Notes 3 student

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A.P. Ch. 3
Review Work
Atomic Mass
• Average of isotope masses based on their
• Ex. Carbon has atomic mass of 12.01 amu
12C has mass of 12.00 amu and 98.89%
13C has mass of 13.003 amu and 1.11%
(0.9889 x 12.00) + (0.0111 x 13.003) = 12.01 amu
(pure Carbon)
in Kimberlite
• Like a dozen represents a
certain number of an object, a
mole represents a certain
amount of particles
• A mole is equal to 6.02x1023 of
those things
• Ex. 1 mole of Carbon contains
6.02x1023 atoms
• 1 mole of H2O contains 6.02x1023
• All of the atomic masses on the
periodic table are equivalent to 1
mole of those elements in grams
Molar Mass
• The mass of one mole of any
• For compounds, add all of the
atomic masses of every
element together
Example: CH4
12.01 g/mol + 4(1.008 g/mol) = 16.04 g/mol
Percent Composition
• The % of each element in a compound
• Take total masses of each element, divide
by molar mass of compound, multiply by
Empirical/Molecular Formulas
• Molecular formula: shows how many of each
element are present in a compound
• Glucose is C6H12O6
• Empirical formula: shows smallest whole
number ratio
• Glucose is CH2O
Polio Virus
Determining Chemical Formulas
Empirical Formula:
Starting with % composition of each element
1. Change % to mass (10% of C is 10 grams C)
2. Convert each mass to moles using Per. Table
3. Divide each elements # of moles by smallest #
4. If you get whole numbers you are done, if not
multiply each by a factor to get whole numbers
74.8% C, 25.2% H = 74.8g C, 25.2g H =
6.23 mol C, 25.0 mol H
6.23/6.23 = 1 C, 25.0/6.23 = 4 H  CH4
Molecular Formula: Using emp. Form., molar mass
1. Take molar mass of emp. form
2. Divide molar mass by emp. form mass
3. Multiply Empirical formula coefficients by that
Mol. Form
Mol. Form Mass
Emp. Form
Emp. Form Mass
____90 g____
30? g
Chemical Equations
CH4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) 
CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g)
***Note: Remember back to Dalton’s 4th theory, that reactions are
simply the rearranging of atoms ***
And, according to the conservation of mass, the masses and
elements must be the same before and after
Balancing Equations: to ensure equal atomic quantities
1. Start with atoms appearing least # of times per side
2. Put coefficients in front of entire molecule to balance
3. If you have to use a half # to balance an atom, double the entire
equation at the end
Stoichiometric Conversions
Typically involve using a balanced chemical
equation to change from a reactant amount to
a product amount
Steps (Usually):
Convert any given amounts to moles
Determining limiting reactant (if any)
Use limiting reactant moles to convert to
moles of product using mole/mole ratio
Convert moles product to desired units
Limiting/Excess Reagents
• Limiting reagent: reactant that runs out first,
must use to determine how much product can
theoretically be made
• Excess reagent: left-over reactant
• Can determine which is which by comparing
given moles to stoichiometric ratios in equation
• Percent Yield: experimental mass x 100
theoretical mass
Using 2 H2 + O2  2 H2O how many grams of
H2O can be made with 5.00 grams of H2 and
32.0 grams of O2?