20 tcp/rer/3402/edpr/babov - Assistance to Western Balkan

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Transcript 20 tcp/rer/3402/edpr/babov - Assistance to Western Balkan

Aquatic animal emergency
prepardness and response
(EPDR) system in Montenegro
FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402
Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to
International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health
Do you have emergency system in place, what would
be the procedures in case of disease outbreak?
• The general procedures in case of disease outbreak are
prescribed in the Veterinary Law (Establishing of an
infectious animal disease;Procedure in case of
establishing the infectious animal disease; Measures for
control of infectious animal diseases; Infected and
endangered area; Declaring the disease resolved;
Notification; Securing of human and material resources;
Securing of human and material resources; Killing or
emergency slaughter; Compensation…)
• More precise written procedures for aquatic diseases
has not been adopted yet.
Specific recomendation in country/region
related to emergency prepardness?
• Based on learnings and knowledge from previous days
• Training and awareness of the owners of the fish farms
on biosecurity measures and obligations for professional
monitoring of aquatic health on the farm and obligations
in a case of suspicion of disease
• Fast response of all stakeholders in a case of suspicion
on farm (to apply measures on farm; clinical
examination, sampling and laboratory diagnostics)
• Confirmed case of listed disease, effective measures for
eradication of disease- disease control on farm; in zone;
epidemiology investigation; disease reporting; movement
control of live fish
Evaluate workshop activities?
Better knowledge on the importance of
• Adopting of Contingency Plans and implementation of it
• Fact response in a case of suspicion of disease
• Importance of anamnesis and record keeping on the
• Properly sampling and taking relevant (representative)
• Fast and reliable laboratory diagnostic
• Control of implementation of measures ordered