Transcript Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Section 5.2 Active Transport
Active Transport
Movement of materials across a cell
membrane that requires a cell to expend
Materials move UP their concentration
Cell Membrane Pumps
Moves substances up their concentration
Moves from an area of lower
concentration to an area of higher
Sodium-Potassium Pump
A special protein that transports Na+
ions and K+ up their concentration
To function properly, many animal cells
must have a higher concentration of Na+
ions outside the cell and a higher
concentration of K+ ions inside the cell
Cells ingest external fluid,
macromolecules, and large particles
(including other cells)
Part of the cell forms a pouch around the
material then pinches off to form a
Pinocytosis & Phagocytosis
Pinocytosis involves the transport of
solutes or fluids
Phagocytosis involves the movement of
large particles or whole cells
Vesicles in the cytoplasm fuse with the
cell membrane and release their
contents out of the cell