Transcript Document

Summing up from yesterday
WP3 – a stakeholder involvement in april/may 2013
What CLUVA results to present to stakeholders and how?
Find the energy where such a process would be valuable – where is
it realistic?
Lise Herslund
Slide 1
Where is the energy?
Include CC adaptation in structure plan in Addis
– how to make this transformative? What stakeholders and what
In Dar – masterplan process closed process!
- but Kombes recommendations for awareness raising and
participatory management in hazard-prone areas
- What stakeholders and processs?
Lise Herslund
Slide 2
Stakeholder engagement in strategy making
”In collaboration with stakeholders come
up with strategic measures and points of
action for climate change adaptation in
the CLUVA case cities…..”
(from the CLUVA project document)
- Why do we need to involve stakeholders?
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Involving for resources, anchorage and legitimacy
- Questions to consider when identifying stakeholders
- Stakeholder involvement in your cities?
Slide 4
The process of strategic planning
Healey, 2009
Slide 5
You need stakeholders that…
• Provide knowledge and input
• Represent formal institutions (National/local government, agencies)
• Represent broader community interests (remember the most vulnerable
You need them to…
• Define priorities and assess trade-offs
• Act as community ambassadors, messengers of public liasons for the project
• Communicate decisions and plans to other partner groups, government
departments etc.
• Getting commitment for implementation of actions
• Etc.
Slide 6
Advantages and disadvantages
Can facilitate communication and
exchange of information
Many stakeholders with different opinions and
perceptions are difficult to handle
Can invoke local knowledge otherwise
Large potential for conflicts
Can harvest resources for problem solving
Local perceptions may be contradictory
Can create engagement and ownership
Failed processes create disillusionment, apathy
or protest
Can raise awareness
Time intensive
Empowerment of the involved parties
(awareness, confidence, skills,
(Partly) giving up control of the plan
Can increase the quality of decisions and
long-term sustainability
Power games, hidden agendas
Link making
Unfavorable group dynamics
Slide 7
Involving stakeholders for resources
Relevant departments in government Ministries NGOs Citizens (organised or not)
Scientific experts Regional representatives Politicians National governments Sector
boards Environmental groups Trade and labor unions Community leaders Real estate
developers News media Banks Utility companies etc.
Slide 8
Potential local government resources
Local government departments
• Technical expertise – eg. Vulnerability assessments etc.
• Policy and program expertise
• Staff/administrative resources
• Implementation support through existing programs
Local government elected representatives
• Political support and leadership
• Policy and program expertise
• Support through existing or new policies, programs, initiatives
Neighboring local government representatives
• Regional coordination
• + Same resources as local government
Slide 9
Potential other public resource
District, regional and national governments
• Staff and administrative support
• Funding, facilities and materials
• Technical expertise
• Implementation support, monitoring and evaluation
Sector boards and authorities
• Technical expertise
• Knowledge of sector policies and programs and contacts
• Implementation support, Monitoring and evaluation
Educational institutions
• Knowledge and expertise
• Staff and student support
• Monitoring and evaluation
International agencies
• Funding
• Staff and administrative support, technical expertise
• Implementation support, Monitoring and evaluation
Slide 10
Potential local area resources
Environmental groups
• Climate change knowledge, technical expertise
• Outreach and communication
• Funding channels
• Local knowledge
• Implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Neighborhood groups
• Outreach and communication
• Local knowledge
• Community credibility and support
• Implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Religios groups
• Community credibility and support
• Outreach and communication
• Local knowledge
• Implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Slide 11
Potential other resources
Privately owned/managed utilities
• Technology and infrastructure
• Expertise, facilities and material
Professional associations
• Technical support & knowledge (Prof. Engineering or planning associations)
• Outreach and communication
News media
• Outreach and communication, awareness raising
• Public education
• Funding, facilities and materials
• Local knowledge
• Political community support
Unions (trade, labour, bank credit etc)
• Funding, facilities and materials
Slide 12
Involving stakeholders for anchorage
If stakeholders are involved in
strategy making they are more
likely to support it
Easier implementation of projects
Slide 13
Involving stakeholders to gain legitimacy
If stakeholders have been involved
they are more likely to consider the
strategy or project legitimate and to
conform to it
Politicians, decision-makers and/or
citizens can be cruzial to gain formal
Slide 14
Questions to consider when identifying
• Consider:
Their stake in the issue/vulnerability to CC effects
Their formal position
Their access to/control over necessary resources
Their power to promote or block
• What can they bring to the process?
• Who has skills, interests, political will to take action – are they
• What roles and responsibilities to whom and when in the
Slide 15
Who are important stakeholders in your cities
Check list
Key decision-makers from government departments and
Political leaders
Community leaders who can act as ‘champions’
Vulnerable groups
Traditionally underrepresented groups
Relevant businesses
Knowledge institutions
Neighborhood groups
Environemental groups
International agencies
Utility providers
Slide 16
Engagement – objectives and actions
Awareness raising
• Forums
• Open houses
• Town Hall meetings
Gather advice,
feedback and ideas
• Stakeholder groups
• Advisory committees
Establish common
factual base of
• Workshops
• Focus groups with experts
Story making, link
• Workshops including
different perspectives
(expert, local), common bus
trips, etc.
Slide 17
Meta-governing stakeholder groups
Meta-governance techniques
Network design (hands off)
Influence the scope, character, composition
and institutional
Network framing (hands off)
Determine political goals, fiscal conditions,
legal basis,
discursive story-line of the network
Network management
(hands on)
Reduce tensions, resolve conflicts,
empower particular
actors, providing input and resources of
different kind
Network participation (hands on)
Influence the agenda, the range of feasible
options, the
premises for decision-making, negotiated
policy outputs
Slide 18
Approaches – what would work in your city
• What sort of stakeholder processes would be relevant in your
cities to involve the different types of stakeholders?
• Who can take the lead in organising and undertake processes?
• What sort of organisations? (Public working groups, networks
Slide 19
Next in the programme
- Stakeholder analysis from Addis Ababa
- Local councils and stakeholders in St. Louis
- Stakeholder involvement in Climate Change Adaptation – Birgitte
Slide 20