Transcript Measurement

3.1 Measurements and Their
 Measurement
 Quantity that has both a
number and unit
 Example: Height = 67 inches
 The units typically used in
science are those of the
International System of
Measurements (SI)
 More to come…
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Scientific Notation
 A given number is written as the product of two
 A coefficient
 10 raised to a power
602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 6.02 x 1023
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Accuracy
 A measure of how close a
measurement comes to the actual
or true value of whatever is
 Closest to the bull’s eye
 Precision
 A measure of how close a series
of measurements are to one
 All darts in same area but not
near bull’s eye
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Accepted Value
 The correct value based on reliable references
 Experimental Value
 The value measured in the lab
 Error
 The difference between the experimental value and the
accepted value
 Error = Experimental Value – Accepted Value
 Error can be positive or negative
 Example: The boiling point of water is 100.0°C and was
measured in the lab at 99.1°C
 What is the Error?
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Percent Error
 Also known as relative error
 The absolute value of the error divided by the accepted
 Percent Error = ___/error/___ x 100%
accepted value
 Because of the absolute value, Percent Error will always
be positive
 Example: The boiling point of water is 100.0°C and
was measured in the lab at 99.1°C
 What is the Percent Error?
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Significant Figures
 Rule 1:
 Every nonzero digit is significant
 Example: 24.7 has 3 significant figures
2.47 x 101 has 3 digits in the coefficient
 Rule 2:
 Zeroes between nonzero digits are significant
 Example: 7003 has 4 significant figures
7.003 x 103 has 4 digits in the coefficient
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Significant Figures
 Rule 3:
 Leftmost zeroes in front on nonzero digits are not
significant; they act as placeholders
Example: 0.0071 has 2 significant figures
7.1 x 10-3 has 2 digits in the coefficient
 Rule 4:
 Zeroes at the end of a number and to the right of a
decimal point are significant
Example: 43.00 has 4 significant figures
Think about measuring and sensitivity
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Significant Figures
 Rule 5:
Zeroes at the rightmost end that lie to the left of an understood
decimal point are not significant
Example: 300 has 1 significant figure
Should be written as 3 x 102 to show this
 Rule 6:
There are 2 situations in which numbers have an unlimited
number of significant figures
When counting
Example: There are 28 students in this classroom
When writing conversions
Example: 60 min = 1 hr
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Significant Figures in
 All of the digits that are
known, plus a last digit
that is estimated
 Figure 3.5 (p. 67)
 Tenths place,
hundredths place,
thousandths place
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Significant Figures in Calculations
 A calculated answer cannot be more precise than the
least precise measurement from which it was calculated
 Rounding
 Decide on the number of significant figures and round to
that many digits, rounding to the left
If digit to the right is less than 5, drop it!
If digit is 5 or more, value of last digit is increased by 1
314.721 meters (four)
0.001755 meter (two)
8792 meters (two)
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Addition and Subtraction
 Round to the same number of decimal places as the
measurement with the least number of decimal places
 12.52 m + 349.0 m + 8.24 m = 369.76 m
Rounded to correct number of sig figs = ?
 Multiplication and Division
 Round to the same number of significant figures as the
measurement with the least number of significant
 7.55 m X 0.34 m = 2.567 m2
Rounded to correct number of sig figs = ?
3.1 Measurements and Their
 Now is your chance to practice!
 Work on it individually.
 Let’s grade it now!
3.2 The International System of Units
 The International System of Units
 Abbreviated SI
 Metric system in multiples of 10
 7 base units
Amount of substance
Luminous intensity
Electric current
SI Base Unit
3.2 The International System of Units
 The International System of Units
 Abbreviated SI
 Metric system in multiples of 10
 7 base units
 Use mainly
the first 5
SI Base Unit
Amount of substance
Luminous intensity
Electric current
3.2 The International System of Units
 Units of Length
 Standard is the meter, abbreviated m
 If small, may use the centimeter (cm)
or the millimeter (mm)
 100cm = 1m
 1000mm = 1m
 If large, may use the kilometer (km)
 1000m = 1km
3.2 The International System of Units
 Units of Mass
 Remember the standard of mass – the kilogram!
 Abbreviate kg
 Can also use the gram (g), milligram (mg), or
microgram (μg)
 1000g = 1kg
 1000mg = 1g
 1000000μg = 1g
3.2 The International System of Units
 Units of Temperature
 Celsius scale
 Freezing point of water = 0°C
 Boiling point of water = 100°C
 Kelvin scale
 Freezing point of water = 273K
 Boiling point of water = 373K
 Conversion
 K = °C + 273
 What is the Kelvin temperature for 35°C?
 What is the Celsius temperature for 313K?
3.2 The International System of Units
 Units of Time
 Measured in seconds (s), minutes (min),
and hours (hr)
 No different from what we use!
 Conversion
 60s = 1min
 60min = 1hr
3.2 The International System of Units
 Amount of a Substance
 The mole
 Will be discussed later…
 What about others?
 What do you think we may be missing?
3.2 The International System of Units
 Units of Volume
 Two main types:
 If a liquid, usually measured in the
liter (L)
May also use milliliter (mL) for small
1000mL = 1L
 If a solid, can multiply
length x width x height (in cm)
This will give us the volume in cubic
centimeters (cm3)
3.2 The International System of Units
 Units of Energy
 The joule (J)
 Named after English physicist James Prescott Joule
 The calorie (cal)
 Quantity of heat that raises the temperature of 1g of pure
water by 1°C
 Look at packaging for European products
 Conversion
 1J = 0.2390 cal
 1cal = 4.184J
3.2 The International System of Units
 Metric prefixes
mega (M)
1 million times larger
kilo (k)
1000 times larger
deci (d)
10 times smaller
centi (c)
100 times smaller
milli (m)
1000 times smaller
micro (μ)
1 million times smaller
nano (n)
1000 million times smaller
pico (p)
1 trillion times smaller
3.3 Conversion Problems
 Conversion Factor
 A ratio of equivalent measurements
 1m = 100cm = 1
 The numerator (top) is equal to the denominator
 Like making change! 4 quarters is one dollar.
3.3 Conversion Problems
 Dimensional Analysis
 A way to analyze and solve problems using the units, or
dimensions, of the measurements
 Example: How many seconds are in a workday?
 8h x 60 min x 60 s = 28,800 s
1 min
 Now you try!
 How many minutes are in one week?
 How many seconds are in a 40-hour
work week?
3.3 Conversion Problems
 Converting Between Units
 Example: Express 750dg in grams
 750dg x 1g = 75g
 Now you try!
 Express 0.044km in meters
 Express 0.073cm in micrometers
3.3 Conversion Problems
 Converting Complex Units
 Many common measurements are in a ratio of two units
 Speed in miles per hour (m/h)
 Light speed is 3.00 x 1010 cm/s. What is the speed of
light in kilometers per hour?
3.00 x 1010 cm x 1m
x 1km x 60s x 60min = ?
100cm 1000m 1min 1h
3.4 Density
 Which is heavier: a pound of lead or a pound of
3.4 Density
 They are the same!
 Why do we think the lead is instinctively?
 Density
 Density is an intensive property (depends on the type of
3.4 Density
 What about a helium balloon?
 It floats because it is less dense than air.
 What about hot air balloons?
 Density greatly decreases as temperature
3.4 Density
 Density = m
 Units are in the form of g/cm3
 Lets practice
 A copper penny has a mass of 3.1g and a volume of
0.35 cm3. What is the density of copper?
 Density = mass__ = 3.1 g__ = 8.9g/cm3
volume 0.35 cm3
 This is rounded to 2 sig figs
3.4 Density
 Lets try and solve for mass using the density
 What is the volume of a pure silver coin that has a mass
of 14 g and density of 10.5 g/cm3?
 Now, lets see it in action in the lab!