The properties and methods that makeup a class are
called members of the class
By default, members are associated with the object
created as an instance of the class, but not the class
To create members that are directly associated with the
class, use the static keyword. These members are also
known as class variables.
Static Members
Remember: static members can be accessed by static
and regular methods, but non-static members cannot be
accessed by static methods.
Static members can be either public or private like nonstatic members
How can you tell a static member by looking at the code?
Give some examples of static members you’ve used so
far in the course.
Math.random(), Math.cos()
6 Example
public class Item {
private static int count = 0;
private String name;
public Item(String s) {
name = s;
public String getName() {
return name;
public static int getItemsInUnviverse() {
return count;
public class Static {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Item item1 = new Item("book");
System.out.println("Name of item1: " +
Item item2 = new Item("car");
System.out.println("Name of item2: " +
System.out.println("Total Number of
items: " + Item.getItemsInUnviverse());
Would it make sense to declare the class member name as static?
7 Continued
What if we attempted this:
public class Item {
private static int count = 0;
private String name;
Why would this code result in
a compile time error?
A static method cannot
access a non-static member
public Item(String s) {
name = s;
public String getName() {
return name;
public static int getItemsInUnviverse() {
System.out.println("Current name is " + name);
return count;
Used to specify members that will not change after the
object has been created
Constants are declared in Java with the final keyword
Constants can only be assigned a value once and will
never change afterwards
Static members can also be declared as constant (useful
for global data that will never change)
9 Example
public class Phone {
private final String number;
private double price;
public Phone(String s, double p) {
number = s;
price = p;
What is wrong with this code?
Compile time error because you can’t
assign a value to the final variable
public double getPrice() {
return price;
public String changeNumber(String s) {
number = s;
return number;
Inheritance In Java
In Java, you can create a subclass that inherits from a superclass
Key idea: children inherit from the parents and parents pass on
attributes to children
Child class has access to all of parents members (properties and
Child can have their own members on top of those of the parents
(child considered to be a specialized version of the parent)
Inheritance is an important mechanism of code reuse
The protected keyword is used to protect class members across all
inherited classes as well. In other words, protected members are
“private” to the entire family of classes.
Overriding Methods In Java
Overriding a method describes when a child class has a
member method that has the same name, number of
parameters, and type of each parameter as the parent
method. However, the body of the method may be
In these cases, the child’s version is always used for
instances of that child class
Note the move() method in the following examples
Custom Class Example
Now let’s go through a detailed example. I will introduce
a family of classes with the Animal class being the
Feel free to make changes along the way to ensure the
concepts are clear
13 Class
public class Animal {
protected double weight;
protected static int count;
protected final boolean carnivore;
protected String location;
public Animal(double w, boolean c, String l) {
weight = w;
carnivore = c;
location = l;
public double getWeight() {
return weight;
public boolean isCarnivore() {
return carnivore;
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public static int getAnimalPopulation() {
return count;
The class is our
parent class. Thus, it doesn’t
extend any other classes
Note the protected declaration
for its members. These
members need to be
accessible from the child
Note that the move function is
a static function. Why does this
make sense?
public static void move() {
System.out.println("I am an animal that is moving");
14 SubClass
public class Fish extends Animal {
protected int numFins;
protected String type;
public Fish(double w, boolean c, int nf, String t)
super(w, c, "ocean");
numFins = nf;
type = t;
public int getNumFins() {
return numFins;
public String getType() {
return type;
public static void move() {
System.out.println("I am a fish that swims");
Note that the super keyword is
used to reference the parent
The unique members, numFins
and type, are defined outside of
the super constructor.
Why is it not necessary to
increase the static count variable
within the Fish constructor?
Notice that the move() method is
being overridden. For any Fish
object, this is the version that will
be used
15 SubClass
public class JellyFish extends Fish {
protected String color;
public JellyFish(double w, boolean c, int nf,
String t, String col) {
super(w, c, nf, t);
color = col;
Notice the new method attack()
on the bottom. Why does it
makes sense for this method
to be static as well?
public String getColor() {
return color;
public static void move() {
System.out.println("\nI am jellyfish and move
public static void attack() {
System.out.println("You just got stung by a
16 SubClass
public class StarFish extends Fish {
protected int numArms;
public StarFish(double w, boolean c, String t) {
super(w, c, 0, t);
numArms = 5;
public int getNumArms() {
return numArms;
public static void move() {
System.out.println("\nI am starfish. I can't move!");
public void loseArm() {
if(numArms > 0)
System.out.println("OH NO! You lost an arm!");
Here we see a constant
member numArms. It is
assigned a value only once in
the constructor for this
loseArm() subtracts an arm if
the StarFish still has one
17 Example
public class Inheritance {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Animal lion = new Animal(300, true, "grasslands");
System.out.print("Characteristics of a lion: \n");
System.out.println("Weight: " + lion.getWeight());
System.out.println("Carnivore: " + lion.isCarnivore());
System.out.println("Location: " + lion.getLocation());
Fish shark = new Fish(800, true, 1, "shark");
System.out.print("\nCharacteristics of a shark: \n");
System.out.println("Weight: " + shark.getWeight());
System.out.println("Carnivore: " + shark.isCarnivore());
System.out.println("Location: " + shark.getLocation());
System.out.println("Number of Fins: " + shark.getNumFins());
System.out.println("Type: " + shark.getType());
StarFish superstar = new StarFish(10, false, "starfish");
System.out.print("\nUnique Characteristics of a starfish: \n");
System.out.println("Carnivore: " + superstar.isCarnivore());
System.out.println("Number of Fins: " +
System.out.println("Number of arms: " +
Notice how we called our static
methods move() and attack().
There are no JellyFish or
StarFish objects at this point
How many animals would have
been counted if we included
the count++ code in all of the
System.out.println("\nTotal population of animals: " +
Output from
Characteristics of a lion:
Weight: 300.0
Carnivore: true
Location: grasslands
Characteristics of a shark:
Weight: 800.0
Carnivore: true
Location: ocean
Number of Fins: 1
Type: shark
I am starfish. I can't move!
I am jellyfish and move gracefully!
You just got stung by a jellyfish!!
OH NO! You lost an arm!
Unique Characteristics of a starfish:
Carnivore: false
Number of Fins: 0
Number of arms: 4
OH NO! You lost an arm!
Number of arms:3
Total population of animals: 3