Ch 25 Version A Quiz

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Chapter 25 p. 707716 Quiz
AP World History
1. The Zulu kingdom arose primarily because of
A) centralized African defense against the British.
B) internal conflicts over grazing and farm lands.
C) individuals brought to power by the
D) conflicts over hunting lands and the gold rush.
E) the spread of epidemic disease from the
2. The creation of a unified kingdom in southeastern Africa
under Shaka Zulu was intended to
A) quell unrest over pastoral lands among tribal chiefdoms.
B) organize a massive army to expel German colonists
from the region.
C) organize a nation-state along European lines and
challenge British hegemony of industry.
D) build a structured state and an organized economy.
E) assert African rights of home rule.
3. The African slave trade was perpetuated
A) the Sokoto Caliphate.
B) the Madagascar Empire.
C) the Hausa states.
D) Egypt and Sudan.
E) Liberia.
4. Egypt was able to build a modern state based on cotton
exports until
A) the British switched their preference to Indian cotton.
B) King Jaja instituted peasant economies based on hand
weaving that undercut Ali's labor forces.
C) the American cotton market resumed after the Civil War.
D) new work on irrigation canals caused a decrease in
flooding of the Nile, and cotton crops failed for five years
E) France occupied Egypt and prevented it from exporting
cotton to Britain.
5. The French invasion of Algeria was originally the result of
A) a Frenchman slapping the Algerian ambassador.
B) Algerians taking French officials hostage.
C) the French wanting to plunder Algerian wealth.
D) a dispute over the French government not repaying
Algerian loans.
E) the accidental killing of an Algerian woman by French
6. Who was David Livingstone?
A) A Scottish missionary and explorer
B) The writer of the first journal of British
C) The first mariner around the Cape of Good
D) The British general responsible for defeating
the French in Bengal
E) The leader of the movement for independence
in Trinidad
7. Why did the slave trade end?
A) Slave revolts and humanitarian reform
movements ended it.
B) Africa refused to sell slaves to Europeans
anymore—even for guns.
C) The plantation system became self-sufficient.
D) The soil could no longer support sugar crops.
E) Too many slaves died on the voyages to
make slave trading profitable anymore.
8. Ironically, the British were the world's greatest
slave traders and later
A) became the most aggressive suppressers of
the slave trade.
B) reopened the slave trade with the Asante.
C) interfered with the French treatment of their
slaves in Saint Domingue.
D) replaced factory workers with African slaves.
E) conspired to operate an illegal slave-trading
operation out of Barbados.
9. The most successful export from West
Africa after abolition was
A) palm oil.
B) gold.
C) ivory.
D) lumber.
E) illicit slaves.
10. ”Recaptives” were
A) slaves repatriated to Madagascar.
B) U.S. slaves who wanted to return to Africa.
C) slaves who were taken off illicit trade ships by the British
and stationed in Sierra Leone.
D) escaped slaves who were resold into slavery by the East
Africans when the Atlantic slave trade stopped.
E) Africans who had gone to Europe for education but
returned to Africa to recapture their traditional heritage.
11. Eastern African states are referred to as
“secondary empires” because they were
A) not directly controlled by Europeans but were
supplied with European weapons.
B) much smaller than ordinary empires.
C) not run as efficiently as most empires.
D) developed in the second era of European
E) based on trade and not agriculture.
12. Africans wanted European manufactured goods,
so when the slave trade ended, they
A) satisfied their demand for goods by
developing indigenous manufacturing.
B) expanded their “legitimate” trade by
developing new exports.
C) learned to manage without European goods.
D) were never able to afford European goods.
E) hired European consultants to develop
13. These colonies
were established
around the globe by
European powers.
Examples of _______
colonies include the
British in southern
Africa, Australia, and
New Zealand, and
the French in Algeria.
14. This kingdom formed
in 1817 on the edges of
British-controlled African
territories, one of many
new states that
developed as a result of
imperialist influences
around the world. This
kingdom came to
dominate much of
southern Africa by the
late 19th century.
15. This system places
one country under the
rule of another.
Colonized territories
often serve as sources
of raw materials and
markets for
manufactured goods
for the mother country.
16. Sepoys were Indian troops who
A) fought against the nawabs.
B) were hired and trained to protect European
companies' warehouses.
C) fought for Hindu India against the Muslims.
D) fought against the British in India.
E) fought to end French occupation of Bengal.
17. What was the British raj?
A) British tea
B) British school
C) British clothes
D) A British game
E) British rule of India
18. Why was the Sepoy Rebellion a turning point
in the history of India?
A) The British were finally rebuffed and
withdrew from India.
B) The sepoys successfully pushed the British
out of Bengal.
C) India came to be ruled directly by the British
D) It inspired the development of new weapons
that did not require gunpowder.
E) All of these
19. The first reformer to advocate Pan-Indian
nationalism was
A) Mohandas K. Gandhi.
B) Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
C) Martin Luther King, Jr.
D) Indira Gandhi.
E) Rammohun Roy.
20. The Indian National Congress initially
sought more rights for Indians
A) by promoting ethnic and religious unity.
B) through armed revolt.
C) through hunger strikes.
D) through sabotage and subversion.
E) All of these
21. A significant method of instilling nationalism was
A) declaring an official dialect of India, Hindi.
B) establishing schools and universities.
C) running railroads, which mixed all members of
caste systems together.
D) trying to streamline the Hindu and Parsi
E) enacting public performances of the
22. Cape Colony was initially important to the
British because it
A) was Britain's first foothold in Africa.
B) had great mineral wealth.
C) was a supply station for the lengthy India
D) showed that the French could be defeated
E) was Britain's source for rubber.
23. The migration of Afrikaners from Britishruled Cape Colony for fertile land in the
north is called the
A) Great Escape.
B) Great Trek.
C) Long March.
D) Death March.
E) Great March.
24. The underlying goal of British imperialism
in the mid-nineteenth century was to
A) control foreign territory.
B) promote British trade overseas.
C) beat other nations to new territories.
D) protect British citizens overseas.
E) find a place to send convicts and other
25. A significant impetus to increasing global
commercial expansion in the nineteenth century
A) clipper ships.
B) chemical use of quicksilver to preserve cargo.
C) the realization that scurvy could be prevented
with citrus fruits.
D) learning from Native American tribes that salt
cod could provide food on long hauls.
E) a decrease of piracy because of an increased
presence of the British navy.
26. The first British settlers in Australia were
A) soldiers who had been mustered out.
B) exiled convicts.
C) homesteaders who received grants of
D) recruited from settlements in India.
E) indentured servants.
27. By encouraging self-government in the South
Pacific settler colonies, Britain
A) satisfied settlers' desires for greater control.
B) muted potential demands for independence.
C) made colonial governments pay their own
D) avoided the same conflicts that led to the
American Revolution.
E) All of these
28. After British slave emancipation in 1834,
new plantation workers came from
A) Africa.
B) the Pacific islands.
C) British India.
D) China.
E) all of these.
29. Plantation workers served contracts of
indenture that usually lasted
A) one to two years.
B) two to four years.
C) five to seven years.
D) eight to ten years.
E) ten to twelve years.
30. Most indentured servants left their homes because
A) were sold by their parents.
B) hoped to better their economic and social
C) were pressured by their governments to leave.
D) were tricked and did not know where they were
E) wanted religious freedom.
31. This company
held a monopoly on
British-Indian trade
from the 17th to the
early 19th centuries,
and for a time
controlled India on
behalf of the British
32. These Indian
troops helped
oversee India under
the auspices of
British rule. In 1857
the _______ mounted
a rebellion that led to
direct British imperial
control of the country.
33. This revolt occurred
when Indian troops
rebelled against British
authorities upon
receiving weapons
greased with animal fat,
which offended both
Hindu and Muslim
religious sensibilities. As
a result of the rebellion,
Britain imposed direct
imperial rule on India in