Transcript muscular2

Muscular System #2
Bell Ringer
• Students on the heater side of the room
should take this time to list professions
that require use of long, strong muscles
(ex: dancers, construction workers)
• The door side of the room should take this
time to list professions requiring use of
small, delicate muscles (ex: concert
How muscles work…
Contract = shorten
Extend = lengthen
See figure 10.18
Use figure 10.19 to see the function of
various muscles throughout our body
Problems of the muscular system…
Pulled or torn muscle
Muscle torn from bone Medical help
Soreness due to
Rest; application of
cold pack, then heat
Stretched or torn
tendon; very painful
Varies according to
severity; may range
from rest and a cold
pack to surgery
Muscular Dystrophy
Most common type is
an inherited disorder
characterized by a
weakening of the
skeletal muscles;
eventual inability to
walk and stand
No known cure;
muscle therapy as
long as it is effective