(PAcifique-CHIli-Dynamique des Eaux
Questions about Climate Change
• What is the difference between weather and
• How can we study climate change?
• How far back in time do we need to go to tell if
the climate is actually changing?
• Where is all the data hidden? What are the
research challenges?
• Why is “climate change” so controversial?
Deep Sea Research Cruise
• Southern Chile
• To retrieve cores from over twenty locations
along the Chilean Fjord Region
• To be analyzed for climate change indicators
(Can you figure out why? Watch for updates!)
Scale: 1:9504168 at Latitude 0°
Source: GEBCO.
200 m
500 m
1000 m
1500 m
2000 m
3000 m
4000 m
• The International Marine Past Global Change
Study (IMAGES Program)
• Institut Polaire Francais (IPEV)
• Dr. Catherine Kissel & Dr. Carlo Laj
• Numerous German, French, Spanish, and
Norwegian Scientists
• 4 Teachers who will be the “Core-Education”
Team on board
Research Vessel
• Marion Dufresne – named after the French explorer who
reached Tasmania before the English and the first European to
make contact with Tasmania’s indigenous population.
Launched in 1995.
Marion Dufresne
Dimensions: length 120.50 m, breadth 20.60 m
Passenger accommodation: 110 passengers capacity, 59 cabins,
2 dining rooms, meeting room, lounges, conference/video
room, and gym room.
Coring Methods
(watch for updates on how it’s done!)
Challenges to Research at Sea!
Bon Voyage!