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How Exercise and Food affect your Mental Acuity
The Brain
Soft mass of supportive tissues and nerves connected to the
spinal cord
 The brain controls your ability to move, think, feel, hear,
see, remember things and lots more
 The cerebrum or the cerebral cortex is responsible for sense
organs, motor function and memory
Building Better Brains 101
Mental Acuity = Mental Sharpness
Dr. John Ratey, Associate Clinical professor at Harvard School
of Medicine
Studies show chemicals released by the brain during exercise
strengthen our brains by causing neurons to grow and reach
out increasing more connections.
How Exercise affects Mental Acuity
“Exercise cultivates the neurons in our brains, encouraging them to
expand and connect with other neurons” (The Good Life Sept/Oct
“Exercise is the single most powerful tool you have to optimize
your brain function” (SparkingLife)
A chemical known as BDNF ( Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor)
produced by regular or moderately intense exercise improves our
brain performance by improving the memory circuits
How Exercise affects Mental Acuity
The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) announced the revised
Canadian Physical Activity
It can be as easy as walking!
Intensity and Heart Rate
Exercise Guidelines
Another Site of Interest called Brain Rules by John Medina
Brain Rules by John Medina
Controlling your blood sugars affect the function of you brain
Study at UCLA found fructose impairs both learning and
Neuron communication facilitated by cell membranes are
blocked by excess sugar molecules
Bonding of sugar and protein in our brain stimulates an immune
response that causes inflammation and oxidation
How Food Affects Mental Acuity
Sugar known to cause neurons to misfire and permanently damage
Blood sugar and insulin levels needs to be managed
Eat foods that complement one another and stay away from simple
How Foods Affect Mental Acuity
Inflammation causes inefficient thought processes by causing a
communication breakdown between neurons.
Free radicals also cause inflammation and communication break
Antioxidants are nutrients that counteract free radicals
Found in fruits, vegetables which include citrus fruits, berries,
tomatoes, green tea, cacao and leafy green vegetables
How Foods Affect Mental Acuity
Studies found the following nutrients help sharpen the brain
Vitamin D: regulates brain enzymes and cerebral spinal fluid
Sources are: Sunshine, fish, liver, and egg yolk.
Acetyl L Carnitine: nutrient that stimulates brain cells to
improve thought processes and connections across synapses.
Maintains BDNF
Sources are: red meat and dairy
How Foods Affect Mental Acuity
DHA: Docosahexaenoci Acid essential fatty acid that is a key
component of the physical make up of our brain
Studies suggest DHA can reduce the occurrence of depression, ADD,
dementia, memory loss and possibly Alzheimer’s disease
Sources are: cold water fatty fish i.e.. Salmon and Kokanee
Coconut Oil: this type of fat is converted to ketones in our liver
Studies suggest these keystones restore and renew neurons and
nerve function in the brain
How Foods Affect Mental Acuity
B12: lack of B12 causes mental fogginess. Combining B12 with
B6 and folic acid can decrease mental decline and dementia
Sources are: eggs, milk, cheese, milk products, meat, fish,
B6: dried beans, peas, lentils, oranges, whole-wheat products,
liver, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and
How Foods Affect Mental Acuity
The Good Life Sept/Oct 2014 Issue
SparkingLife (Dr. John Ratey)
The Woman’s Guide to Empowered Health, Sabrina A. Sarabella, M.S.
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
Power your Brain through Exercise
Building Better Brains 101