Transcript Background

Required Background
for ECOE 556
What do I need to catch up with?
• Basic data structures (Chapter 10)
Linked list
Records (e.g. (integer,real number) pairs)
• Basic mathematical proof methods
– “If and only if” proofs
– Mathematical induction
• Strong induction
• Know the costs of operations on these data structures
– Insert
– Delete
– Look-up
What do I need to catch up with?
• Simple algorithms for simple problems
– Find the minimum or maximum element in a
data structure
– Reverse the elements in an array
– Determine the top three elements in an array
– Merge two sorted arrays into a third sorted
• Merge two sorted files containing integers into a
third sorted file.
– Find duplicates/unique elements in an array
Exercise for this week
• Write a program that reads in two files of sorted integers,
one per line, and writes out a sorted, merged file.
• Write a stack program that reads in a command file and
processes it
Push 3
Push 4
Write state f1.out
• Write a queue program similar to the above
– Enqueue 3
– Enqueue 4
– Dequeue
• Read ahead
– Before you come to lecture
• Ask yourself and me the stupidest basic
– Can’t build on fuzzy understanding
• Not everything will/can be covered in lecture
– This is a graduate class
– I am only ONE of your resources
– Bad way of thinking: “If the professor did not say it
explicitly in class, I don’t need to learn it.”