Review and Assessment

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Review and Assessment
Pages 165-169
Reviewing Key Terms
1. The atomic number of an atom is determined
by the number of
a. protons
2. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are
b. periods
3. Of the following, the group that contains
elements that are the most reactive is the
a. Alkali metals in group 1
4. Unlike metals, solid nonmetals are
c. Dull and brittle
5. Unstable atomic nuclei are
a. Radioactive
6. Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are
examples of isotopes, or __________
*atoms of the same element that have
different numbers of neutrons
7. Dmitri Mendeleev constructed the first
periodic table, which is ___________
*an arrangement of elements showing
the repeated pattern of their properties
8. A property of metals is high thermal
conductivity, which means __________
*the ability of an object to transfer heat
9. Germanium is an example of a semimetal, an
element whose properties are
*between those of metals and nonmetals
10. Uranium and Radon share the property of
radioactivity, which means
*able to spontaneously emit radiation
11. What discoveries about the atom did Rutherford
make from his team’s experiments?
*the atom is mostly empty space with electrons
floating around a positively charged nucleus
12. How do two isotopes of an element differ
from one another? How are they similar?
* They have different number of neutrons but
the same number of protons.
13. Use the periodic table to find the atomic
number and atomic mass of neon.
* atomic number is 10 , atomic mass is 20.179
14. Name two elements that have
properties similar to those of chlorine.
*Flourine and bromine
15. Of the elements oxygen, zinc, and
iodine, which one is likely to be a poor
conductor of electricity and a brittle solid
at room temperature?
* iodine
16. Radiation gives off energy to be used to generate
electricity and the radiation can also be used as a tracer to
locate and treat diseases.
Protons  mass = 1  nucleus
Neutrons  mass = 1  nucleus
Electrons  mass = 0  outside nucleus
A. 28-atomic number
B. Ni-chemical symbol
C. Nickel-name
D. 58.71-atomic mass
*the atomic mass is determined from the
combined mass of all the isotopes.
*Potassium is the most reactive. The
metals in group 1 are more reactive than
other metals.
*The materials used in computer chips
are semiconductors, which have the
property of conducting electric current
under some conditions and not under
other conditions.
 * x-axis: number of protons in the
nucleus of each isotope
 * y-axis: mass number, which is the sum
of the number of protons and neutrons in
the nucleus.
*Four elements; two isotopes of uranium
(U238, U234) two isotopes of thorium (Th234, Th-230), one isotope of protactinium
and radium (Pa-234, Ra-226)
Standards Practice: page 167
1. Why is the mass of a carbon atom
greater than the total mass of its protons
and electrons?
D. One or more neutrons in the nucleus
add mass to the atom.
2. Elements that are shiny conductive
solids at room temperature are likely to
be classified as which of the following?
A. metals
3. What isotope does the diagram
C. Nitrogen-15
4. Which property of aluminum makes it a
suitable metal for soft drink cans?
* B. It can be hammered into a thin
sheet (malleable)
5. What element has an atomic number of
* D. argon
6. An atom of fluorine has 10 neutrons.
What is the total number of other
subatomic particles in this atom?
A. 9 protons and 9 electrons
7. Which elements are inert gases?
D. Neon and argon
8. Predict the properties of a newly
synthesized element with atomic number
* It would have properties resembling
those of the alkaline earth metals
(group 2)
Unit 1 Assessment – Big Ideas p. 169
1. 1 kg/L
homogeneous mixture
it increased