the seventh day - Paignton Online

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Transcript the seventh day - Paignton Online

What am I?
I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for
more than 5 minutes. What am I?
Film Clips
Learning Objective:
To know and understand religious and scientific
creation stories as proof of God
Learning Outcomes:
All will be able to
describe Big Bang and
Evolution theories,
Some will be able to
explain which they
believe and why.
A few will take this
further and will be able
to make comparisons to
other myths.
Discuss in your
pairs how you
believe the world
was created.
Do you
Then God commanded, “let there
be light” – And light appeared
That was the first day
Then God commanded, “let there
be a dome to divide the water and
to keep it in two separate places”
He named the dome “Sky”
That was the second day
“Let the earth produce all kinds
of plants, those that bear grain
and those that bear fruit”
That was the third day
“Let lights appear in the sky to
separate day from night
So God made the sun to rule over
the day and moon to rule over the
That was the fourth day
“Let the water be filled with many
kinds of living beings, and let the air
be filled with birds”
That was the Fifth Day
“Let the earth
produce all kinds
of animal life:
domestic and wild,
large and small”
“And now we will make
human beings; they will be
like us and resemble us.
They will have power over
the fish, the birds and all
the animals”
That was the sixth day
And on the seventh day God
rested from all the work that he
had done
So God blessed the seventh day
and hallowed it
Whilst watching this short video clip,
make notes on the big bang theory.
• Charles Darwin wrote a
book called ‘The Origin of
• He argues that species
have changed over
thousands and thousands
of years, through a
process called natural
• These species survived through adapting to their
• This is process is known as Evolution.
• Complete both work sheets
• In your books write a sentence to
explain what the Big Bang theory is.
• Write another sentence to explain the
theory of Evolution.
• Write down your theory for how the
world began.
- This could be a combination of the three
theories you have learnt today
- It could be something brand new.
- Make sure you explain the very start of
creation, how did this happen.
- Explain how we got to where we are today.
- Say why you think this, can you use the key
words from last lesson?
• Does the creation story prove God’s
existence? Why/Why not?
• Do you think the scientific creation
stories prove that God doesn’t exist?
Why/Why not?
• Which theory do you think is the most
reliable? Why do you think this? Can
you use the keywords from last lesson
in your answer?