Exercise Adaption - Ain Shams University

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Transcript Exercise Adaption - Ain Shams University

Assistant Prof: Nermine Mounir Riad
Ain Shams University, Chest
Oxygen is consumed in the production of
ATP and that co2 is produced as waste
Respiratory quotient(RQ) this ratio of o2
consumption to co2 production.
 It equals 0.8
Takes place by means of diffusion of
External respiration:(within the lungs)
 Respiratory exchange ratio(R) is the ratio
of this exchange within the lungs
between oxygen and carbon dioxide.
R= 200/250=0.8
Internal respiration:(within the muscles)
Gas exchange and nutrients.
1- The fuel needed for ATP production must
be supplied.
2-waste products that result from ATP
production must be removed.
Metabolism parameters:
1-oxygen consumption:
-Normally at rest average 250 ml/min (3.5-4
ml/min/kg), with exercise it will increase
directly with the level of muscular work, VO2
increase until exhaustion occurs and
maximum level of O2consumption(VO2max)
is reached.
- VO2 max is a reproducible , well defined
physiologic end point so it is used as a
definitive indicator of an individual s
muscular work capacity. Normally range
from 1700-5800 ml/ min
2- CO2 production:
 Normally 200ml/min (2.8 ml/min/kg)
 During the initial phase of exercise it
increase at a rate similar to VO2, once
the anaerobic threshold has been
reached , VCO2 increases at a faster rate
than VO2. the faster rate is the result of
additional CO2 production from
HCO3/CO2 buffering mechanism.
3-Anaerobic threshold:
 In normal individuals occurs at
approximately 60% ± 10% of the
persons VO2 max.
 At the onset of the AT , there is marked
increase in CO2 production because of
lactic acid buffering and a compensatory
increase in ventilation.
 After the onset of the AT, a
breathlessness develops and a burning
sensations begins in working muscles.
4-Respiratory Quotient:
 CO2 production ↑ during exercise esp. after
the AT has been achieved →↑RQ from
resting levels of 0.8 to beyond 1.0
 The subject will be able to continue exercise
for a short period of time as much as 1.5
5-Blood PH:
 Remains relatively unchanged till the onset
of AT → the blood gradually becomes more
acidotic as the body is less able to buffer the
excessive acid (H)produced by anaerobic
1-Minute Ventilation:
 Normally = 5-6 l/min,100l/min in maximal
 At the very start of an exercise → vent. ↑(d.t.
resp. centers stimulation by the brain motor
cortex and joint proprioceptors)
 Humeral factors (chemoreceptors) do the fine
tuning of vent.
 The level of vent. Continue increasing
correspondingly with the increase of the
workload till AT reached → vent. ↑ in a rate
greater than the rate of workload ↑to
compensate for the additional C02 produced
during anaerobic metabolism.
2-Tidal volume:
 Normally = 500 ml, 2.3-3 L during
 Increase early in exercise and are initially
responsible for the increase in vent.
3-Breathing Rate:
 Normally = 12-16bpm, up to 40-50 bpm
 Responsible for the increase in minute
ventilation that occur late in maximal
exercise, esp. after AT reached
4-Dead space/ Tidal volume Ratio:
 Normally= 0.20-0.40, ↓ during exercise
 ↓significantly during exercise d.t ↑in tidal
volume with constant dead space
5-Pulmonary capillary blood transit time:
 Normally= 0.75 second, ↓ 0.38 second
d.t ↑ C.O.
6-Alveolar-Arterial Oxygen Difference:
 Normally= 10 mmHg changes little until
a heavy workload is achieved . However,
it can increase to 20-30 mmHg.
7-Oxygen Transport:
 Local conditions of increased temp.,
PCO2 and a relative acidosis in the
muscle tissues → greater release of
oxygen by the blood for use by the
tissues for metabolism.
1-Cardiac Output:
 Normally = 4-6L/min up to 20L/min
 Increase linearly with increases in the
workload during exercise till the point of
 At work levels of up 50%of an individuals
exercise capacity, the ↑ in C.O is d.t ↑ in
heart rate and stroke volume together.
After this point, it ll be d.t. in ↑ heart
2-Stroke Volume:
 Normally = 50-80 ml can double during
 Increase linearly with increase in
workload until a maximum value is
achieved, ≈ 50% of an individuals
capacity for exercise.
 After a HR of about 120bpm , there is
little additional increase in SV → CO
increase based in HR.
3-Heart Rate:
 Can increase as much as 2.5-4 times the
resting HR.
 HR max is achieved just prior of total
exhaustion, considered as physiologic
end point for each individual.
 HRmax (±10bpm)= 210-(0.65X age)
 HRmax (±10bpm)=220- age
4-Oxygen pulse:
 In order to meet the demands of
increasing muscle work during exercise,
each heart contraction must deliver a
greater quantity of oxygen out to the
 O2 pulse= VO2/HR
 Normally = 2.5-4 ml o2/ heart beat up to
10-15 ml in exercise.
5-Blood pressure:
 During exercise→↑systolic blood pressure (up to
200mmHg) while diastolic blood pressure remains
relatively stable( may ↑up to 90mmHg)
 Pulse pressure (difference between systolic and
diastolic pressure) ↑ during exercise.
6-Arterial- Venous Oxygen Content Difference:
 During maximal exercise the difference ↑2.5-3 times
the resting value. (N. 5 vol%)
 The ↑ is due to the greater amounts of O2 that are
extracted by the working muscle tissue during exercise.
7-Distribution of circulation:
 Circulation to the skeletal muscles
increases which in turn increase the
cardiac output.
 Circulation to the heart ↑.
 Skin perfusion ↑ as cooling mechanism for the
body but can ↓ at extreme exercise levels (as the
muscles demand ↑)
Thank you