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Chapter 4: Measurements
and Significant Figures
A significant figure is a digit that
is a reliable indicator of value.
Significant figure conventions guide
us when we report the results of
measurements so that what we
report indicates the exactness of the
measuring device.
Chapter 4: Measurements
and Significant Figures
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
1. The number of significant
figures is related to the
certainty of a measurement or
a count of great magnitude.
(number of microscopes in lab
vs. number of sand grains on
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
2. When reporting a
measurement, record as many
digits as are certain plus one digit
that is estimated.
(with meter or ruler, estimate
last place…..on digital display,
assume instrument estimated last
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
3. All non-zero digits in a number
are significant.
(98.34 has four significant
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
4. All zeros between two nonzero digits are significant
(100.4 has four significant
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
5. Zero digits to the right of a
non-zero digit but to the left of
an assumed decimal point may or
may not be significant.
place holders,
but not significant
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
6. All zeros to the right of a
decimal point and to the right of
a non-zero digit before a decimal
place are significant.
all have five significant figures
Chapter 4, Box 1 (p.53)
7. All digits to the left of a nonzero digit and to the right of a
decimal point are not significant
unless there is a significant digit
to their left.
two significant figures
four significant figures
Chapter 4, Box 2 (p.55)
1. It is assumed that the last
digit of a result from a
calculation is rounded.
2. When rounding:
a. If the digit to be dropped is
less than 5, the preceding
digit remains the same.
54.83 is rounded to 54.8
Chapter 4, Box 2 (p.55)
2. When rounding:
b. If the digit to be dropped is
5 or more, the preceding
digit increases by one.
54.78 is rounded to 54.8
54.65 is rounded to 54.7
Chapter 4, Box 2 (p.55)
3. Round after performing a
4. Rule for addition or subtraction
is different than for multiplication
or division.
Depends on number of places to
the right of the decimal point
Chapter 4, Box 2 (p.55)
4. Rule for addition or subtraction
is different than for multiplication
or division.
Depends on number of places to
the right of the decimal point (least)
162.1886 round to 162.2
Chapter 4, Box 2 (p.55)
5. In multiplication and division,
keep as many significant figures
as are found in the number with
the least significant digits.
0.54678 X 0.980 X 7.899 = 4.23
3 significant
Significant Digits
The “Pacific-Atlantic” Rule for Significant
If a decimal is
Present, start
counting from
the Pacific
first nonzero digit
1 2 3
3 significant
Significant Digits
The “Pacific-Atlantic” Rule for Significant
If a decimal is
Absent, start
counting from
the Atlantic
5 significant
5 4 32 1
first nonzero digit