Transcript 3.6 ppt

Do Now: Create the
word problem and solve
for the variable.
Fifteen less than 4 times a number is greater
than 8.
Ms. Ramsel wants to buy her classes’ favorite
songs on itunes as a reward. Each song costs
$1.29. She also has a discount card for $5 off
her purchase. She wants to spend no more than
$10. What is the greatest number of songs she
can buy?
Do Now
Homework collection
Exit Ticket
Clean Up
Start the day on a positive!
Know what? You’re pretty great. 
We have a big test coming up, so let me know if
you’d like:
Help preparing/studying
Questions about how to create an extra credit study
Questions off any parts of the past unit
Review: Inverse
Inverse: ONLY for OPPOSITE sides of the
equation. To cancel things out. Taking away
things you have multiples of.
Review: Inverse
Inverse: ONLY for
OPPOSITE sides of the
equation. To cancel
things out. Taking away
things you have multiples
3 + 2y = – 7
2y = - 10
¸2 __¸ 2
y = -5
Review: Combining
Combining: ONLY for SAME side of the equation, or
for expressions. Putting together similar terms on the
same side.
Review: Combining
Combining: ONLY for
SAME side of the
equation, or for
expressions. Putting
together similar
terms on the same
3z + 4 + 5z = 16r
(3 + 5)z + 4 = 16r
8z + 4 = 16r
with variables on both
like terms
on the left
like terms
on the
right side
Use the inverse
to combine like
terms across
the equal sign
Solve for
Solving equations with
variables on both sides
Combine like terms on the left
Combine like terms on the
right side
Use the inverse to combine
like terms across the equal
Solve for the variable
Check your work
4x + 3 = 18x – 5
4x = 18x – 8
-18x -18x
-14x = -8
x = 8/14
You try: Solve for x
Combine like terms on the left
Combine like terms on the
right side
Use the inverse to combine
like terms across the equal
Solve for the variable
Check your work
3x – 17 = 27 - 2x
You try: Solve for x
Combine like terms on the left
Combine like terms on the
right side
Use the inverse to combine
like terms across the equal
3x – 17 = 27 - 2x
+ 2x
5x - 17 = 27
+ 17
+ 17
5x = 44
Solve for the variable
Check your work
x = 8.8
1) 4x – 3 = -2 + 7x
4) 4x – 24 < 48 + 2x
2) 3x – 14 > -15 + 2x
5) 3x + 2 = -4 + 8x
3) 5 – 13x = -2 + 3x
6) 25x – 4 = -15 - 3
1) 4x – 3 = -2 + 7x
X = 1/3
2) 3x – 14 > -15 + 2x
X > -1
3) 5 – 13x = -2 + 3x
X = 7/16
4) 4x – 24 < 48 + 2x
X < 36
5) 3x + 2 = -4 + 8x
X = 6/5
6) 25x – 4 = -15x – 3
X = 14/25
But what if…
An equation has no
solution if no value
makes the equation true.
An equation is an identity
equation if any value
makes the equation true.
6m – 5 = 7m + 7 –m
10 – 8a = 2(5-4a)
6m-5 = 6m + 7
10 – 8a=10 – 8a
-5 = 7, no solution
10=10, identity, always
LET’s practice
word problems!!!!!!
Word problems: Example
Your class hopes to
collect 1,200
returnable bottles
to raise money for a
class trip. During
the first week, the
24 students in your
class collect an
average of 34
bottles each. How
many more bottles
per student should
the class collect?
B = number of additional bottles
per student
24(34 + b) = 1,200
816+ 24b = 1,200
24b = 384
÷ 24
b = 16
Each student needs to collect an
additional 16 bottles.
Word problems: Example
Your class goes to an
amusement park.
Admission is $10 for
each student and $15
for each chaperone.
The total cost is $380.
There are 12 girls in
your class and 6
chaperones on the
trip. How many boys
are in your class?
X = number of boys in my class
10 (x + 12) + 6(15) = 380
10x + 120 + 90 = 380
10x + (120 + 90) = 380
10x + 210 = 380
- 210 - 210
10x = 170
÷ 10 ÷ 10
x = 17
10(17 + 12) + 90 = 380? Yes
You try: create the
equation and solve
For Valentine’s day,
Ashley must send 100
valentines. She can
stuff 4 envelopes in a
minute and has
already completed 15.
How many minutes will
it take Ashley to
complete this task?
You try: create the
equation and solve
For Valentine’s day,
Ashley must send 100
valentines. She can stuff 4
envelopes in a minute and
has already completed 15.
How many minutes will it
take Ashley to complete this
M = number of minutes to
4x + 15 = 100
4x = 85
x = 21.25
It will take Ashley 21.25 minutes
to stuff all her envelopes.
Now Try: write the
equation, solve, and
When McKayla
babysits, she
charges $5 per hour
for the first 4 hours,
and then $8 per
hour for each
additional hour.
How many hours
did she babysit for
if she earned $44?
2. The attendance
at a ball game was
400 people. Student
tickets cost $2 and
adults tickets cost
$3. If $1050 was
collected in ticket
sales, how many of
each type of ticket
were sold?