What do you know about light?

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Grade 9 Chemistry
Unit Review
What you should know...
1. Particle Theory of Matter
– 4 points of the particle theory and
how it affects changes of state.
2. Physical and Chemical Properties
– Examples of physical and chemical
3. Physical and Chemical Changes
– Distinguish between chemical and
physical changes.
4. Pure substances and Mixtures
Differences between compounds and molecules
Types of mixtures
5. Dalton’s Atomic Theory
- 4 points of the theory
6. Structure of an Atom
Subatomic particles
Counting atoms
7. Periodic Table of Elements:
How the table is arranged
Periods, groups
Characteristics of the groups
Metals, non-metals and metalloids
Calculate protons, electrons, neutrons
Atomic Mass, Atomic Number, Elements
present, number of each element
8. Ions
– Cations, anions, charges
9. Bohr Diagrams
– Valence electrons, valence shells, energy levels
10. Lewis Dot diagrams
– Valence electrons
11. Isotopes
• Atoms are composed of subatomic
– Protons
– Electrons
– Neutrons
• The number of protons in an atom’s
nucleus determines what element it is.
The nuclei of most atoms also contain
• Atoms of the same element can
have different number of neutrons;
these are called isotopes.
• The atomic weight is an average of
the weights of all the isotopes that
exist in nature.
• We know the proper way to write
the symbol of an element including
the atomic mass and number is as
• The proper notation for an isotope
is the same, except that you will
need to account for the extra
neutrons by adjusting the atomic