Transcript File - Apex

Fitness 101
by: Alex Tieri
A beginners guide to exercise,
nutrition, motivation, and
maintaining a healthy lifestyle!
Alex Tieri
Certified Medical Exercise
Specialist – ACE
Orthopedic Exercise Specialist ACE
Performance Enhancement
Specialist – NASM
Nutritional Consultant – AFPA
Personal Trainer since 2008 ACE
Beginning Your Fitness Journey
Psychology of Fitness – Change goes against human
nature, unless there is a very good perceived reason, or
 Enforce your reasons, beliefs, and outcomes!
Locus of Control – Internal: People who believe outcomes
are decided by their own efforts. External: People who
believe outcomes are based on luck or the actions of
 People with stronger internal locus of control have more
success with sticking to programs! Believe “YOU” can
make changes, and control your own destiny!!!
Don’t be a statistic: 91% of people starting a
fitness regimen quit, 61% quit in the first week!
Time constraints
 Fear of injury
 Uncomfortable around
 Intimidating equipment
 Not sure what to do
 Muscle soreness
 Fatigue
 Anxiety
Positive mood changes
Cognitive improvement
Serotonin and tryptophan are released
to boost mood with as little as 30 min of
exercise most days of the week!
Transtheoretical Model of
behavioral change
Precontemplation: not currently intending to
become active.
Contemplation: intending to become active
Preparation: taking steps and planning to
increase activity level soon.
Action: performing regular physical activity for
less than 6 months.
Maintenance: physically active for greater than 6
Take action and find a physical activity you enjoy
to help you reach the maintenance stage!
Goal Setting
Create a large safety net of multiple
obtainable goals:
Eat healthy 5 days a week.
Go to the gym 5 days a week.
Improve running time from 10 min to 30 min.
Improve 15 push-ups to 30 push-ups
Decrease body-fat % from 30% to 16%.
Try to make goals in timed increments
◦ 3 weeks forms a habit!
◦ Having multiple goals will allow you to meet some
of your goals, even if you fail to meet other.
Success Breeds Success!!!
Warming Up
Q-10 effect – by elevating the body by 10 degrees Celsius, you
double the enzyme and metabolic processes to cause muscles to
contract more quickly and with more force.
Increased muscle temperature – makes muscle more pliable and less
prone to strains and sprains.
Blood vessels dilate – reducing blood flow resistance and stress on
the heart.
Improves cooling – by activating heat dissipation mechanisms
(convection) early on you can prevent overheating with greater
effort later on.
Increased blood temperature – frees up O2 from hemoglobin to
working muscles, improving endurance.
Synovial Fluid production – type A removes debris from the joint;
type B lubricates the joint: both help to improve range-of-motion
Hormonal changes – increases hormones that make carbohydrates
and fats available for energy production.
Decreases risk of exercise induced asthma(EIA)!
Don’t skip…this helps you perform better, longer, and safer!!!
Dynamic Warm-ups
 Military March
 Highland Swings
 Torso Twists
 Scarecrow/Heel Kicks
 Walking Lunges
 Lateral Jumping Jacks
 Ankle Circles
Perform each for 45-60 sec
Using Resistance Machines
 Mechanical specificity - Pick weight that allows 12-16
repetitions, when starting off.
 Line joint of use with fulcrum point on machine by
adjusting supports.
 Keep back straight, and head high, use only the isolated
muscle intended, do not assist with other muscles!
 Tighten core musculature and exhale with concentric
(lifting) and inhale with eccentric (lowering).
 Circuit train
◦ Vertical allows you to train one body part followed by another,
giving you the ability to continuously train, and keep your
heart-rate up to burn more calories.
◦ Horizontal for hypertrophy you will do multiple sets for a body
part before moving to the next one. You will need to rest 30180sec between sets.
Acute Variables - Repetitions: 12-20(endurance/tone);
6-12(hypertrophy); 1-5(strength); 1-10(power)…Sets
and Tempo(Neuromuscular Specificity) increase in order.
Progress to overload don’t plateau
Cardio Equipment
-Use quick start button(usually in green) to change
the variables to meet your needs.
-Keep good posture, tighten core and head high.
-Keep knees under hips and directly over ankles.
-Breathe slow and deep to prevent cramps.
-Use heart-rate chart to zone train.
-Mix endurance with interval training. To help with
lactic acid threshold and all around
-Mix speed and intensity variable with intervals;
such as 1 min fast, 1 min recovery zone/ 1
min slow with high resistance, 1 min recovery
 Metabolic specificity – the body will adapt to
endurance or sprints…cross-train don’t plateau!
Finding What is Right
Fitness is not one dimensional
◦ You can have huge muscles, and have terrible blood
◦ You can run marathons, and have very limited
◦ You may be able to master many yoga poses, yet
find it taxing to go up a few flights of stairs.
Cross-train or use Functional training
methods to help improve all aspects of
It’s not when you train, its when you can stay
consistent, then how hard you can train.
Rules of Training Specificity!!!
Training for maximum strength, doesn’t help much
with muscular endurance; training for a marathon
doesn’t help much to improve your sprint.
Bigger Muscles - Isolate muscle groups, with 34 sets and 8-12 reps for each exercise for
Better Cardio – Mix distance with Intervals.
Aim to increase time and intensity.
Increase Flexibility – Use movements that
require a full ROM, utilize Warm-ups and Cooldowns for stretching.
You get what you put into each
category with little carry over to the
Break Away From the Machines!!!
 Really only beneficial for increasing
muscle size, and baseline strength.
◦ Research has over-stated the amount of calorie
consumption lean muscle has. A study by
Donnelly and Colleagues shows increases of
2.2-4.5 lbs of muscle mass only burns 10-50
calories more per day.
Your goal should be total fitness!!!
High Intensity Functional Training
Uses compound exercises training multiple
muscle groups with coordinated movements
to burn more calories.
Mixes resistance training with anaerobic
training, resulting in maximal EPOC!
Continuous sets improve aerobic capacity,
and the cardio-vascular system.
Non isolated exercises give way to using
fuller range of natural motion.
Suspension Training, Kettle-bells, resistance
bands, medicine balls, kick-boxing,
performance drills.
Now that you have a basic understanding of how to train
you will need to get a better grasp on nutrition!
 Proper eating will help with 70-80% of your fitness goals.
 Best advice:
◦ Chew slowly- helps with nutrient break-down and promotes
◦ Identify if you are a compulsive (strong emotions/cravings to
eat) or an impulsive (find yourself unconsciously eating away)
eater, and find ways to resist.
◦ Turn off all distractions while you eat.
◦ Set your plate and put all food away, so it takes additional time
and effort to get a second helping.
◦ Try replacing sweets with fruits or yogurts.
◦ Just because something seems healthy don’t over-eat it
(avocados, reduced fat or sugar items, nuts).
◦ Pick leaner meats, try adding fish.
◦ Try to skip the condiments.
◦ Eat low fat, fiber foods before exercise, for gastric emptying.
◦ Eat a 4-1 ratio of Carbs to protein within 45 min after exercise.
◦ Whole unprocessed organic foods are the best way to go!
Discipline reigns supreme!
3 Factors of Specialized Nutrition
Factor 2: BODY TYPE
An ectomorph is best described as slender. Characteristically, they
have delicate bone structure, small shoulders and chest, and a fast
metabolism. Ectomorphs are the classic "hardgainers." They find it
hard to gain weight and put on mass.
On the plus side, it's easy for them to get lean. They tend to require
a greater percentage of carbohydrates to prevent muscle
catabolism, as well as a higher calorie intake overall.
Diet Recommendations: Ectomorphs should stick to the high end
of the range for carbohydrates, between 30-60% of total calories, depending on
whether the goal is mass gains, maintenance, or fat loss. Higher carbohydrate
ratios augment lean mass gains, while lower carbohydrate ratios tend to
accelerate fat loss.
Use the high end for mass gains, the mid-upper end for maintenance (45-55%),
and the low-end for fat loss. At least 25% of total calories should come from
protein, with the remainder from fat.
A mesomorph tends toward being muscular. They're often strong,
athletic hard-body types with well-defined muscles, broad shoulders, and dense bone
Mesomorphs generally have little trouble gaining muscle or losing fat, though they will put
on fat more readily than ectomorphs.
They can handle a moderate level of carbs due to their ample capacity to store muscle
glycogen. Weight gain with high carbs!
Diet Recommendations: Mesomorphs do well in the middle range for carbohydrates,
between 20-50 percent of total calories. Again, use the high-end for mass gains (40-50%),
the middle for maintenance (30-40%), and low-end for fat loss (20-30%).
To prioritize fat loss, increase both protein and fat while lowering carbohydrate intakes, with
no more than 40% of calories coming from fat.
The endomorph is best described as soft. They typically have a round or pear-shaped
body, shorter limbs, a stocky build, and a slower metabolism.
Endomorphs can put on a lot of muscle, but they also tend to carry more adipose tissue
and thus have a greater propensity to store fat. Because excess carbohydrates in the
endomorph's diet end up as fat, a high carbohydrate intake will make it difficult for them to
get lean or lose weight.
Diet Recommendations: Endomorphs should stick to the low end of the carbohydrate
range, between 10-40% of total calories, depending on their goals. Here, use no more than
30-40% carbohydrates for mass gains, the middle range for maintenance (20-30), and lowend for fat loss (10-20%). As with the other body types, protein and fat provide the
remainder of your calories, with 25-50% of total calories from protein and 15-40% from fat.
Factor 3: GENDER
In general, women are more efficient at burning fat and less efficient at
burning the glycogen stored in muscle. As such, they may be able to
operate on lower carbohydrate intake than men.
Research suggests a variety of reasons that women have a greater reliance
on fats for fuel during exercise, including:
1. Estrogen enhances epinephrine production, the primary hormone that stimulates
lipolysis (fatty acid breakdown).
2. Estrogen promotes the release of human growth hormone (HGH), which inhibits
the uptake of carbohydrates and increases the mobilization of fatty acids from
adipose tissue.
3. Women have increased blood flow to adipose tissue, which could assist in fat
4. Women have higher levels of intramuscular triglycerides (IMTG), a fat-based
source of fuel that spares muscle glycogen during moderate to high intensity
exercise. This sparing of muscle glycogen may actually give women an
endurance edge against men.
Estimated Calorie Needs Per Day By Age, Gender,
and Physical Activity Level
*non-pregnant or lactating
Age (years)
Gym Calories Versus Food Calories
Gym Calories Versus Food Calories
1 Bag Regular Popcorn
491 calories
1 Bowl Caesar Salad
Snickers King Size Candy
528 calories
488 calories
Chili’s Homestyle Fries
380 calories
Buffalo Wild Wings Burger
Baskin Robbins 1 Scoop
Ice Cream Cone
260 calories
½ Cup Trail Mix
790 calories
347 calories
1 Slice of Pepperoni Pizza
Canned Beverage
340 calories
150 calories
Applebee’s Double Glazed
Baby Back Ribs
1340 calories
4 Slices of Bacon
260 calories
Gym Calories
 Hop on a stationary bike.
 Pedal as hard as you can for 3 min.
 Multiply by 10 for a 30 min cal count.
 Multiply by 70%(.70) for realistic effort.
This exercise will take you through your
anaerobic systems (ATP-CP, then Glycolytic)
for the first min, then as lactic acid builds you
will be forced to slow down and work from
your aerobic systems (oxidative).
= The sad reality that you can eat calories way
easier than you can burn them.
For survival evolution has made us
superior energy(fat) storers!
Don’t Over-train
Signs: Nausea, Slow recovering heart-rate,
elevated heart-rate, slow to elevate heart-rate during
exercise, feeling drained, restlessness at night, agitated.
Overloading happens during the training, adaptations
happen during rest and recovery.
Metabolism- Anabolism uses energy to build the body,
catabolism breaks down the body for energy.
Negative hormones such as cortisol released from the
adrenal gland, increasing blood pressure, sugar, and
suppressing the immune system.
Proper Progression is key to prevent injury and
Thank you for attending!
◦ Stay motivated and keep the course and you
will enjoy your youth longer, live happier, and
be healthier!
Feel free to contact me for any questions
or training!
[email protected]
Don’t Quit!!!