File - twynham a level pe

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Health Related Components
of Fitness
Health Related Fitness
Physiologically based factors that may impact
upon a persons health.
 Cardio-respiratory endurance (Stamina)
 Strength
 Muscular Endurance
 Flexibility
 Power
 Speed
Cardio- Respiratory Fitness
“Ability to sustain stressful physical
exertion for a period of time”
 Component allows individual to participate in
sustained, whole body sub maximal
activities e.g. swimming, cycling and long
distance running.
 It is an underpinning factor in many
invasion, racket and striking and fielding
Cardio- Respiratory Fitness
Aerobic Capacity is dependent upon:
1. Efficient external respiration mechanisms- lungs
2. Efficiency of blood taking up oxygen in the lungs
3. Efficiency of the cardiovascular system in
transporting the oxygen to cells.
4. Efficiency of the cells to take up oxygen
5. Efficiency of the body in dealing with waste
products- CO2
Multi Stage Fitness Test
 This test is made up of 23 levels, with each
level lasting one minute.
 The performer has to run a series of 20m
shuttles with the speed gradually increasing
until they can not keep up with the required
*Research the protocol:- Page 235
“The ability to overcome a resistance. This
may be explosive, dynamic or static.”
 Performers can apply strength rapidly,
powerfully or over a period of time.
* Make sure you can quote examples of the
different types of strength
Explosive Strength
“Rapid contraction of muscle fibre units to
achieve maximum generation of force.”
Examples:- Jumping, throwing, sprinting,
*Link- POWER
Dynamic Strength
“Repeated contraction and relaxation of a
single muscle group.”
This causes a limb to repeat a movement over
* Don’t confuse this with muscular
Static Strength
“The holding of the limb or part of the
body in a static or immobile position.”
 Muscle maintain a state of contraction or
tension, supported by a pried antagonistic
*Can you think of sporting examples?
Strength and Health
 Level of core strength will prevent back pain
form the ageing process.
Leg/Back Dynamometer
A dynamometer measures the amount of
force a muscle can exert with very little
*Research the Protocol:- page 237
One Rep Max
The amount of force a muscle can exert in a
single contraction.
Muscular Endurance
“The ability of a muscle or group of
muscles to perform repetitive
contractions over a period of time”
Sporting Examples…..
Sit Ups Test
Perform as many sit ups as you can in 3
This is a measure of abdominal strength
Press Ups Test
Perform as many press ups as you can in 30
This is a measure of chest and arm strength
Research the Protocol :- Page 236
“The range of movement around a joint”
 The range of motion around a joint will link
to the type of joint, the length of muscle
and ligaments.
 Good flexibility is needed for effective
skill/technique action.
 Also important when avoiding injuries.
Flexibility and Health
Very important as you get older
General health
Mobility- muscle more elastic
Avoiding injuries / back pain
Sit and Reach Test
From a sitting position on the floor, the
performer reaches as far forward as they
can on the sit and reach box.
* Research the Protocol:- page 238
*Remember this test only measures hamstring
“The rapid application of muscular force.
Strength and Speed combined”
 Application of large maximal forces as
quickly as possible.
 Similar to Explosive Strength
 Based on the bodies ability to recruit large
motor units quickly.
Sporting examples…..
Sergeant Jump Test
Performer is to perform a double footed jump
from a static position as high as possible.
• Research the Protocol:- Page 239
* Remember this test only measures the
power in the legs.
 Maximum rate a persons can move over a
specific distance
 Ability to put body parts into motion quickly
 Fast twitch muscle fibres (FTG)
 High stored of PC
 Effective lever systems
 20 or 30m Sprint
 Speed and Health
 Only really need it to do things like sprint
upstairs- could get injured if not flexible and
strength maintained
Exam Question
 Identify tests to assess muscular endurance
and aerobic capacity. State how each can
be evaluated. (4marks)
 Why is it important to maintain your
flexibility? (2marks)
 What do you understand by the term ‘stamina’ and
why is it an important component of fitness for
football players? (2)
 Name two other components of fitness and, using
examples, explain why each component is
important in a game of football.
Weightlifting requires different types of strength.
 Name and describe the different types of strength
used during weightlifting.(2)
 Apart from strength, name and describe another
component of fitness that is
needed for weightlifting.(1)
Explosive strength – rapid/maximal/ forceful/powerful contraction/equiv;
Static strength – holding position/isometric/ equiv;
First answer only
Needs name and description of movement
Not power/not dynamic as types of strength
Flexibility – wide range of movement;
Speed – rapid movement/move quickly;
Co-ordination – combining movements/ arms and legs together;
Power – strength x speed/large force quickly;
Agility – change direction quickly;
Balance – Remaining stable/equilibrium/ centre of mass over
area of support