Practical Intro Lecture

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Basic Object-Oriented
Concepts – towards
The goals of OOP
Objectives:modular programming.
reusable code/modules.
can define interfaces
Information Hiding
Procedural (like C) vs. Object-Oriented
Programming -- HISTORY
• The unit in procedural programming is function, and
unit in object-oriented programming is class
• Procedural programming concentrates on creating
functions, while object-oriented programming starts
from isolating the classes, and then look for the
methods inside them.
• Procedural programming separates the data of the
program from the operations that manipulate the
data, while object-oriented programming focus on
both of them
figure1: procedural
figure2: object-oriented
Going conception 
defining terms first
Some Terms
• OOP = object oriented Programming
• Class = a template representing a self-contained
element of a computer program (i.e. a module)
that represents related information and has the
capability to accomplish specific tasks through the
invocation of methods (operations).
An class has behaviors
• In old style programming, you had:
o data, which was completely passive
o functions, which could manipulate any data
• An class contains both data (elements) and
operations (methods) that manipulate that data
o An object is active, not passive; it does things
o An object is responsible for its own data
• But: it can expose that data to other objects
Class: data and operations/methods
• An object contains both data and methods that
manipulate that data
o The data represent the state of the object
o Data can also describe the relationships between this object and other
• Example: A CheckingAccount might have
o A balance (the internal state of the account)
o An owner (some object representing a person)
• Example: A Dog might have
o A breed
o A name
o An owner
Object: An “instance” of a class
• An instance will have a state representing values of
the data.
• Example: The Dogs in the image –each are
Instance is another word
for object…they are synonyms
Example: A “Rabbit” class
• You could (in a game, for example) create a class
representing a rabbit
• It would have data:
o How hungry it is
o How frightened it is
o Where it is
• And methods:
o eat, hide, run, dig
• Now create an instance/object of
our Rabbit class to represent
Wait – are you confued?
Class and Object
• “Class” refers to a blueprint. It defines the
variables and methods the objects support
• “Object” is an instance of a class. Each
object has a class which defines its data
and behavior
Concept: Classes are like
Abstract Data Types
• An Abstract Data Type (ADT) bundles together:
o some data, representing an object or "thing"
o the operations on that data
• The operations defined by the ADT are the only
operations permitted on its data
• Example: a CheckingAccount, with operations deposit,
withdraw, getBalance, etc.
• Classes enforce this bundling together
o If all data values are private, a class can also enforce the rule that its
defined operations are the only ones permitted on the data
This slide relates Class to OOP concepts
Special note: in the following slides
I will discuss points and show you
EARLY some java –don’t worry if
you don’t understand now ---you
will learn java in this class
Don’t worry I will teach you java
Example of a class
class Employee {
// Fields
private String name; //Can get but not change
private double salary; // Cannot get or set
// Constructor
Employee(String n, double s) {
name = n; salary = s;
// Methods
void pay () {
System.out.println("Pay to the order of " +
name + " $" + salary);
public String getName() { return name; } // getter
Objects must be created
• int n; does two things:
o It declares that n is an integer variable
o It allocates space to hold a value for n
o For a primitive, this is all that is needed
• Employee secretary; also does two things
o It declares that secretary is type Employee
o It allocates space to hold a reference to an Employee
o For an object, this is not all that is needed
• secretary = new Employee ( );
o This allocate space to hold a value for the Employee
o Until you do this, the Employee is null
Don’t worry I will teach you java
Class Members
• A class can have three kinds of members:
o fields/data/variables: data variables which
determine the status of the class or an object
o methods: executable code of the class built
manipulate/change the status of an object or
access the value of the data member
o nested classes and nested interfaces
We will learn later about nested classes—
basically is a class defined in a class
• a mechanism that enables one class to inherit all
the behaviors and attributes of another class.
• subclass = a class that inherits from another class.
• superclass = a class that is its inheritance to another
More on inheritance
• Note: Subclasses can override methods they have
inherited if they want to change the corresponding
behavior. For example, the method to calculate the
Expected Lifespan for each Class of Dog, Cat, and
Horse may be different from their superclass FourLegged Animal.
Inheritance: Classes form a hierarchy
• Classes are arranged in a treelike structure called a
• Every class may have one or more subclasses
Another Example of a hierarchy—this
one dealing with windows
A FileDialog is a Dialog is a Window is a Container
Example of inheritance
Don’t worry I will teach you java
class Person {
String name;
int age;
void birthday () {
age = age + 1;
class Employee
extends Person {
double salary;
void pay () { ...}
Every Employee has name and age fields and
birthday method as well as a salary field and a pay
How to declare and create
Employee secretary; // declares secretary
secretary = new Employee (); // allocates space
Employee secretary = new Employee(); // does both
• But the secretary is still "blank" (null) = "Adele"; // dot notation
secretary.birthday (); // sends a message
Don’t worry I will teach you java
How to reference a field
or method
• Inside a class, no dots are necessary
class Person { ... age = age + 1; ...}
• Outside a class, you need to say which object you
are talking to
if (john.age < 75) john.birthday ();
• If you don't have an object, you cannot use its fields
or methods!
Don’t worry I will teach you java
Concept: this object –
identifying one’s self
• Inside a class, no dots are necessary, because
o you are working on this object
• If you wish, you can make it explicit:
class Person { ... this.age = this.age + 1; ...}
• this is like an extra parameter to the method
• You usually don't need to use this
Don’t worry I will teach you java
Concept: Methods can be overridden –
a form of polymorphism
class Bird extends Animal {
void fly (String destination) {
location = destination;
class Penguin extends Bird {
void fly (String whatever) { }
• So birds can fly. Except penguins.
Don’t worry I will teach you java
Interacting with Ojbects  send
Bird someBird = pingu; ("South America");
• Did pingu actually go anywhere?
o You sent the message fly(...) to pingu
o If pingu is a penguin, he ignored it
o Otherwise he used the method defined in Bird
• You did not directly call any method
o You cannot tell, without studying the program, which method actually
gets used
o The same statement may result in different methods being used at
different times
Don’t worry I will teach you java
Some things to think about
…we will revisit
Advice: Restrict access
• Always, always strive for a narrow interface
• Follow the principle of information hiding:
o the caller should know as little as possible about how the method does its
o the method should know little or nothing about where or why it is being
• Make as much as possible private
• Your class is responsible for it’s own data; don’t allow
other classes to screw it up!
Advice: Use setters and
class Employee extends Person {
private double salary;
private boolean male;
public void setSalary (double newSalary) {
salary = newSalary;
public double getSalary () { return salary; }
public boolean isMale() { return male; }
• This way the object maintains control
• Setters and getters have conventional names:
setDataName, getDataName, isDataName (booleans
Kinds of access
• Java provides four levels of access:
o public: available everywhere
o protected: available within the package (in the same subdirectory) and to
all subclasses
o [default]: available within the package
o private: only available within the class itself
• The default is called package visibility
• In small programs this isn't important...right?
From Budd Book on OOP
1. Everything is an Object (in pure OOP)
2. Computation is done via Objects Communicating with each other by
requesting objects to perform actions.
At some point at least a few object need to perform some work besides
passing on requests to other objects/agents.
3. Each Object has its own memory (and in pure OOP consists of other
4. Every object is an instance of a class.
5. A Class is a repository for behavior associated with an object and the
kind of information stored in an instances memory.
6. Classes are organized into a single rooted tree structure. Memory and
behavior of an instance of a class is automatically available (inheritance) to
any class associated with a descendant.