Transcript Document

Neuroscience and Behavior
Presented by
Rachel Barnes, Ph.D.
Cells made of 3 main parts:
Soma/Cell body
Dendrites - “branches” that receive
Axons - transmits information
How do neurons
And after the neuron fires…
All kinds of neurotransmitters…
Ach - movement, attention, learning,
memory, sleep + dreams
DA - movement, motivation, pleasure,
Glu - learning and memory
GABA - normal brain functioning
Endorphins - physical pain, emotion
In real life….
What do you make of this complex
biochemical process?
Can you think of examples of neurological
disorders that you, friends, or family have
encountered (ex. Parkinsons, Alzheimers,
How might drug use affect neurons and their
ability to communicate with each other?
Brain Structure
 Frontal lobe—conscious thought;
damage can result in mood
 Parietal lobe —plays important
roles in integrating sensory
information from various senses,
and in the manipulation of objects;
portions of the parietal lobe are
involved with visuospatial
 Occipital lobe —sense of sight;
lesions can produce hallucinations
 Temporal lobe —senses of smell
and sound, as well as processing
of complex stimuli like faces and
The hemispheres of the brain
So what might go wrong?
Think about the function of each lobe. What
might go wrong if there was an accident or
stroke in a certain part of the brain? Please
give an example.
In the past, one way to treat epilepsy was to
disconnect the two halves of the brain? What
were the effects on those patients thought
and perceptions?
Much of the chapter covered neuroscience how does the role of the psychologist and
behavior come into play?
 Please be sure to answer both discussion
 150 words minimum, 2 responses for each question (50
words minimum)
 If you haven’t yet handed in your Unit 2 project,
always better later then never.
 This chapter is full of information that may be
brand new to many of you - please check out the
links in the following slide for further, simplified
Additional resources