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How does it come about?
Causes and effects
go up/ rise/ increase
1.The temperature tends
t_____ to ___________________
steadily as a ________________of
burning too much
fossil fuels.
2. A large q_______
quantity of carbon dioxide is trapped in
the air. Consequently
C__________, the earth is becoming warmer.
3. Global warming is d_____
to extra CO2 in the air.
resulted in
4. It is the increased amount of CO2 that has _______
global warming.
Global warming has
from the increased amount of CO2
Consequently, a wide range of catastrophes will
come about.
many kinds of/a great variety of
A wide range of nations have been severely affected.
Tuvalu (图瓦鲁) 大部分地区最低海拔0米,最高海拔1米。
In most of Tuvalu, the altitude is as _____
as 0m , and
as high as
In most of Tuvalu, the altitude ranges
from /between 0m _________
to /and 1m.
The sea level is rising by 5.7mm per year
due to climate change.
(when compared to…)
Consequently, Tuvalu is drowning!
But when compared to the altitude of Tuvalu,
the rise in sea level has a great effect.
Tuvaluan 都反对全球变暖是自然现象这一观点;他们认为正
(be opposed to; subscribe to)
Tuvaluan are all opposed to the idea that global
warming is a natural phenomenon; they subscribe
to the view that it’s human activity that has
caused climate change.
Tuva: Dad, why
should we move
Tuva: Dad, I’m
scared. What can
we do?
Tuva: Dad, …
Tuva: Dad, how
does it come about?
I advocate …
I advocate reducing greenhouse gases emissions!
I advocate that we reduce greenhouse gases
Global Warning!
Are they natural phenomena?
Disappearance of species
Global warming
Environmental pollution (water, air…)
June 5, 2015
Q1: How does it come about?
Q2: Does it matter?
Q3: Is it a natural phenomenon? (opinion)
Q4: What should we do about it? (suggestions)
Global warming
(South Africa)
Disappearance of species
Environmental pollution (water, air…)
Global Warning!
Empty words contain nothing but carbon dioxide.
It is our actions that reduce them.
Remember– every action
Finish your own speech and
polish it with the help of your
desk mate.