Transcript Greatest

Math Minutes
1) Put these numbers in order from Least to Greatest.
-10 6 -12 -6 19 1 -1 -100 0
2) Put these numbers in order from Least to Greatest.
-10 -10.5 6 6.3 -12 3 2.2 2.0
3) Put these numbers in order from Least to Greatest.
0 1.1 1.15 -3 -3.2 -3.4 .5 -3.25 -4
3-Minute Fluency Drill
1. You will turn this in. Head your paper “Fluency Drill
1.” Please make sure you put your name, date, and
class period.
2. Number your paper from 1-30 on the front AND 1-31
on the back.
3. After the bell rings, you will have 3 minutes to work as
many multiplication fact problems as you can.
4. When time is up, flip over your paper and begin
again. Do not look at side 1 as that is cheating yourself.
I will throw away your paper.
Math Minutes
Compare, Use <, >, or =.
1) -32 □ 32
2) 26 □ |-26|
3) -8 □ -12
4) Graph the numbers -2, 3, -4,
5, and -1 on a number line.
Then list the numbers in order
from least to greatest.
5) The temperature in
Bar Harbor, Maine,
was -3 F. During the
night, it dropped to be
four times as cold.
What was the
temperature then?
3-Minute Fluency Drill
1. You will turn this in. Head your paper “Fluency Drill
2.” Please make sure you put your name, date, and
class period.
2. Number your paper from 1-30 on the front AND 1-31
on the back.
3. After the bell rings, you will have 3 minutes to work as
many multiplication fact problems as you can.
4. When time is up, flip over your paper and begin
again. Do not look at side 1 as that is cheating yourself.
I will throw away your paper.
Math Minutes
State all
categories that
apply to each