Transcript Chapter 24

STD’s, HIV, and AIDS
I. Sexually Transmitted Disease
• Infectious disease that is spread from person
to person through sexual contact.
• There are 35 different types.
• Pathogens include: viruses, bacteria
protozoa, fungi, and animal parasites.
• HIV, genital herpes, and genital warts
cannot be cured.
II. Abstinence
• The only 100% foolproof method of NOT
obtaining an STD.
III. Problems caused by STD’s
• Vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina.
• Pelvic inflammatory disease - infection of
the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries.
• Urethritis - inflammation of the urethra.
IV. Common STD’s
Genital Herpes
Genital Warts
• H - Human
• I - Immunodeficiency
• V - Virus
A - acquired
I - immune
D - deficiency
S - syndrome
VII. Transmission of HIV
• HIV is very fragile and cannot survive long
outside the human body.
• It can only be transmitted through exchange
of certain body fluids. They are:
vaginal secretion
breast milk
VIII. Progression of HIV infection
• Asymptomatic phase - symptoms may not
appear for years. (up to 10 years)
• Declining Immunity - As the number of Tcells drops, a person develops a flulike
• AIDS - one or more opportunistic diseases
develop. Over 30 such diseases have been
IX. Risk Factors
• Sexually active
– multiple partners increases chances.
• Exchange of blood
Sharing needles:
body piercing
X. Myths about AIDS
• Homosexual disease.
• Junkies disease.
• Can be spread through casual contact.
XI. Identification of HIV
• Blood Test
• Who should be tested?
Someone who has had sex w/someone that has
had sex w/multiple partners.
Someone who has had sex w/multiple
IV drug users.
Anyone who has shared needles
(piercing, tattooing, syringes)
XII. Treatment of HIV
• There is no cure
• AZT has been the most effective medicine
in slowing the progress of HIV infection.
XIII. Prevention of STD’s and AIDS
• ABSTINENCE - 100% foolproof method
• Proper use of latex condoms
• Monogamy