Lecture 02 Atoms and Minerals u

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Transcript Lecture 02 Atoms and Minerals u

Atoms and Minerals
Magnet and Iron and slide
Quartz SiO2 common mineral
Minerals: Building blocks of
• Definition of a mineral:
• Naturally occurring
• Inorganic solid
• Ordered internal molecular structure
• Definite chemical composition
• Definition of a rock:
• A solid aggregate or mass of minerals
• Atomic structure
• Central region called the nucleus
– Consists of protons (positive charges) and neutrons
(neutral charges)
• Electrons
– Negatively charged particles that orbit around the nucleus
– Located in discrete energy levels called shells
Flattened structure of an atom
# protons (+) equals # electrons (-)
Electrons in shells
Number of outermost electrons
determine types of bonding
Outermost (Valence) shell
Some definitions:
• Atomic number: number of
protons in the nucleus
• Atomic Mass: total mass of
protons and neutrons within an
atom’s nucleus
• We can see these on a Periodic Table
Periodic Table of the Elements
# protons (+) equals # electrons (-)
Electrons in shells
Number of outermost electrons determine types of bonding
Shows atomic number (# protons) and atomic mass (# protons + neutrons).
Column shows # electrons in outermost shell
Electrons are in shells.
Octet Rule:
Atoms larger than Hydrogen and Helium need 8 electrons in their outer shell for stability
Neutral Atoms have #protons = # electrons
Oxygen has
6 electrons in its
valence shell
Silicon has 4 electrons in
Its outer shell
To satisfy the octet rule atoms can gain or lose electrons
In that state they are called IONS
They can combine with oppositely charged ions to form
neutral molecules
Oxygen, normally 6 valence electrons, wants 2 extra
Silicon, normally 4 valence electrons, would like to be rid of, or share, 4
Chemical Bonding 1: Ionic
• Chemical bonding
• Formation of a compound by combining two or
more atoms
• Ionic bonding
• Atoms gain or lose outermost (valence) electrons
to form ions
• Ionic compounds consist of an orderly
arrangement of oppositely charged ions
• Usually Columns I (alkali metals e.g. Na) and VII
(halogens e.g. Cl)
Halite (NaCl)- An Example of Ionic
Halite small Na+ large Cl-
Crystalline structure of
Internal atomic arrangement is
primarily determined by the size of
ions involved
Small Sodium ions between
large Chlorine ions
Covalent bonding – sharing of
valence electrons
Sharing Electrons in Outermost Shell
Cl2 Chlorine gas
Covalent Bonds in Water
Water is polar
Other Bond Types
• Metallic bonding
– Valence electrons are free to migrate among
– Weaker and less common than ionic or covalent
• Intermolecular bonding
– Hydrogen bonds- charged regions in water
– Van der Waals bonds- electrons momentarily
grouped on same side of nucleus
• Isotopes and radioactive decay
• Atomic mass is the total mass of neutrons
plus protons in an atom
• An isotope is an atom that exhibits variation
in its atomic mass, i.e. different numbers of
• Some isotopes have unstable nuclei that emit
particles and energy in a process known as
radioactive decay.
• 12C 13C stable 14C radioactive
Structure of minerals
• Polymorphs
• Two or more minerals with the same
chemical composition but different
crystalline structures
• Diamond and graphite (both carbon) are
good examples of polymorphs
» The transformation of one polymorph to
another is called a phase change
» Example: Graphite in a High Pressure
Cell Makes Diamond
• Some polymorphs make good PT indicators
Diamond and graphite –
polymorphs of carbon
Physical properties of minerals
• Crystal Form
• External expression of the orderly internal
arrangement of atoms
The mineral garnet often
exhibits good crystal form
Physical properties of
• Luster
• Appearance of a mineral in reflected light
• Two basic categories
– Metallic
– Nonmetallic
• Terms are used to further describe
nonmetallic luster are vitreous (glassy),
pearly, silky, earthy (like dirt), adamantine
Galena PbS displays
metallic luster
Valuable ore of Lead
Physical properties of
• Color
• Generally an unreliable diagnostic
property to use for mineral identification
• Often highly variable for a given mineral
due to slight changes in mineral chemistry
• Exotic colorations of some minerals
produce gemstones
• But we use it anyway
Quartz (SiO2) exhibits
a variety of colors
Physical properties
of minerals
• Streak
• Color of a mineral in its powdered form
• Helpful in distinguishing different
minerals with similar composition
• Hardness
• Resistance of a mineral to abrasion or
• All minerals are compared to a standard
scale called the Mohs scale of hardness
• Cleavage
• Tendency to break along planes of weak
• Produces flat, shiny surfaces
• Described by resulting geometric shapes
– Number of planes
– Angles between adjacent planes
Micas have perfect cleavage
Three directions of perfect cleavage
– fluorite, halite, and calcite
Each Cleavage Plane is paired
Physical properties of
• Fracture
• Absence of cleavage when a mineral is
broken. Shown: conchoidal fracture in Quartz
• Specific Gravity
• Ratio of the weight of a mineral to the
weight of an equal volume of water
• Average value is approximately 2.7
• Simply hefting a mineral works too.
Physical properties of
• Other properties
• Magnetism
• Reaction to hydrochloric acid
• Malleability
• Double refraction
• Taste
• Smell
• Elasticity
Is it calcite or dolomite?
Classification of Minerals
• Nearly 4000 minerals have been
identified on Earth (We discuss a few)
• Rock-forming minerals
• Common minerals that make up most of
the rocks of Earth’s crust
• Only a few dozen members
• Composed mainly of the 8 elements that
make up 98% of the continental crust
Commonly formed Ion charges
often called “oxidation state”
Metals can form more than one Ion. Fe+2 is name Ferrous, Fe+3 is named Ferric
Classification of Minerals
• Silicates
• Most important mineral group
– Comprise most of the rock-forming minerals
– Very abundant due to large amounts of
silicon and oxygen in Earth’s crust
• Basic building block is the silicon-oxygen
tetrahedron molecule
– Four oxygen ions surrounding a much
smaller silicon ion
The Component Atoms
Oxygen has
6 electrons in its
valence shell
Silicon has 4 electrons in
Its outer shell
Remember: atoms can gain or lose electrons
They then combine with oppositely charged ions to form
neutral molecules
Anion (negative)
Cation (positive)
Silicate Molecule
O2 -
The Silicon-Oxygen
O2 -
O2 The basis of most rock-forming
minerals, charge - 4
O2 -
Silicate Bonding I
• Oxygen O atoms may obtain electrons
from Si atoms, producing the SiO4 -4 Ion.
• The negative charge is balanced by
positive metal ions.
• This occurs in Olivine, (Fe,Mg)2SiO4, a
high temperature Fe-Mg silicate. Forms of
this mineral are stable 100’s of kilometers
below Earth’s surface.
• Sort of Ionic Bond
Positive ion
Fe and Mg
SiO4 -4 Ion
facing down
facing up
Independent tetrahedra
Silicate Bonding II
• Alternately, the oxygen atoms may
complete their outer electron shells by
sharing electrons with two Silicon atoms
in nearby silicon tetrahedra.
• A sort of covalent bond
A Pyroxene
Single chains weakly paired
An Amphibole
Cleavages 56 and 124 deg
Double chains
Example: Mica
Sheet silicates
Clay Minerals
(at high magnification)
note sheet structure
Very small crystals
(hand specimen)
Clays are also Sheet Silicates, just as Micas are
Vietnam Anecdote
Example: Quartz
Framework silicates
(3-D, also the Feldspars)
Classification of Minerals
• Common Silicate minerals
• Feldspar Group
– Most common mineral group
– two directions of perfect cleavage at 90 degrees
– In Feldspars, some of the Silicon atoms (oxidation
state +4) are replaced by Aluminum (oxidation state
– Ion is not symmetrical
– Pearly Luster
A Potassium Feldspar
Feldspars that use Calcium (Ca) or Sodium (Na) metals to balance
the SiO4 - 4 and AlO4 -5 charges are called:
Plagioclase feldspar
Note the Twinning, seems to have ‘stripes’