On Number theory algorithms from Srividya and George

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Number Theory
Presented by
Shrividya Shivkumar and George Frederick
Division Theorem
Modular Exponential
Prime Numbers
Fermat’s Little Theorem
Primes Is In P
Relatively Prime numbers
Euclid’s algorithm
Extended Euclid algorithm
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Pollard’s Rho
Division theorem
For any integer a and a positive integer n
there are unique integers q and r such that 0 ≤ r <
n and
a = qn + r
a = a/n  n + ( a mod n)
If (a mod n) = (b mod n) then
a is equivalent to b
b (mod n)
Ex : 61
6 (mod 11)
Properties of modular addition and multiplication:
Let a
a’ (mod n)
b’ (mod n) then
( a’ + b’)( mod n)
(a’b’) (mod n)
Properties of common divisors:
 If d | a and d | b
d | (a + b)
 If d | a and d | b
d | ( a – b)
 If d | a and d | b
d | (ax + by)
Modular Exponential
Gives an efficient way to calculate
a mod n
Modular Exponential
What are prime numbers?
An integer having only trivial divisors
( 1 and itself)
Ex : 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 ….
What are relative Prime Numbers ?
Numbers whose only common factor is 1 or the gcd(a,b) = 1.
Ex: 6 and 35 are relatively prime (gcd = 1)
Ways to Check If a number is prime :
1.Trial division
2.Fermat’s Little theorem
3.Miller Rabin primality test
Finding Prime numbers
Trial division – testing for divisibility of
each integer starting from 2 … sqrt(n)
 Even integers greater than 2 can be
 Worst case complexity : O (sqrt(n))
Fermat’s Little Theorem
Fermat’s Little Theorem
Does not work with Carmichael numbers.
Carmichael numbers - a Carmichael
number is a composite positive integer n
which satisfies the congruence bn1  1(mod n)
for all integers b which are relatively
prime to n .
Ex : 561 = 11 * 3 * 17
How to check if a number is prime?
Use the Miller-Rabin test
 Uses several randomly chosen base values
Miller-Rabin Test contd…
b(k),b(k-1)….b(0) .. Binary representation of n-1
For I  k to 0
Do x  d
D  (d.d)mod(n)
if d = 1 and (x not equal 1) and (x not equal n-1)
return true
if b(i) = 1
d  (d.a)mod n
If ( d not equal 1)
return TRUE
Return FALSE
PRIMES is in P
Authored by Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj
Kayal, and Nitin Saxena
 Won the 2006 Gödel Prize
 Produced an unconditional deterministic
polynomial-time algorithm that
determines whether an input number is
prime or composite
 Previous efforts were all conditional,
randomized, or had exponential running
PRIMES is in P
As with most primality tests, is based on
Fermat’s Little Theorem (actually a
generalization of)
 Fermat’s Little Theorem: For any integer a:
a  a(mod p)
Let a  Z , n  N , n  2, and (a, n)  1. Then
n is prime iff ( X  a)  X  a(mod n)
What is a greatest common divisor?
The largest common divisor of a and b
1 < = gcd( a,b) <= min ( |a| , | b|)
Euler’s Phi Function
The number of positive integers less than
equal to n that are relatively prime to n
P  Number of primes dividing n.
Ex: if n = 45
phi(45) = 45 ( 1-(1/3))(1-(1/5))
= 24
Euler’s Phi Function
When p is prime, then
Ø(p) = {1 , 2 , 3 , …., p-1} = p-1
When n is composite
Ø(n) < (n-1)
Euclid’s Algorithm for calculating gcd
What is Multiplicative inverse?
Multiplicative inverse is nothing but the
reciprocal of the number.
How to calculate Multiplicative inverse?
Using Extended Euclid’s algorithm
Extended Euclid’s algorithm
d = gcd ( a,b) = ax + by
i/p : random pair of integer a,b
o/p : triplet (d,x,y) which satisfies the above eqn.
Extended Euclid’s algorithm
Multiplicative inverse using
extended Euclid’s algorithm
Multiplicative inverse is nothing but the
reciprocal of the number.
If 2 numbers a,n are relatively prime then
gcd ( a,n) = 1
 ax + ny = 1
 ax = 1(mod n)
 x = inv(a) mod n
a and n are the inputs and x, y, and gcd(a,n) are
the outputs for Extended Euclid’s algorithm
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Original form created by Chinese
mathematician Sun Tzu
 Relates to finding solutions to
simultaneous congruences
i.e. x  y (mod m)
x  y (mod s)
x  y (mod ms)
(m and s are relatively prime)
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Let n  n1n2  nk where each ni is
pairwise relatively coprime
 Let Z denote the set of all integers,
[a]n  {a  kn : k  Z }, a [b]n  a  b(mod n) ,
ex. [3]7  {..., 11,4,3,10,17...} ,
Z n  {[ a]n : 0  a  n  1}
 Consider the correspondence
a  (a1 , a2 ,, ak ) , where a  Z n , ai  Z n ,
and ai  a mod ni for i  1,2, , k
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Then, mapping a  (a1 , a2 ,, ak ) is a
one-to-one correspondence (bijection)
between Z n and the Cartesian product
Z n 1  Z n 2  Z n k
If a  (a1 , a2 ,, ak ) and b  (b1 , b2 ,, bk )
(a  b) mod n  (( a1  b1 ) mod n1 ,, (ak  bk mod nk ),
(a  b) mod n  (( a1  b1 ) mod n1 ,, (ak  bk mod nk ),
(ab) mod n  (( a1b1 ) mod n1 ,, (ak bk mod nk )
CRT Example
n   ni
i 1
x  a1 (mod n1 )
mi  n / ni
x  a2 (mod n2 )
ci  mi (mi mod ni )
 x  a(mod n1n2 )
a  (a1c1  a2c2    ak ck )(mod n)
x  2(mod 5)
x  3(mod 13)
x  2  26  3  40(mod 65)
x  52  120(mod 65)
x  172(mod 65)
x  42(mod 65)
n  n1n2  5 13  65
a1  2, n1  m2  5
a2  3, n2  m1  13
c1  13(2 mod 5)  26
c2  5(8 mod 13)  40
CRT Proof
Transforming between the two
representations is fairly straightforward
 Going from a  (a1 , a2 , , ak ) requires
only k divisions i.e. performing
ai  a mod ni for each ni
CRT Proof
Going from (a1 , a2 ,, ak )  a is
somewhat more complicated
 Begin by defining mi  n / ni for i  1,2, , k
and thus mi is the product of all n j ' s
other than ni : mi  n1n2 ni 1ni 1 nk
 Next define ci  mi (mi mod ni ) for
i  1,2, , k
CRT Proof
ci  mi (mi mod ni ) is always well defined
◦ Since mi and ni are relatively prime,
(ab) mod n  ((a1b1 ) mod n1 ,, (ak bk mod nk )
guarantees that i mod ni ) exists
Finally, a can be computed as a function of
a1 , a2 ,, ak as such:
a  (a1c1  a2c2    ak ck )(mod n)
This ensures that a  ai (mod ni ) for
i  1,2, , k
CRT Proof
If j  i then m j  0(mod ni ) , implying that
c j  m j  0(mod ni )
Also ci  1(mod ni ) from ci  mi (mi mod ni )
 Thus we have the correspondence
c  (0,0,,0,1,0,,0) , a vector with all
0’s except for in the i' th coordinate,
which has a 1
 Thus the ci form a sort of basis for the
CRT Proof
Therefore, for each i we have
a  ai ci (mod ni )
a  ai mi (mi mod ni )(mod ni )
a  ai (mod ni )
This produces a result a that satisfies the
constraints a  ai (mod ni ) for i  1,2,, k
 The correspondence is one-to-one, since
we can transform in both directions
CRT Corollary 1
If n1 , n2 ,, nk are pairwise relatively
prime and n  n1n2  nk , then for any
integers a1 , a2 ,, ak, the set of
simultaneous equations x  ai (mod ni ) for
i  1,2, , k has a unique solution
modulo n for some unknown x
CRT Corollary 2
If n1 , n2 ,, nk are pairwise relatively
prime and n  n1n2  nk, then for all
integers x and a ,
x  a(mod ni )
for i  1,2,, k if and only if
x  a (mod n)
 Therefore we can work modulo n by
working modulo n directly or by using
separate modulo ni computations
CRT Corollary 2 Proof
x  y (mod p )
x  y (mod q ), gcd( p, q)  1
 x  y (mod pq)
x  y (mod p )
x  y  kp
x  y  kp
p | ( x  y)
q | ( x  y)
pq | ( x  y )
x  y  1( pq )
x  y (mod pq )
RSA - Introduction
Named after its creators Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir, and Leonard Adleman from MIT
 Public-key cryptosystem
 Relies on dramatic difference between
ease of finding large prime numbers and
difficulty of factoring the products of large
RSA – Public-Key Cryptosystems
Each participant has a public and a secret
 In RSA, each key is a pair of integers
 For example, Alice’s and Bob’s keys can be
denoted PA , S A and PB , S B respectively
 Participants create their own keys,
keeping the secret key secret while the
public key can be published
RSA – Public-Key Cryptosystems
Encrypting a message with the recipient’s
public key will ensure that only the
recipient will be able to decode it, using
his/her secret key
 Additionally, a public-key cryptosystem
allows for the use of unforgeable digital
signatures, ensuring the integrity of the
message as well as the identity of the
RSA – Public-Key Cryptosystems
The public and secret keys are used as
functions that can be applied to messages
 Let D denote the set of allowable
messages, e.g. the set of finite-length bit
 We require that the public and secret
keys specify one-to-one functions from D
to itself.
RSA – Public-Key Cryptosystems
Alice’s public key function is denoted PA ()
and her private key as S A ()
 We assume that PA () and S A () are
efficiently computable given their
corresponding keys PA or S A
 A participant’s public and secret key
functions work as inverses of each other:
M  S A ( PA ( M ))
M  PA ( S A ( M ))
for any message M  D
RSA – Public-Key Cryptosystems
It is imperative that only Alice be able to
efficiently compute S A () in a practical
amount of time, as it ensures Alice’s
uniqueness and identity
 The difficulty is that PA () is the public
inverse to S A () , but the means to
compute S A () from PA () should be
impractical to determine
Non-Public-Key Cryptosystems
Public-Key Cryptosystems
RSA – Scenario 1
Bob wants to send a secret message M
to Alice
Bob obtains Alice’s public key PA either
directly from Alice or from a public
Bob computes the cyphertext C  PA (M )
and then sends C to Alice
Alice receives C and decrypts it with S A
to get the original message: M  S A (C)
RSA – Scenario 2
Alice wants to send a public digitally
signed message M ' to Bob
Alice computes her digital signature
for M ' using S A :   S A (M ' )
Alice sends the message/signature pair
( M ' ,  ) to Bob
Bob receives ( M ' ,  ) and uses the
equation M '  PA ( ) to verify that the
message and signature are from Alice
and have not been corrupted or forged
RSA – Scenario 3
Alice wants to send a secret digitally
signed message M ' ' to Bob
Alice computes her digital signature as
in Scenario 2 and appends it to M ' '
Alice then encrypts ( M ' ' ,  ) with PB :
C'  PB (M ' ' , ) and sends C ' to Bob
Bob receivesC ' and decrypts it: M ' '  S B (C' )
Bob then uses the equation M ' '  PA ( )
to perform the same verification as in
Scenario 2
RSA - Algorithm
Participants create their own public and
secret keys as follows
1. Randomly selects two large primes p
and q such that p  q
2. Compute n  pq
3. Select a small odd integer e relatively
prime to  (n) , which by
 (n)  n (1  1 / p) , equals ( p  1)( q  1)
4. Compute d as the multiplicative inverse
of e , modulo  (n)
RSA - Algorithm
Publish the pair P  (e, n) as the
participant’s public key
Keep the pair S  (d , n) private as the
participant’s secret key
RSA - Algorithm
For this scheme, the domain D is the set Z n
 Encrypting a message is performed as
with the equation P(M )  M e (mod n)
 Decrypting a message is performed using
the equation S (C )  C d (mod n)
 Signing a message is done by using the
equation S (M )  M d (mod n)
 Verifying a signature is done by using the
equation P( )   (mod n)
RSA Example
q  61, p  53
n  pq  61 53  3233
 (n)   (3233)  (61  1)(53  1)  3120
e  1, gcd( e, n)  1
e  17, gcd(17,3120)  1
de  1(mod  (n))
17d  1(mod 3120)
d  2753
Pk (n, e)  (3233,17), S k (n, d )  (3233,2753)
m  123
c  m e mod n  12317 mod 3233  855
d  m d mod n  8552753 mod 3233  123
RSA – Correctness Theorem
Theorem (Correctness of RSA):
P(M )  M (mod n)
S (C )  C (mod n)
define inverse transformations of Z n
satisfying equations M  S A (PA (M )) and
M  PA (S A (M ))
RSA - Proof
(mod n) and
 From
S (C )  C d (mod n) , we have that for any
M  Z n , P(S (M ))  S ( P(M ))  M ed (mod n)
 Since e and d are multiplicative inverses
modulo  (n)  ( p  1)( q  1) ,
ed  1  k ( p  1)( q  1) for some integer k
 Then if M ! 0(mod p) , we have
M ed  M ( M p 1 ) k ( q 1) (mod p )
M ed  M (1) k ( q 1) (mod p )
M ed  M (mod p )
RSA - Proof
 M (mod p) if M  0(mod p)
 Also,
Therefore, M ed  M (mod p) for all M and
similarly M ed  M (mod q) for all M
 Thus according to CRT M  M (mod n)
for all M
RSA - Decryption
Relies mainly upon the difficulty of
factoring large integers
 If an interceptor can factor the modulus n
in a public key, he can derive the secret
key using knowledge of p and q in the
same way as the keys’ creator used them
 The statement that if factoring large
integers is hard then breaking RSA is hard
is unproven, but 20 years of research has
found no easier method
Pollard’s Rho
Factoring large integers is currently
computationally infeasible
 Pollard’s rho is a useful tool for factoring
large integers however
 Pollard’s rho is a heuristic, not an
algorithm, meaning its running time and
success are not guaranteed
 Very effective in practice though
Pollard’s Rho
i= 1
x1= random(0,n-1)
y= x1
k= 2
while TRUE
do i= i+1
xi= (xi-12-1)mod n
d= gcd(y-xi,n)
if d!=1 and d!= n
then print d
if I == k
then y= xi
Pollard’s Rho
Pollard-Rho never prints an
incorrect answer
 Any number printed is a nontrivial
divisor of n
 However Pollard-Rho may not print
anything at all
 There is no guarantee that it will produce
a result
Pollard’s Rho
There is good reason to believe that it
will print a factor p of n after ( p )
iterations of the while loop
 If n is composite, we can expect PollardRho to factor n completely after about
n1/4 updates since every prime factor p of
n except perhaps the largest is less than n
Pollard’s Rho Example
x=x2+1 mod 8051
Cormen, Thomas H., et al. Introduction to
Algorithms. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT,
 Agrawal, Manindra, Neeraj Kayal, Nitin
Saxena. “PRIMES is in P.”Annals of
Mathematics 160 (2004):781-793.