Transcript Future

Topic 10
Pre-Speaking Exercise
Foundation program 基础学科;入门课程
Nursing (n) 护士学;护理学
Rich for / in… 在。。。方面很丰富/
Good learning experience 良好的学习经历
Succeed or fail 成功或失败
Short term plans 短期计划 / 安排
Be flexible with sth. 灵活地安排某事
All the time 时时刻刻;每时每刻
Come true 成为现实;实现
Be optimistic about sth 对某事很乐观
Major problems 主要问题;要害
Be worth sth / doing sth 值得去做某事
Overseas life 海外生活
Long distance learning courses
Listening: I want to study in New Zealand.mp3
Listening: I think England is beautiful.mp3
Listening: Plans and future.mp3
Tell us about your plan to study overseas, if you
have one (If not, then still share your plans):
- What country do you plan to go to for your study?
- How well do you think you know about this country?
By what means? (非常了解?有点或不了解?不在意?
- What do you plan to do the moment you arrive?
- What will you do after you graduate? Why?(所在国
Listening: 04 Future Plans.mp3
Listening: 19 Going Abroad Long-term.mp3
Examination Papers from University of
The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself,
his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.
- What is your favorite color? Why?
- Do you like the same color now as you did when you
were younger? [why / why not?]
- What can you learn about a person from the colors
they like?
- Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?
Describe a song or a piece of music you
You should say:
- What the song or music is
- What kind of song or music it is
- Where you first heard it
and explain why you like it.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.
You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Discussion topics:
Music and young people
- What kinds of music are popular with young people
in your country?
- What do you think influences a young person’s taste
in music?
- How has technology affected the kinds of music
popular with young people?
Music and society
- Tell me about any traditional music in your culture.
- How important is it for a culture to have musical
- Why do you think countries have national anthems
or songs? (国家的象征;增强全国各族人民的国家认同
感和国家荣誉感 )