Transcript Cell cycle

How Do Cells Divide?
What you will learn…
1. Why Do Cells Divide?
2. Chromosome structure
3. Cell Division in Prokaryotes
4. Cell Cycle
5. Mitosis
6. Cytokinesis
7. Control of Cell Division and Cancer
8. Meiosis
9.Why do cells need two types of cell division?
10. Gamete Formation
1. Why Do Cells Divide?
Virchow: Cells can only come from preexisting cells
 In unicellular organisms, can reproduce an entire organism
 Allows multicellular organisms to reproduce asexually
 Basis of sexual reproduction sperm and egg
 Allows fertilized egg, or zygote, to develop into an adult
 Replaces worn-out or damaged cells
 Enables multicellular organism to grow to adult size
2. Chromosome Structure
Human cells carry about 20,000 genes to make 100,000
Almost all genes are located in the nucleus
Genes are found on DNA
DNA can be in the form of Chromatin:
Very small amount found in mitochondria
Diffuse mass of long, thin fibers, not seen under the microscope,
less tightly coiled
Combination of DNA and protein
DNA must be tightly packaged before cell division, so it can
be evenly divided between the two new cells.
DNA will now be in the form of Chromosome!
2. Chromosome Structure
 Rod-shaped
 Coiled up, compact forms of chromatin
 Contains one long DNA molecule bearing hundreds or
thousands of genes.
 DNA is attached to protein molecules called histones
and other non-histone proteins
wraps with protein like wrapping paper on a present
giving it the X-shape
 Only found in eukaryotic cells (prokaryotes have naked,
circular shaped chromosomes)
2. Chromosome Structure
2. Chromosome Structure
Sister chromatids
 Each
duplicated chromosome contains two identical
 The
point by which two chromatids are joined.
 Diffuse
mass of long, thin fibers, not seen under the
microscope, less tightly coiled
 Combination of DNA and protein
2. Chromosome Structure
3. Cell Division in Prokaryotes
Binary fission
 Process
by prokaryotes reproduce by cell division.
 Steps:
 Duplication
of chromosomes and separation of copies.
 Cell elongates
 Divides into two daughter cells
3. Cell Division in Prokaryotes
4. Cell Cycle
In your own body, millions of cells must divide every
second to maintain the total number of about 100
trillion cells.
Some cells divide once a day, and some do not at
all (mature muscle cells, brain cells)
4. Cell Cycle
Starts out with Interphase
Occurs when the cell is between cell division
Interphase stages:
G1: Cells grow to mature size
S: DNA is copied
G2: Cell prepares for division
Cells exit the cell cycle via…
G0: Cells do not copy DNA or prepare for mitosis, but are still alive (e.g.
nervous system)
5. Mitosis
The last stage of the cell cycle when the nucleus of a
cell divides to produce two new daughter cells
(after cytokinesis) each with the same amount and
type of chromosomes as the parent cells.
Mitosis is divided into four phases:
 A.Prophase
 B.
 C. Anaphase
 D. Telophase
5. Mitosis
 What
does the cell look like?
 Centrioles
and spindle fibers appear
 Nuclear envelope disappears, and chromosomes are visible
 What
happens to the DNA and nucleus?
 Chromosomes
form when chromatin tightens and coils
 Nuclear membrane breaks down and disappears
 What
two things appear near where the nucleus was?
 Centrioles
and spindle fibers
5. Mitosis
A. Prophase
5. Mitosis
B. Metaphase
 What
does the cell look like?
 Chromosomes
 Where
move to the middle
are the chromosomes during metaphase?
 Middle
of the cell
5. Mitosis
B. Metaphase
5. Mitosis
C. Anaphase:
 What
does the cell look like?
 Chromosomes
 What
move to the end of cell
happens to the chromosomes?
 Chromosome
splits at centromere into 2 chromatids and
moves to end of cell
5. Mitosis
C. Anaphase
5. Mitosis
D. Telophase
 What
does the cell look like?
 Cell
starts to pinch in
 Nucleus starts to reform
 Chromosomes are at opposite ends
 What
happens to the chromosomes and nucleus?
Nucleus forms back around single chromatids
5. Mitosis
D. Telophase
6. Cytokinesis
What is cytokinesis?
 Cytoplasm
What’s special about cytokinesis in plants?
 Cell
and contents (other organelles) divide
wall also divides with new cell plate in middle
What’s special about cytokinesis in animals?
 Takes
place when the cell membrane pinches in until the
cytoplasm is pinched into two equal halfs
7. Control of Cell Division and Cancer
Cell division is a complex process that needs to be
These regulators determine when and how the cell
should divide.
 External
 Internal Regulators
7. Control of Cell Division and
External regulators:
 Various
proteins produced by other cells that speed up
or slow down the cycle.
 If
the cell touches other cells, than cell division slows down.
 If enough space between cells and nutrients are available,
growth factors and other proteins make cells divide or
speed up their cell cycle.
7. Control of Cell Division and
Internal regulators:
 Cyclins
 proteins
that regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic
 Other
regulator proteins (checkpoints)–
 they
make sure that certain things happen in the cell before the
cell moves to the next phase of the cell cycle
 3 major checkpoints in the cell cycle.
 The
age of the cell.
7. Control of Cell Division and
Cancer cells
 lack
normal checkpoints and continue to grow without
 do not respond to normal signals
within the cell
 are not inhibited by other cells
 will divide indefinitely
7. Control of Cell Division and
Mutations in the genes of these checkpoint proteins
may lead to cancer:
 The
uncontrolled growth of cells.
Tumor: an abnormally growing mass of body cells
 Benign
 If
abnormal cells remain at original site
 Can be problematic if disrupt certain organs, but usually
easily removed by surgery
 Malignant
 If
abnormal cells spread into other tissues and body parts,
interrupting organ function
7. Control of Cell Division and
Tumor Progression
1. Tumor growth
2. Blood vessels
feed tumor
3. Tumor cells
enter blood and
lymph vessels
4. Secondary
tumors form in
other parts of
the body
Movie clips on cancer, its nature and experiments to treat it (Parts 2 and 6)
7. Control of Cell Division and
Treatment of Cancer:
Surgical removal of tumor – Most effective when tumor is in a
defined area
Chemotherapy – Medicines that disrupt the process of mitosis
in rapidly growing cells
Radiation Therapy - High energy gamma radiation is aimed at
the growing tumour. This damages the DNA in rapidly dividing
cells and helps to destroy the tumor.
8. Meiosis
Many of the stages of meiosis closely resemble
corresponding stages in mitosis.
Type of cell division that produces haploid gametes in
diploid organisms.
8. Meiosis
8. Meiosis
Like mitosis, is preceded by the replication of
However, this single replication is followed by two
consecutive cell divisions, called Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
These divisions result in four daughter cells, each with a
single haploid set of chromosomes.
Produces daughter cells with only half as many
chromosomes as the parent cell.
8. Meiosis
We will be looking at chromosome pairing up:
 called
homologous chromosomes (or homologues)
because they both carry genes controlling the same
inherited characteristics.
8. Meiosis
Any cell with two homologous (the same) sets of
chromosomes is called a diploid cell
the total number of chromosomes is called the diploid
number (abbreviated 2n)
 For humans, the diploid number is 46; that is 2n=46
 Almost all human cells are diploid
8. Meiosis
The exception are the egg and sperm cells,
collectively known as gametes.
cell with a single chromosome set is called a haploid
 For humans, the haploid number (abbreviated n) is 23;
that is n=23
8. Meiosis
Prophase I –
 Each
chromosome pairs with its corresponding homologous
chromosome to form a tetrad. The tetrads overlap and
exchange some of their genetic material – crossing-over.
8. Meiosis
Crossing over in Prophase I results in great diversity
because new genetic variations can result from it.
8. Meiosis
Metaphase I –
 Spindle
fibers attach to the chromosomes.
8. Meiosis
Anaphase I –
 The
fibers pull the homologous chromosomes toward
opposite ends of the cell.
The cells are now containing half of the genetic information from the original parent cell and are thus
considered HAPLOID!
8. Meiosis
Telophase I and cytokinesis –
 Nuclear
membranes reforms, the cell separates into two
8. Meiosis
Prophase II –
 Meiosis
I results in two haploid (N) daughter cells, each
with half the number of chromosomes as the original
8. Meiosis
Metaphase II –
 The
chromosomes line up in a similar way to the
metaphase stage of mitosis.
Anaphase II –
 The
sister chromatids separate and move toward
opposite ends of the cell.
8. Meiosis
Telophase II and cytokinesis –
 Meiosis
II results in four haploid (N) daughter cells.
9.Why do cells need two types of cell division?
 Provides growth, tissue repair, and asexual reproduction
 Produces daughter cells genetically identical to the parent cell
 Involves one division of the nucleus, and is usually accompanied by
cytokinesis, producing two diploid daughter cells.
Need for sexual reproduction human egg and sperm cells
Entails two nuclear and cytoplasmic divisions
Yields four haploid daughter cells, with one member of each
homologous chromosome pair.
Form tetrads; crossing over occurs.
10. Gamete Formation
In females:
10. Gamete Formation
In males:
11. Karyotype
The term karyotype refers to the chromosome
complement of a cell or a whole organism.
A karyotype is an ordered display of magnified
images of an individual’s chromosomes arranged in
pairs, starting with the longest.
In particular, it shows the number, size, and shape of
the chromosomes as seen during metaphase of mitosis.
Chromosome numbers vary considerably among
organisms and may differ between closely related
11. Karytype
Karyotypes are prepared from the nuclei of
cultured white blood cells that are ‘frozen’ at the
metaphase stage of mitosis.
 Shows
the chromosomes condensed and doubled
A photograph of the chromosomes is then cut up
and the chromosomes are rearranged on a grid so
that the homologous pairs are placed together.
Homologous pairs are identified by their general
shape, length, and the pattern of banding
produced by a special staining technique.
11. Karyotype
Male karyotype
 Has
44 autosomes, a single X chromosome, and a Y
chromosome (written as 44 + XY)
Female karyotype
 Shows
two X chromosomes (written as 44 + XX)
11. Karyotype- Normal
11. Karyotype- Abnormal
12a. Chromosome mutations
Can either be with…
 Chromosome
 Chromosome structure
12a. Mutations- Chromosome
Aneuploidy- involves a single set of chromosomes
Polyploidy- involves a whole set of chromosomes in
12a. Mutations- Chromosome
 If
there is an extra or missing chromosome
 Caused by nondisjunctions: members of a chromosome
fail to separate.
 For example, trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
 if
there is a nondisjunction affecting human chromosome 21
during meiosis, the resulting gametes will carry an extra
chromosome 21.
12a. Mutations- Chromosome
12a. Mutations- Chromosome
 Cells
containing more than two paired homologous sets
of chromosomes.
 For example- triploid cell (3n) or a tertroploid cell (4n)
 More common in plants, very rare in humans
12a. Mutations- Chromosome
12b. Mutations- Chromosome
Abnormalities in chromosome structure:
 Breakage
of a chromosome can lead to a variety of
rearrangements affecting the genes of that
 1.
deletion: if a fragment of a chromosome is lost.
Usually cause serious physical and mental problems.
Deletion of chromosome 5 causes cri du chat syndrome: child is
mentally retarded, has a small head with unusual facial features,
and has a cry that sounds like the mewing of a distressed cats.
Usually die in infancy or early childhood.
12b. Mutations- Chromosome
 2.duplication:
if a fragment from one chromosome joins to a
sister chromatid or homologous chromosome.
 3.inversion: if a fragment reattaches to the original
chromosome but in the reverse direction.
Less likely than deletions or duplications to produce harmful
effects, because all genes are still present in normal number
 4.
translocation: moves a segment from one chromosome to
another nonhomologous chromosome
Crossing over between nonhomologous chromosomes!
12b. Mutations- Chromosome