Exercise Is Medicine

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Exercise Is Medicine:
Physiologic Benefits of
Ajay N. Kiri, M.D.
AAPNA Teleconference
December 21, 2009
Outline of Seminar
Exercise Fundamentals
Ayurveda on exercise
Benefits of Exercise
Exercise Physiology
How Exercise Effects Aging
Counseling Patients On Exercise
Recommended Exercise Regimens
Exercise Related Resources
Purpose Of The Seminar
 To teach the main types of exercise & their
 To understand the physiologic effects of
 To learn the most effective ways to
recommend exercise to your patients
 To learn what types of exercise protocols to
recommend to your patients
Why Exercise Is So Important
 A functional, fit body is the foundation of
 Exercising is the only way to get in shape
(become fit)
 “Without Health There Is No Happiness…”
Thomas Jefferson
Exercise Basics
What Is Exercise?
 Physical activity
– Any body movement by the skeletal muscles that results
in a substantive increase in resting energy expenditure
 yard work, shoveling snow, sports, weight lifting
 Leisure time physical activity
– Sports like basketball or soccer
 Scheduled exercise
– Goal oriented activity: jogging or weight lifting
 Improved fitness or physical performance
 Weight management or better health
Main Types of Purposeful Exercise
 Aerobic (with oxygen)
– Continuous exercise w/elevated heart rate
 Anaerobic (without oxygen)
– Weight lifting, power exercises
– Oxygen demand is greater than oxygen supply
Core strengthening/stability training
Flexibility training
Balance training
Sport specific training, ie agility, performance
What Is Fitness
 Ability to do physical work over time, using
the musculoskeletal & cardiovascular
 Greater degree of fitness leads to reduced
risks of overall disease & greater sense of
well being & functionality
Age-adjusted mortality rates in healthy men categorized by
level of fitness (Exercise capacity in METs)
Myers, J. Circulation 2003;107:e2-e5
How Exercise Impacts Health
Improves state of health & fitness
Helps manage body weight
Improves strength, stamina & energy
Improves libido and sexual performance
Improves alertness & concentration
Improves mood & promotes a positive attitude
Promotes restful sleep
Delays aging related physiologic changes
Patient Asks Why Exercise?
Makes you feel better
Makes you look better
Makes you feel better about yourself
Reduces risks of major diseases
– Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancers
 Leads to improvement in a great variety of
diseases & negative health conditions
Ayurveda and Exercise
 Ayurveda mainly works through nutrition and
 Ayurveda recognizes the benefits of exercise at
the physical, mental & spirit
 Ayurveda’s exercise recommendations are similar
to western medicine’s
– From thousands of years of wisdom & experience
Ayurveda’s Views On Exercise
Its Physical Benefits
Enhanced circulation
Enhanced energy, strength and vitality
Enhanced flexibility and coordination
Good posture
Increased ability to breathe deeper, infusing more prana
into the system
A feeling of lightness in the body
Toned muscles and body
Increased efficiency of the digestive system and a
balanced appetite and metabolism
Increased efficiency in eliminating toxins from the body
Ayurveda’s Views On Exercise
Benefits for Mind, Heart and Spirit
Enhanced mental alertness and agility
Enhanced mental strength
Enhanced focus and ability to concentrate
Sense of emotional equilibrium
Enhanced self-esteem and respect for one's body
Enhanced ability to manage stress
Freedom of spirit
Ayurveda’s Views On Exercise
Principles to Follow
 Do not exercise to the point of discomfort
– Leads to excessive soreness, fatigue, injury &
premature aging
– Results in enjoyment of exercise & greater long term
commitment to exercise program
– Always breath through the nose
 Concept of balaardh: use half your strength or
capacity when exercising
 If you maintain the exercise program, your
exercise capacity will increase
Ayurveda’s Views On Exercise
Principles to Follow
 Exercise early in the morning to promote elevated
energy levels all day
 Do not exercise on a completely empty stomach or
just after a full meal
 To enhance circulation and the elimination of
toxins, ayurvedic healers recommend that
exercise be preceded by abhyanga, the ayurvedic
warm oil self-massage
Dosha Specific Exercises
Vata-Predominant Types
 Ideal exercises incorporate slow movements
for balancing vata
 Slow dancing
 Low impact aerobics
 Tai chi
 Leisurely swimming in warm water
 Badminton
 Walking and yoga
Dosha Specific Exercises
Pitta-Predominant Types
 Look for individual activities that require
strength, focus and speed
 Water, ice or snow based activities
– Swimming, downhill skiing, rowing, surfing and
– Walking or jogging in a cool shady area
– tennis and yoga
Dosha Specific Exercises
Kapha-Predominant Types
 Excel at activities requiring endurance and
 They like team sports
 Might not always be motivated to exercise,
preferring a more sedentary lifestyle
 Good balancing activities include distance
walking or running, basketball, racquetball,
football, aerobics, ice skating, cross country
skiing and cycling
Exercise Physiology and Its Specific
 Discuss benefits by body system and
– Cardiovascular
– Respiratory
– Endocrine
– Musculoskeletal & overall body composition
– Mental health
– Aging related physiology
Cardiovascular Benefits of A
Sustained Exercise Program
 Strengthens the heart muscle
 Improves blood flow (circulation)
 Reduces risk of heart attack
– If occurs, occurs later in life, less severe event
Lowers blood pressure
Promotes weight loss
Raised HDL (good) cholesterol
Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol
Exercise Physiology
Cardiovascular Effects & Benefits
 Benefit derived
primarily from aerobic
 Changes occur to
increased blood flow to
skeletal muscles for
increased oxygen
Exercise Physiology
Cardiovascular Effects & Benefits
 What happens when you exercise
– Heart rate increases linearly with work rate
– Stroke volume increases
– Cardiac output increases
– Blood flow to muscles improves
– Blood pressure increases with exercise
– Tissue oxygen extraction improves
– Pulmonary ventilation increases
How Cardiac Output Increases
 Cardiac output (CO)= HR x SV
 Increase in heart rate leads to higher CO
 Stroke volume increases from resting HR up to
50% of aerobic capacity
– Enhanced venous return
– Increasing force of contraction
 Increased ventricular contractility (Frank-Starling mechanism)
 Catecholamine mediated sympathetic stimulation
– Increase in ejection fraction
 EF = [SV/EDV] x 100
– SV may decrease at higher heart rates b/c of less
diastolic filling time
Stroke Volume Increases Up to
50% Aerobic Capacity
Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise
 Exercise conditioning
leads to increased
aerobic capacity
 Ability to circulate
blood and provide
oxygen improves
 The heart muscles
enlarges and becomes
 Results in higher
stroke volume
– Lower resting pulse
 Greater response
(increase in cardiac
output) to exercise
Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise
Conditioning: Sedentary Man Vs
World Class Athlete
 Resting/maximal (exercise) heart rate
– Sedentary man: 70/190 bpm
– World class athlete: 45/190 bpm
 Resting/maximal stroke volume
– Sedentary man: 85/93 mL/beat
– World class athlete: 136/184 mL/beat
Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise
Conditioning: Sedentary Man Vs
World Class Athlete
 Resting/maximal cardiac output
– Sedentary man: 6.1/17.7 L/min
– World class athlete: 6.1/35.0 L/min
 Arteriovenous O2 difference: rest/maximal
– Sedentary man: 4.0/14.0 mL/dL blood
– World class athlete: 4.0/16.0 mL/dL blood
How Exercise Lowers Blood
Aerobic exercise does this
Takes 3 months to have an effect
Last as long as exercise is continued
Results from
– Stronger heart muscle
– Improved vasomotor responsiveness
– Blood vessels are able to “relax” when not
– Less effort for blood circulation
The Respiratory System
 Pulmonary ventilation is typically not the limiting
factor in maximal aerobic capacity
 Minute ventilation increases 15 to 25 fold with
increasing exercise/work
– Via increase in tidal volume
– Respiratory rate
 Generally pulmonary respiration is directly
proportional to O2 consumption and C02
– Also increases with lactate production
Exercise & the Endocrine System
 Exercise makes the metabolism more
efficient, increase in enzymes for energy
 Increases insulin sensitivity
– Improves type 2 diabetes
 Combined with aggressive dietary changes
can “cure” type 2 diabetes
 Promotes weight loss
Aerobic Exercise & Energy
 Glucose is the preferred energy source
– ATP (energy) generated via glycolysis & Kreb cycle
 Comes from glycogen breakdown in liver and
skeletal muscle; glycogenolysis
 Fat stores are also mobilized for energy
– Ratio of glucose:fat metabolism is initially 1:1, can
change to 1:4 with prolonged submaximal V02 <60%
intensity exercise, takes 90 minutes to reach this effect
– Increased fat metabolism with low to moderate intensity
activities after 10 minutes of steady state exercise
 Proteins may also be broken down for energy if
Anaerobic Exercise & Energy
 Energy for a 400m sprint
– 70% anaerobic (without oxygen)
 ATP-CP creatine phosphate system
 ATP generated by glycolysis
– 30% aerobic
 Kreb cycle in mitochondria
 Continued conditioning will increase the
lactic acid threshold
– Improved anaerobic energy production
Lipoprotein Profile and Exercise
 Researchers are unsure as to exact mechanisms
that do this
 Exercise may release enzymes that clear LDL
from blood vessels and bring it back to liver for
 Exercise is able to change the lipoprotein profile
– Low density lipoproteins are bad
– High density lipoproteins are good
– Exercise reduces former, increases latter
Lipoprotein Profile and Exercise
 Aerobic exercise is needed to improve lipid
 Greater intensity exercise leads to greater
– Can lower LDL by 10 – 15%
– Increase HDL by 20%
– Combine efforts with nutritional changes
Exercise & the Musculoskeletal
 Exercise training results in improvements in
muscle strength & size up to that required
for exercise
– Muscles adapt to increasing resistance load by
– Increases in contractile proteins actin & myosin
– Also there is gradual strengthening of tendons,
ligaments and joints
Exercise & the Musculoskeletal
 Strength or resistance training (ie weight
lifting) leads to greatest muscle mass gains
 Leads to increased overall strength, power,
joint stability, basal metabolism
 Can also improve neuromuscular control
Strength Training is Rehabilitative
For Joints & Muscles
 Leads to restructuring of collagen fibers in
tendons & ligaments
 Strengthens resulting soft tissues & joints
 Process takes time & requires consistent
effort on the part of the pt
 Refer to a qualified physical therapist when
Exercise and Bone Health
 Bone is constantly remodeling via
– Osteoblastic formation
– Osteoclastic resorption
 Process is affected by mechanical stresses
– Exercise is a stimulus for skeletal adaptation
– Bones become stronger with exercise
– Leads to maintenance or increase in density
 Reminder
– Women begin to lose bone mass between age 30 – 35
 Rate of about 0.75% to 1% per year
– Men begin to lose bone mass between age 50 – 55
 Rate of about 0.4% per year
Exercise and Bone Health
 Once bone is demineralized,
remineralization with exercise is a slow
– Slower than building strength
– Be careful when working out elderly because of
weak bones
 Best to take calcium & Vitamin D
supplements & exercise throughout life to
prevent bone mass & density loss
Exercise & Mental Health
Exercise promotes positive changes in mood
Increases brain blood flow
Increase in nerve growth factors
Increases concentrations of neurotransmitters that
support cognition
– Dopamine, glutamate, norepinephrine, serotonin
 Release of opioid like endorphins
– Runner’s high
Exercise & Mental Health
 Exercise is a very effective treatment for
– Improvement in serotonin levels
– Weight loss
– Increased confidence & self worth
 Improvements in other mental disorders are
– improved cognition in dementia
– Stress reduction in anxiety states
Exercise And Sleep
 Exercise improve ability to fall asleep and
remain asleep
 When the physical body is exhausted it slips
into REM more quickly & for a longer period
of time
– Muscles recovery during sleep & REM
 Leads to more restful sleep & increased
energy during the day
Exercise and Aging
 Aging is inevitable
 Some changes can be mitigated or
ameliorated via
– Exercise
– Proper nutrition
– Proper supplementation
– Lifestyle factors: stress reduction, sleeping
habits, weight management
Cardiovascular Changes With Aging
 Are changes normal or due to
cardiovascular disease
 Maximal heart rate decreases with age
– Decrease in pacemaker cells and
responsiveness to stimulation
 Maximal heart rate formula
– 220 minus age
Cardiovascular Changes With Aging
 Increase in interstitial fibrosis & calcium in myocardium
– Collagen crosslinking and elasticity loss
– Left ventricle hypertrophies
 Cardiac output is 10 to 30% less at age 65 than at young
– Decrease in both HR & SV
– Decreases about 1% per year
 Arterial stiffening & elasticity loss which increases SBP
– Increases heart’s workload (afterload)
 Overall circulation decreases with aging
Exercise and Cardiovascular Aging
 Exercise can minimize loss in stroke volume
 Heart rate changes are less responsive
 Exercise can help maintain & minimize loss
in aerobic capacity
 Exercise can also reduce blood pressure &
improve circulation
Pulmonary Changes With Aging
Lung compliance increases with aging
Ability for chest to expand decreases
20% increase in work to breath by age 65
Vital capacity decreases by 40 to 50% by
age 70
– May be due to loss of elastic recoil of lung
Pulmonary Changes With Aging
 Respiratory changes do not limit exercise
– Unless there is severe lung disease
Body Composition Changes With
 Approximately 1/3 of the population is obese
– Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic
 Basal metabolic rate decrease by 5% per decade
 Loss of lean muscle mass, atrophy with aging
– Loss depends on activity level
 Exercise, both aerobic and strength training is the
key to minimizing weight gain and muscle atrophy
Joint Degeneration With Aging
 Progressive loss of flexibility with aging
– Loss of collagen fibers
– Deterioration of joint soft tissues
 Increase in knee and back problems with aging
 Significant degeneration of the spine with aging
– Excessive weight bearing may play a role
 Exercise is great for minimizing rate of joint
degeneration & strengthening soft tissues
Overview of How to Counsel
Patients on Exercise
 Key is to form a partnership with your
 Teach them to become self motivated
– Your role is to teach them how to motivate
 Numerous counseling techniques are
available and are physician dependent
Several Models for Exercise
 3 Ms model
 Mentioning exercise
– Identify which patient can benefit from exercise
 Modeling: being a role model
– Discuss your experiences with exercise
 Motivating: teaching patients to motivate
Several Models for Exercise
Five As Model
Assess (pt’s need for exercise)
Advise (exercise recommendations)
Agree (agreement by patient)
Assist (pt to engage in the activity)
Arrange (follow up)
Screening History & Physical Exam
 Talk to your physician if you have
– Heart disease or severe lung disease
 Chest pain
 Abnormal heart beat
 Circulation problems
– Joint disease
 Prior injuries, severe arthritis
– Poor balance
 History of falls
– Other related medical issue as note by your doctor
ACSM & AHA Exercise
Recommendation: Adults Under 65
 Moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes,
 Or
 High intensity exercise for 20 minutes,
 And
 8 to 10 repetitions of 10 strength training
exercises 2x/week
ACSM & AHA Exercise
Recommendation: Adults Over 65
 Moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes,
 Or
 High intensity exercise for 20 minutes, 3x/week
 And
 10 - 15 repetitions of 10 strength training exercises
 Balance training if there is a risk of falling
US Dept of Health & Human
Services Physical Activity
 Moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes,
 Or
 High intensity exercise for 20 minutes, 3x/week
 Or
 Combination of moderate & high intensity exercise
to reach recommended level
Types of Aerobic Exercises
Brisk walking
 Jump roping
 Superset without rest
between sets
 Circuit training
 Swimming
 Various sporting
Main Strength Exercises
 Chest muscles
– Bench press
 Flat, incline, decline
 Shoulders
– Shoulder press
– Lateral or front raises
 Upper back
– Chin up
– Rows
 Arms
– Bicep & forearm curls
– Tricep extensions
 Abdominals
– Sit ups & crunches
– Leg raises
 Obliques
– Side bends
– Torso twists
 Lower Back
– Back extension
– deadlifts
 Legs
– Squats, lunges
– Leg press
– Leg extensions & curls
Exercise Intensities
 Level of physical exertion to raise your heart
rate & break a sweat
– Should be able to carry on a conversation
– Level 6 on scale of 1 to 10
 Vigorous intensity
– Level 8 or higher
– Requires higher focus
– Difficult to carry conversation
Complete Exercise Protocols
Should have all 5 components
Aerobic exercise
Muscular, strength or resistance training
Core strength & stability training
Stretching & flexibility training
Balance training
Principles of Weight Loss
 Expend more calories than you consume
 Typically requires a lifestyle change
 Eating lower calories and exercising to burn
 During weight loss period
– Requires more strict adherence to calorie restriction
– Higher levels of exercise
 During maintenance period: goal wt is attained
Principles of Weight Loss
 Expend more calories than you consume
 Typically requires a lifestyle change
 Eating lower calories and exercising to burn
 During weight loss period
– Requires more strict adherence to calorie restriction
– Higher levels of exercise
 During maintenance period: goal wt is attained
Calorie Restriction Techniques
 Drink lots of water and/or low calorie drinks
 Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Bulky and low calorie
Phytonutrients boost metabolism
Fruits are convenient & ready to eat
Learn tasty & palatable recipes to cook veges
 Increase protein intake to preserve lean tissue
 Limit high calorie foods like fried food, nuts,
candies, empty calories
 Take supplements as directed
Exercise Resources
 American College of Sports Medicine
 American Heart Association
 US Department of Health & Human Services
– Physical Activities Guidelines Advisory
 National Academy of Sports Medicine
 American College of Cardiology