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Major Battles / Campaigns
of the European Theatre
J.D. Baldwin
Meghan Morris
Ashley King
Battle of Stalingrad
Non aggression pact signed 1939 Hitler
and Russia
 Winter of 1942-1943
 Germany led by Field Marshall Fedor von
 German 6th Army
 Soviets led by General Nikolai Vatutin
Germany wanted to capture Stalingrad for
two reasons
 Tank Factory
 Psychological reasons
 Soviets protect the city at all costs
Germans surrounded city and bombed
 City was ruined by artillery fire
 Germans were given order to not retreat
 Starved and froze due to lack of supplies
 German air force could not drop supplies
 Allowed Soviets to get upper hand
Battle Continued
Largest battle on the Eastern front
 German sent relief force
 Led by General Hoth but turned back
Germans lost 200,000-300,000 men
 90,000 captured, 2,000 tanks 4,000 guns
 January 31 Germans surrendered
 Key turning point in war for soviets
Campaign in North Africa
USA, Britain, France vs. Germany and Italy
 Axis led by General Rommel “Desert Fox”
 Allies led by Dwight D Eisenhower
 1942-1945
Protect the Suez Canal and the Oil Rich
Middle East
 To gain territory as a staging area for the
European Front
Americans ill prepared for desert combat
 Winners of battles went back and fourth
 Until El Alamein when British defeated the
Axis powers pushing them into Tunisia
 Other Operations were Torch, Compass,
and Sunnenblume
Allied Victory
 Killed, wounded, captured
– Germany 66,000
– Italy 23,000
– Britain 219,000
– US 16,500
Invasion of Italy
Allies Landed September 1943 - 1944
 Allied Powers: U.S. and Britain
 Axis Powers: Germany and Italy
 Allies led by General Harold Alexander and
Winston Churchill
 Axis led by Adolf Hitler and Mussolini
Invade the majority of Italy by pushing
from the south coming from Northern
Africa and Sicily.
 Gaining control of Italy to eventually
invade Germany.
Allies use many operations and tactics to invade
 Operation Husky: The invasion of Sicily.
Preparation to invade the southern tip of Italy.
 Operation Avalanche: Attacks to the west coast
of Italy from Northern Africa.
 Operation Baytown: Allies come off of Sicily and
cross the Strait of Messina into the toe of Italy.
Operation Slapstick: Allies attack the east coast
of Italy, attacking a main naval base of Italy
 Allies push Italian and German forces as they try
to counter attack.
Italy tries to reinforce against invasions
 Allies pushed all the way north of Italy
 Italians surrender and eventually became
 Mussolini is rescued by Hitler
 2,009 Killed
 7,050 Wounded
 3,501 Missing
Battle of the Atlantic
 Allies: Britain, France, Russia
 Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan
 Allies led by Winston Churchill
 Axis led by Adolf Hitler
Allies wanted to blockade Axis powers,
secure sea movements, and free military
powers across the seas.
 Axis wanted to gain control of Atlantic Sea
Routes, to cut of supplies coming from
North America.
Germans attack against the British navy forces
in hope of gaining control of the Atlantic Sea
 Using German U-Boats, or submarines attacking
North American and Britain boats carrying
 “Wolf Packs”: Groups of German U-Boats
 Lend-Lease Act: allowed FDR to sell or lend war
supplies to any country whose defense he
considered vital to the safety of the U.S.
Germany failed to stop the flow of strategic
supplies to Britain from the North American
 They were unsuccessful in gaining control of
the Atlantic Sea Routes.
 Allies: 30,248 Merchant sailors; 3,500 merchant
vessels; 175 warships
Germans: 28,000 sailors; 783 submarines
D-Day & Battle of the
AKA Operation Overlord
 Who: Allies [US, Britain, Canada, Free
France, Poland, Norway] VS. Germany
– US general Dwight D. Eisenhower
What: massive military invasion of
France’s beaches
 Where: Normandy, France
When: invasion began on June 6, 1944
Why: Reclaim France to launch offensive against
 How: surprise naval & air invasion– 150,000
troops came from United Kingdom staging area
and landed on 5 beaches from sea; 13,000
paratroopers dropped; 13,000 bombs dropped
on beaches in advance
– Operation Fortitude: Allies created “fake army” to
trick Germans into thinking army was at Kent
(opposite of Pas de Calais)– fake radio traffic;
inflatable tanks used
5 beaches
Sword beach: far left-- British & French only faced
machine gun nest
Juno beach: 2nd from left; Canadians penetrated further
than any other Allies in 1st day
Gold beach: British suffered heavy casualties b/c delayed
tank & fortified German village; still advanced far
Omaha beach: most heavily fortified; 60 meter cliffs;
bad conditions pushed US boats away but eventually
met goal
Utah beach: westernmost beach; current pushed off
target but still lightest American casualties
D-Day: outcome
Allies took Germans
completely by surprise
 150,000 men managed to
get ashore by end of day
 Casualties: about 10,00
Allies & 4,000-9,000
Battle of the Bulge
Who: Allies [United States, Britain,
Canada] vs. Germany
 What: Last big German offensive against
 Where: Ardennes Mountains
 When: 16 December 1944 – 25 January
Battle of the Bulge
Why: Hitler wanted to capture Antwerp
[major supply port] and then divide Allies
 How: Surprise attack: Hitler started
bombing then sent in majority of troops
– German soldiers in US uniforms cut phone
lines, changed road signs & spread confusion
– Poor weather & low visibility
Battle of the Bulge Outcome:
Once weather cleared, Allies countered
strong German offensive
– German offensive lasted only 2 days
Most casualties: 81,000 Americans &
84,000 Germans killed/injured/captured
 Germans retreated & were depleted in
manpower, morale, & equipment
 “Ultimately, it shortened the time Hitler
had left” (375) because Hitler used his
major reserves to fight