Transcript Slide 1

Unit 13
 Week
14 Class
 June 2015
New words and expressions
 avian influenza: bird influenza
 contagious disease
 susceptible: vulnerable
 domestic poultry 家禽
 flock: a group of (birds, sheep, or goats)
 epidemic: a widespread outbreak of an
infectious disease
 elimination
Part 1 Dialogue
 Rainforest
plight 困境;境况
 appall 使惊骇
 vow发誓
 rival 对手;竞争
 log v. 伐树;记入航海日志
 scaffolding
 canopy 天篷;遮篷
 patch
Part 2 Passage
 America’s Amish
New Words and Expressions
 apex: the highest point
 bearded
 brow—eyebrow—eyelash
 mule骡子
 to plow
 hang out
 preserve: n. fruit preserved by cooking
with sugar
 miniature: very small
News Item 1
 stark: unpleasantly or sharply clear;
impossible to avoid
malaria 疟疾
brain drain 人才外流;智囊流失
News Item 2
 anti-retroviral drugs 抗逆转录病毒药物
 opportunistic infection机会性感染
反响;弹回;反射 法
 take hold 抓住;扛着;固定下来
 repercussion
News Item 3
 bemused: puzzled, confused
 converge: to meet or join at a particular place
 borough: a town or a district within a large town,
which has its own council 区;自治的市镇
overspill: the extra traffic
prefect 长官,地方行政长官
decree 法令;判决
back down放弃;让步
To be done by next class
 Complete
the exercise on page 149-153.