Tunnel - kennelly

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Transcript Tunnel - kennelly

Week 2
World History
Day 1
List the themes of World History?
What and When is your HW due?
What 3 items must you have in class every
When events occurred
Chronology helps us make sense of events
BC/ BCE- Before Christ or Before the
common Era
AD/CE- Anno Domini or Common Era
Decade- 10 years
Century- 100 years
Millennium- 1,000 years
Age/Era- Time period with out specific start
or end but has shared characteristics
What an area is like in physical (landforms,
soil, climate, resources) and human terms
Absolute- a places point of latitude (N/S of
Equator) and longitude (E/W of prime
Relative location – a places point in relation
to other areas
Human/Environment Interaction
Humans have changed/ been changed by
their environment
Any area that has common characteristics
ie: physical, cultural (religion and language),
Transfer of people, goods and, ideas
In groups
Open books to page xxxii-xxxiiv
Answer the following in complete sentences
4-5 sentences per answer
What is time and how is it measured?
Describe Milwaukee according to the 5
themes of Geography and
Homework time
Day 2
Where can all assignments and class info
be found?
List the 5 themes of geography?
What is meant by CE/BCE?
Human Origins in Africa
Defining Prehistory
• Time before the invention of writing, in 3,000
Scientific Clues
• Archaeologists study bones and artifacts—
human-made objects
• Anthropologists study culture—a group’s way
of life
• Paleontologists study fossils—plant or animal
remains preserved in rock
Stone Age
Two Phases
Paleolithic Age (Old Stone
Age) lasted from about 2.5
million to 8000 B.C.
Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)
lasted from 8000 to 3000 B.C.
Paleolithic Age had cold
temperatures and large glaciers
(Ice Age)
Use of tools, fire, and language
develops during the Stone Age
LUCY -Hominid 3.5
million years
4 million to 1 million B.C.
• found in S. and E. Africa
• first human like creature to walk upright
Homo habilis
• 2.5 million to
1.5 million B.C.
• found in East Africa
• brain size 700 cm3
• first to make stone tools
Homo erectus
• 1.6 million to 30,000 B.C.
• found in Africa, Asia, and Europe
Technology, fire, migration
• 200,000 to 30,000 B.C.
• found in Europe and
Southwest Asia
Ritu alistic Burial
• 40,000 to 8000 B.C.
• found in Europe
• fully modern humans created art
Time line Groups
In groups of 4
Create a time line of the development of
Homo sapiens
Include dates, a description (3 sentences)
and the following words with a definition of
how their relevance to the time line
Artifact, hominid, Paleolithic Age, Neolithic
Age, Lucy, and the Leaky Family
Day 3
How were Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons
different from earlier groups of peoples?
What is technology?
Provide an example and explain how a
group of early people used it to their
Humans try to control nature
Tools Needed to Survive
Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) humans were
nomads—moved in search of food
Hunted animals, collected plant foods—were
Cro-Magnons had more than 100 specialized tools;
bone needles to sew
Neolithic Revolution—agricultural revolution,
began about 10,000 years ago
Nomadic women scattered seeds, then discovered
crops growing
Shift from food-gathering to food-production great
Causes of the Agricultural Revolution
Rising temperatures probably a key reason
Longer growing seasons, drier land for wild grasses
Constant supply of food led to population growth,
animal domestication, and villages
Advanced Cities
Cities with larger populations rise, become centers
of trade
UR- 30,000 people 3,000 BCE
Specialized Workers
Labor becomes specialized—specific skills of
workers developed
Artisans make goods that show skill and artistic
Complex Institutions
(governments, religion,
the economy) are
Governments establish
laws, maintain order
Temples are centers for
religion, government,
and trade
Record Keeping
Professional record
keepers, scribes, record
taxes and laws
Scribes invent
cuneiform, a system of
writing about 3000 B.C.
People begin to write
about city events
New tools and
techniques make
work easier
The Bronze Age
starts in Sumer
around 3000 B.C.
People replace
copper and stone
with bronze to
make tools,
Use the 5 characteristics to prove Sumer
was a civilization and that you live in a