Transcript Document

Weekly Rounds
Presentation prepared by
Carlos Alvarez
Supervised by Dr. Fayi Wu
Acupuncture and Massage College
June 22, 2013
Ancient and precise Medical Treatments
Heart meridian
(hand shao Yin)
The concept in TCM
The heart is called the 'King' of the organs.
The Internal Medicine Classic states:
“The heart commands all of the organs and viscera,
houses the spirit, and controls the emotions”
In Chinese, the word for “heart” (xin)
is also used to denote “mind”.
When the heart is strong and steady, it controls the emotions;
when it is weak and wavering, the emotions rebel and prey upon the heart mind,
which then loses its command over the body.
Physiologically, the heart controls
the circulation and distribution of
blood, and therefore all the other
organs depend upon it for
Thoughts and emotions influence
the function of various organs via
pulse and blood pressure, are
controlled by the heart, where then
emotions arise.
Internally, the heart is functionally
associated with the thymus gland, which
is located in the same cavity and forms a
mainstay of the immune system.
Extreme emotions such as grief and anger
have an immediate suppressive effect on
the immune system by inhibiting thymus
function, a phenomenon that has long
been observed but little understood in
Western medicine.
Externally, the heart is related to the
tongue, to which it is connected by the
heart muscle.
The color and texture of the tongue
thus reflect the condition of the heart.
Speech impediments such as stuttering
and mutism are often caused by
dysfunction or imbalance in heart
Facial complexion, which is a direct
reflection of blood circulation, is also a
major external indicator of heart
Fire energy makes the heart the
dominant organ of summer, during
which season the heart must increase
circulation to the surface in order to
dissipate excess body heat
Passage without points
The meridian originates from its pertaining organ the heart passes
through the diaphragm connects with the small intestine. The branch
from the heart runs alongside the esophagus reaches the face to
connect with the eye
The Heart primary channel
Passage with points
The branch from the heart goes
upward to the lung turns
downward and emerges from
the axilla (HT 1).
From there goes along the
posterior border of the medial
aspect of the arm down to the
cubital fossa continues to
descend along the posterior
border of the medial aspect of
the forearm to the pisiform
region enters the palm follows
the radial side of the little finger
ends at its tip (HT 9).
There it links with the small
intestine meridian.
The hand lesser Yin (Shaoyin) heart meridian starts in
the heart, emerging through the blood vessels
surrounding this organ. Traveling downward, it
passes through the diaphragm to net the small
Another branch separates from the heart, traveling
upward along the side of the esophagus to meet the
tissues surrounding the eye.
A further meridian separates from the heart, travels
directly up into the lung, and then veers downwards
to emerge below the axilla. It travels down the
medial aspect of the upper arm, medial to the hand
greater Yin (Taiyin) lung and hand reverting Yin
(Jueyin) pericardium meridians, and passes over the
antecubital fossa.
It continues down the anteromedial margin of the
forearm to the capital bone on the wrist, travelling
along the radial side of the fifth metacarpal bone to
terminate at the tip of the little finger
This is the Heart pathway
Where does the heart channel start?
At the heart organ
Where do the 3 branches of the heart Channel go?
1. To Small Intestine
2. Alongside the esophagus, to tissues surrounding the eye (canthus’)
3. To heart system, entering the Lung, travelling down the medio-posterior aspect of
the upper arm.
What 3 organs are included along the Heart Channel?
1. Heart
2. Lung
3. Small Intestine
What is the Luo Connecting
point of the heart and where
does it go from there?
Heart 5
The Heart luo-connecting channel
The Heart divergent channel
There are two branches:
1) Along heart channel
=> root of tongue
=> eye
2) To SI channel
What are the two disorders found in the Luo Connecting Channel of the heart?
1) Excess – Qi or blood stagnation, expressed as fullness or pain in the chest area
Men in FIRE
2) Speech difficulties like post-stroke patients.
Brain affected area
Thank you