Transcript Modern Era

The Modern Era 1900-present
While some composers on the twentieth century
remained in the romantic style, most composers
moved on. The only rule was that there are no
rules. New music, new styles, new ideas.
The reason that composers wanted to completely change the face of
music was mostly because the old systems were growing so
overused that they were becoming limiting factors. A large
question looming over composers was "what do you do when
everything's been done already?".
Technology became a key factor in the music of this era. The
recording tape came to be used widely. Electronically
created sounds were used in combination with other
electronic sounds or played together with traditional music
instruments. The use of the computer in the field of music
has given it a totally new outlook. Computers have also
been made to imitate the sounds of real instruments and
are widely used for composing music.
4’33”, one of John Cage’s most famous pieces, is
“performed” by a pianist who sits unmoving in front of a
keyboard for four minutes and 33 seconds. The members of
the audience are expected during this time to listen to the
sounds that occur around them.
The Modern period has been largely focused on redefining
music as we know it. The twentieth century has been a
time of musical experimentation, as composers have tried
to redefine every aspect of music: melody, rhythm,
harmony, and even the qualities of sound itself.
William Close
Earth Harp
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