Translating Words to Mathese - cguhs

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Translating Words to Mathese
Algebra 1
MATHESE (the language of math)
Write all the terms that imply these operations.
Addition Subtraction
Multiplication Division
Is there a difference?
eight more than six
six more than eight
four less than five
five less than four
product of two and four versus
product of four and two
quotient of six and three versus quotient of three and six
Fifteen divided by three versus
three divided by fifteen
Using a Verbal Model
• Ask yourself what you need to know to
solve the problem.
• Assign labels to each part of the verbal
• Use the labels to write an algebraic model
based on the verbal model.
• Solve the algebraic model and answer the
original question.
• Check that your answer is reasonable.
Example Using a Verbal Model
The terrific math club is selling Pi Day shirts
at $15 each. The club wants to raise $300
for a math field trip.
Problem #1
five more than n
Problem #2
Eleven less than a number
Problem #3
• Five less than six times a number
Problem #4
• Jeremy’s sister is 6 years older than
Jeremy. Write an expression for the age
of Jeremy’s sister.
Problem #5
• 7 divided by the sum of x and 5
Problem #6
Fifty divided by two times a number
Problem #7
y added to the product of 7 and m
Problem #8
Twelve less than a number is thirty.
Problem #9
Four times a number increased by seven
Problem #10
y subtracted from twice a number
Problem #11
Four more than half a number
Problem #12
Fifteen less than the product of 8 and r
Problem #13
• Andrea’s brother is 14 years younger than
Andrea. Write an expression for the age
of Andrea’s brother.
Problem #14
The difference of eighty-one and a number
Problem #15
Twice the sum of five and a number
Problem #16
Triple the sum of five and a number x
Problem #17
Fifteen less than eight times a number
Problem #18
Write a variable expression for “15 divided
by the sum of x and 4.”
Problem #19
• Write a variable expression for “15
multiplied by the sum of x and 4.”
Problem #20
• Write a variable expression for “30 divided
by the difference of t and 8.”
On Your Own
Write your own expression in words and
then in mathematical symbols.
Translating word problems.
1. What operation does the word difference indicate?
2. translate the verbal phrase, "the difference of 7 and a number n" into an algebraic
3. Is order important in the expression in Exercise 2?
4. Describe how to use a verbal model to solve a problem.
Write as an algebraic expression.
5. Eleven decreased by the quantity four times a number x.
6. Four increased by the quantity eleven times a number x.
7. four times the quantity of a number x minus eleven.
8. four times a number x decreased by eleven.
9. a number x increased by ten is 24.
10. The product of seven and a number y is 42.
12. Twenty divided by a number n is less than or equal to two.
12. Ten more than a number x is greater than fourteen.
13. Nine more than a number
14. one-half multiplied by a number
15. Three more than half of a number
16. a number increased by seven.
17. quotient of a number and two tenths
18. product of four and a number
19. two cubed divided by a number
20. difference of ten and a number
21. five squared minus a number
Pg. 35: 1-22
22. twenty-nine decreased by a number
Translating word problems.
Nine is greater than three times a number s
Twenty-five is the quotient of a number y and 3.5
The product of 14 and a number x is one.
Nine less than the product of ten and a number d is eleven
Three times the quantity two less than a number x is ten.
Five decreased by eight is four times y.
Twenty-three less than the difference of thirty-eight and a number
n is less than eight
A number t increased by the sum of seven and the square of
another number s is ten.
Five less than the difference of twenty and a number x is greater
than or equal to ten
Fourteen plus the product of twelve and a number is less than or
equal to fifty.
Pg. 35: 23-48
Translating word problems.
Nine plus the quotient of a number b and ten is greater than or
equal to eleven.
Seventy divided by the product of seven and a number p is equal
to one.
A number q is equal to or greater than one hundred.
A number x squared plus forty-four is equal to the number x to the
fourth power times three.
The quotient of thirty-five and a number t is less than or equal to
Fifty multiplied by the quantity twenty divided by a number n is
greater than or equal to two hundred fifty.
Pg. 35: 23-48
Translating word problems.
Ben’s hourly wage b at his after school job is $1.50 less than Eileen’s
hourly wage e.
The distance s to school is 1/5 mile more than the distance c to the
Community Center swimming pool.
The length c of the Colorado River is three times the length r of the
Connecticut River, plus 229 miles.
Pi () is the quotient of the circumference C and the diameter d of a
The volume V of a cube with a side length s is less than or equal to thirty
minus three.
The product of $25 and the number m of club memberships is greater
than or equal to $500.
The perimeter P of a square is equal to four times the difference of a
number s and two.
The simple interest earned on a principal of three hundred dollars at an
annual interest rate of x percent is less than or equal to seventy-two
The area A of a trapezoid is equal to one half times the sum of seven and
nine, times a number h plus seven.
The square of the length c of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to
four squared plus three squared.