Denali National Park

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Denali National Park
By: Zach Gusho
Denali national park became a national park by president
McKinley on February 26, 1917 It became a national park
because they devoted it to science, learning, and
perseveration of its natural and cultural features.
The park was formed by the movement of glaciers and
erosion which made the rivers, lakes, also Denali national
park is right on a convergent boundary which formed the
mountains and high long glaciers
Including the biggest one the natives call the Denali.
The rocks there are granite, shale, limestone, and sandstone
all these rocks are igneous cause of all the volcanic activity
in Alaska( and there is a lot of volcanic activity in Alaska).
The special landforms and features inside the park are
glaciers (like Denali the highest one), mountains, valleys,
lakes, and rivers.
The pacific and north
American plates are
pushing against each
other( and Denali is
right in the middle)
which is making the
land full of mountains
and there are lots of
earth quakes and
volcanic eruptions.
there are many wild fires
because of climate changes
and lightning also the climate
change during seasons like
summer affect the permafrost
effect ( permanent frost a
frost that stays permanently).
To keep the wildlife safe from destruction they make dirt roads for
the visitors to walk and bike on doing this allows the tourists to
freely roam around on the road and not destroy any of the
beautiful nature and this also saves money because they need to
replace what has been destroyed, also in some parts of the park
Map of north America
they have a rail to stop people from running into the nature.
This is a map of the park
(left) Denali fault line
earth quake (right)
(left) mountain
summit (right)
(left) Denali the glacier
glacial carvings (right)
(left) dinosaur fossil
igneous mountain(right)
(left) reticulate
An igneous rock with so much bubbles it floats
remains of a glacier (right)
Book: Discover National
Monuments National Parks
National Wonders
Author: Cynthia Light Brown
Publisher: White River Junction
Series: Discover Your World
Edition/Format : Book : Juvenile
audience: English
website title: U.S. National Park Service Experience Your America
Anderson, Paul. "Denali National Park."
Letter to Zach. Mar.-Apr. 2010. MS.
Denali, Alaska.
Website title: Google images
Website title: National Geographic