Transcript Slide 1

R.C. Verma
Physics Department
Punjabi University
Patiala – 147 002
Part II- Algebra
Solving One, Two or more Equations
Numerical Analysis: Root Finding
Creating new Expressions, and Transformation Rules
Creating new (user-defined) Functions
Sums and Products
18. Algebraic Expressions
Mathematica understands algebraic expressions,
can do symbolic computations.
In[48]:= 3x-6x+7-2+5x
Out[48]= 5 + 2 x
In[49] := (x+y)^3 (x+y)
(x + y)
19.1. Expanding the Expressions
Expand[ expression] command is used to multiply out the expression.
In[50]:= Expand[ (x+y)^4]
2 2
3 4
x +4x y+6x y +4xy +y
Output of a certain command can be limited to approximately one line by suffix
// Short
In[51]:= Expand[ (x+y)^100]//Short
x + 100 x y + <<98>> + y
ExpandAll[ expression] applies Expand command everywhere.
19.2. Simplifying the Expressions
Factor[ expression ] restores it to factored form.
In[52]:= Factor[ x^4 + 4x^3 y + 6x^2 y^2 + 4x y^3 + y^4]
(x + y)
Using Simplify command, you may express a formula as simply as possible.
In[53]:= Simplify[ (x^2 - y^2)/(x+y)]
Out[53]= x - y
Try the following command:
In[54]:= Simplify[ (x^3+y^3)(x^3-y^3) ]
3 3 3 3
(x - y ) (x + y )
So, sometimes, Expand command does the job better.
In[55]:= Expand[ (x^3 + y^3)(x^3 - y^3) ]
6 6
x -y
20. Equations vs. Assignments
Mathematica distinguishes between an equation and an assignment.
For example,
x == 5 is an equation,
is an assignment.
So in Mathematica, an equation is written
using a double equal == sign.
X^3 - 3 x + 2 == 0
21. Solving Equation
The linear as well as polynomial equations involving one variable can easily be solved.
Solve [eqn, var]
attempts to solve an equation (or set of equations) for the variables var.
In[56]:= Solve[ x^3 - 3 x + 2 == 0, x]
Out[56]= {{x -> -2}, {x -> 1}, {x -> 1}}
21.1 Solving Two or more Equations
Solve[ { lhs1== rhs1, lhs2 == rhs2, …. }, {x, y, z, ….}]
In[57]:= Solve[ {x + y ==3, x - y == 1}, {x, y}]
Out[57] = {{x -> 2, y -> 1}}
22. Numerical Solving Equations
NSolve[ lhs== rhs, x]
solves a polynomial equation numerically.
In[58]:= NSolve[x^6 + x^2 -1 ==0, x]
Out[58]= { {x -> -0.826031}, {x -> -0.659334 - 0.880844 I},
{x -> -0.659334 + 0.880844 I}, {x -> 0.659334 - 0.880844 I},
{x -> 0.659334 + 0.880844 I}, {x -> 0.826031}}
NSolve[ { lhs1== rhs1, lhs2 == rhs2, …. }, {x, y, z, ….}]
solves a system of polynomial equations numerically.
In[59]:= NSolve[{x^3+y^3 ==1, x+y==2}, {x, y}]
Out[59]= {{x -> 1. - 0.408248 I, y -> 1. + 0.408248 I},
{x -> 1. + 0.408248 I, y -> 1. - 0.408248 I}}
23. Numerical Analysis: Root Finding
Root of an equation can be found using
FindRoot[ ]
giving one guess root (or two guess roots).
To find an approximate solution of the equation ey = 2 y + 3,
choosing starting value of y = 2.
In[60]:= FindRoot[ Exp[y]==2 y + 3, {y, 2}]
Out[60]={y -> 1.92394}
FindRoot command can be used to solve two or more equations
involving two or more unknowns.
FindRoot[ { lhs1== rhs1, lhs2 == rhs2, …. }, {x, x0}, {y, y0}, ….}]
searches for numerical solutions
for a system of simultaneous polynomial equations
24. Creating new Expressions
You may even assign a name to an equation,
and use Mathematica commands on it.
In[61]:= quadratic = a*x^2 + b*x +c ==0
ln[62]:= Solve[ quadratic, x]
-b - Sqrt[ b - 4 a c]
-b + Sqrt[ b - 4 a c]
{{x -> -------------------------}, {x -> --------------------------}}
An expression may be defined using := in place of simple = sign.
In[63] := a:= x^3 + 2 x – 1
Mathematica treats the two ways of defining expression differently
25. Transformation Rules
To evaluate an expression at a point,
use the replacement operator
expression / . Rule
In[63] := a:= x^3 + 2 x – 1;
In[64] := a/.x->2
Out[64]= 11
ln[65]:= (x^ 3+ 5) /. x -> 2
The replacement operator can also be used to substitute
for two or more variables in an expression.
In[66] := ( c/(a^4 - 6*b +3) )/. {a ->m, b ->n, c->p}
3+m -6n
26. Creating new (user-defined) Functions
Any functional form may be developed as user-defined function as assignment.
ln[67]:= f[x_] = x^4 + 5 x^2 -3
2 4
-3 + 5 x + x
Here, f is the name of a function of one variable, x.
The underscore just after the symbol x means that x is a dummy variable.
The argument must be enclosed in square brackets [ ] just after the function name.
On the right hand side definition of the function is given.
The function may be evaluated with either a numeric or a symbolic argument:
In[68]:= f[-2]
Out[68]= 33
You can also define a function using the "colon-equal" sign
instead of equal sign.
Mathematica never forgets such definitions unless instructed to do so.
Structure of the statement is
functionName[argument_]: = expression.
f[x_]:= x^4 +5 x^2 -3
There is a difference between the two methods of defining new function.
Without colon, the r.h.s. the definition is evaluated as soon as the definition is made.
The colon-equal sign : tells Mathematica not to evaluate the r.h.s. until you use it.
It also suppresses the output.
26.1 Creating new (user-defined) Function using Table[ ]
Table[ ] may also be defined as function:
In[69]:= f[n_]:=Table[ Prime[i], {i,n}]
Out[69]= {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41,
43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71}
26.2. Functions of two or more variables
In[70]:= g[x_, y_]:= Sqrt[x*x + y*y]
length = g[2.3, 5.6]
Out[70]= 6.05392
27. Sums and Products
Sum[ term-definition, {I, imin, imax}]
finds the sum of the term for a given range.
ln[71]:= Sum[ 1/i^2, {i, 1, 10}]
In[72]:= Sum[Sqrt[3+Sqrt[3+Sqrt[3+Sqrt[3+n]]]],{n,0,5}]//N
Out[72]= 13.8169
In[73]:= Product[ i, {i, 2, 20, 2}]
Out[73]= 3715891200
In this, the final 2 indicates
that the counter i should be evaluated in increments of 2.
In[74]:= Sum[ 3^(-i), {i, 0, Infinity}]
Sum[3 , {i, 0, Infinity}]
To get the numerical result,
use the N[ ] command,
or suffix //N
In[75]:= Sum[ 3^(-i), {i, 0, Infinity}]//N
Out[75]= 1.5
End of Part II