multiple - Manville School District

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Transcript multiple - Manville School District

Week 20
8th Grade LAL
Do Now
• Brainstorm as many words as you can that
have the root words
• astr/o
• multi
Greek Root
astr/o = star/star-shaped
• astrology
• asterisk
• astronomy
• astrophysics
Latin Root
multi = many
• multiplication
• multiple
• multidimensional
• multilingual
Academic Vocabulary
astrology (noun)
• Def: the study of how the positions of the stars
and movements of the planets have a supposed
influence on events and on the lives and behavior
of people.
• Sentence: To see if she would get along with the
other personalities in the Annex, Anne studied a
book on astrology.
asterisk (noun)
• Def: a symbol (*) used to mark printed or
written text, typically as a reference to an
annotation or to stand for omitted matter.
• Sentence: In Anne Frank’s diary, Anne places an
asterisk next to the term “Star of David” and
later defines that term at the bottom of her
diary page.
astronomy (noun)
• Def: The scientific study of the universe and
the objects in it, including stars, planets,
nebulae, and galaxies.
• Sentence: Neil deGrasse Tyson, a famous
astrophysicist, studied astronomy and is the
director of the Hayden Planetarium in NYC.
astrophysics (noun)
• Def: the branch of astronomy that deals with the
physical properties of celestial bodies and with the
interaction between matter and radiation in the
interior of celestial bodies and in interstellar space.
• Sentence: If looking at stars through a telescope is
more than just a hobby to you, then you should
consider studying astrophysics in college.
multiplication (noun)
• Def: A mathematical operation performed on a pair of
numbers in order to get a third number called a
• Sentence: After using simple multiplication, Anne
came to the conclusion that the population of people
living in the Annex had doubled in two years.
multiple (adj.)
• Def: numerous and varied
• Sentence: Miep Gies needs to be careful when
smuggling food to the multiple occupants of
the Annex or the Gestapo will execute her.
multidimensional (adj.)
• Def: describes anything with many different
parts or aspects
• Sentence: If you are interested in seeing what
life was like for the Franks in the Annex, you
can view a multidimensional video of the
building on You Tube.
multilingual (adj.)
• Def: able to use several different languages.
• Sentence: Otto Frank was multilingual
because he could speak German, Dutch,
and French.
Academic: emphasis (noun)
• Def: special importance or value
• Sentence: Since Anne Frank is a teenager
going through puberty and is trapped in the
tiny Annex, much emphasis is placed on the
themes of acceptance and isolation in her
Academic: perspective (noun)
• Def: attitude, outlook, or
point of view
• Sentence: Since Anne
Frank: The Diary of a
Young Girl is written in
first person perspective,
most of the information
that Anne shares is
biased from her view