A 5.8 - MissHelbing

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Transcript A 5.8 - MissHelbing

Advanced Solving Technique I:
Multiplying Through
Section 5.8
Getting Started … (sect. 5.8)
To solve an equation with fractions:
Find the least common denominator
(LCD) of all fraction terms on both sides
of the equation.
 Multiply each term on both sides of the
equation by the LCD. This should remove
all fractions from the equation.
 Solve the resulting equation using the
methods from earlier sections.
3 x 45
4 20
LCD = 20, so multiply
both sides by 20.
 3x 
 45 
20    20  
 4 
 20 
5  3x   1 45 
15 x  45
15 x 45
15 15
3 x 13
 
4 6 12
LCD = 12, so
multiply each
term by 12
 x
 13 
12    12    12  
 12 
3  3  2  x   113
9  2 x  13
9  2 x  9  13  9
2x  4
 2x 
 x
18    18  4   18  
 9 
4 x  72  3 x
4 x  72  4 x  3 x  4 x
72   x
72  x
Solving Linear Equations
Tip: Equations containing fractions and decimal numbers can lead
to messy computations. To avoid such messy computations, be
sure to follow these tips.
• When clearing an equation containing fractions, be sure to
multiply every term on each side of the equation by the LCD.
• When clearing an equation containing decimals, be sure to
multiply every term on each side of the equation by an
appropriate power of 10. Choose the smallest exponent on 10
needed to eliminate the decimals.
Solving an Equation with Decimals
0.2v – 0.03 ( 11 + v ) = – 0.06 ( 31 )
20v – 3 ( 11 + v ) = – 6 ( 31 )
Multiply by 100.
Step 1 20v – 3 ( 11) – 3 ( v ) = – 186
20v – 33 – 3v = – 186
17v – 33 = – 186
Step 2
Step 3
Combine terms.
17v – 33 + 33 = – 186 + 33
Add 33.
17v = – 153
Combine terms.
– 153
Divide by 17.
v = –9
Check to confirm that
– 9 is the solution.
What if the equation is too big?
6000n + 9000 = 11000 – 2000n
Divide by 1000!
6n + 9 = 11 – 2n
8n + 9 = 11
8n = 2
n = ¼ or .25
Page 331 9-21 (odds)